Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

Infused with Fel by Sargeras and turned evil because of it.

It’s not a grey area. Draenei (being Eredar) would become evil and no longer be PCs if they were Warlocks.

Ok, so please explain where Warlocks are about the Fel?

Yes, as the villains that destroyed the Draenei home world… Twice.

They’re literally the Burning Legion.

All of you’ll arguing about this when the real issue is going to be that all these warlocks are STILL NOT GOING TO SET UP THE CLOSET

:dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Is this post meant to confuse people because I have NO idea what this means?

Wow, you’re REALLY angry about this. Enough to make assumptions.

You know what they say about assumptions, right?

There’s no evidence supporting that, actually. It very much is a societal thing with these cultures either having no exposure to what they consider as going against their core beliefs, or exposure to the degree the Draenei had where it was them and the Light versus corrupted Draenei and it became a survival instinct to abhor such powers. They did not actually turn into Warlocks to begin with, that’s not what corrupted the initial people and leaders, but I guess you’re a little confused on that point.

It cost 300g for me to set up the summon stone, and another 300g just for the summon.

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This is why Warlocks were relegated to door service in a couple of WoW expansions. :smiling_imp:

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Pretty soon, the Warlocks will be nothing more but the bag carriers.

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Honestly, at this point I’m just done trying to maintain any sort of framework of logic or lore for the races and classes. Just go ahead and let any class and race go.

Afterall the Dev’s don’t give a damn so why the hell should I?

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I’m going to sub twice now to cancel ur canceled sub out


Why anyone is against this as it is, is beyond me honestly since that’s what’s gonna happen anyway, minus maybe Evokers and I don’t know if Blizzard will let them be every race.

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Honestly, I hope Blizzard doesn’t leave the Dracthyr out, and I hope the other races can become Evokers. If Evokers visage form can look like any other race, then we need this.


Nah screw it, Let everyone be everything.

Gnome demonhunters, forsaken druids, Lightforged warlocks, void elf shamans, orc evokers… just go balls out and let everyone be everything. I’ll let this whole stupid thing roll over me like a Michael bay film.

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I agree with you, I just don’t know if they’d actually do that or not which is why I said minus maybe Evokers, I wouldn’t be against it if they give Evoker to every race though as well as more visage forms for people that want it while still playing Dracthyr.


i renewed my sub cause the warlock nonsense. see how that works out.


Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. But it is quite exciting to see the new direction Blizzard is going in regards to the class/race restrictions.

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If they make all races be Evokers then I’m gonno make a Panda Earthbender called Tophfurr


Hey, that was my idea.

Now I need to think of a new idea.


Calling it now, bagged Soul Shards return in 11.0.

God, the outrage would be glorious.