Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

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Have fun outside, dear!


So, for Nelves, if you’re ok with DHs, you should be ok with Warlocks. No biggie.

I was thinking a while back about some “Inquisitor” concept, which is a lightforged or draenei using the light to force demons into servitude. Kinda like the Maiden in Tomb of Sargeras.

About Mag’har… ahem… all orcs who became warlocks were mag’har at some point, so… shrug. As long as you’re not drinking blood from demon you’ve never met, you’re probably safe and won’t turn into a turnip.

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You won’t need to drink the blood to go green. But it’d take years for the brown to turn green from fel exposure.

Youre doing what you feel is right for you! That’s all you can do!
I’m of the mentality too that not every member of each race will be cookie cutter copies of each other; there would be various members who decide to approach Azeroth’s issues with out of the box thinking and skills. I’m so thrilled that all races will get to be Warlocks. I have been hoping for this for years and years and finally!


Wish you the best OP… good luck.



Why not just go play classic like the rest of the whiners?

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I don’t really think these are comparable. Demon Hunters use fel to hunt demons. Warlocks use fel selfishly to meet their own goals.

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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Oh, and see you in Patch 10.1.5!!!


No lol, hardly anyone will be doing this but you do you! Bye bye.

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One less roleplayer in the game, big w.


Someone rage quitting because a class got extended to a race they don’t think should have been. I’ve seen it all now folks. Out of all the BS crud this game has right now and this is what you’re quitting over? Lord please help these children.


I will not be quitting, but I’ve made my opinion on this garbage perfectly clear.

Not only does this fly in the face of what these individual races believe in, it also ignores the serious genetic changes that would occur if they chose to go down that path. This decision was clearly made with no consultation with the lore team, or with anyone that actually cares about the lore for World of Warcraft.


Restricting player options based on lore is silly. The game story can (and often has been) changed to suit new circumstances. Initially there were no mages other than High Elves, but the devs didn’t say oh, we can’t let any other race be a mage because there is no lore precedent for it.

The good thing about an evolving storyline is that it can…evolve. If my Lightforged Draenei decides to study the ways of Fel magic and become a Warlock, then he should be able to do that.

You watch, my day of making a Gnome Druid will come. And I’ll chuck my credit card at Blizzard when that happens.


I believe the op is talking about the light forged draenei. Which fel and light don’t mix at all. The light forged are infused with the holy light. It doesn’t make sense. I can’t wait to make one lol.

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so was op vocal about the tbc class idea
dwarven shaman-blood elf paladins?
for one i am glad this is happening makes players choice more better then hey this race can not be this class sorry pick the one you dont like

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It’s not, it adds flavour to the game and a uniqueness that is reflected throughout the game world. Stripping that away for the sake of ‘letting people play what they want’ makes the world far more bland and uninteresting.

There’s no more uniqueness among races other than the visual, and that’s just sad.

And then they should immediately turn into a Broken, because that’s exactly what happens to any Draenei exposed to fel magic.