Cancel culture

Yes, and in early 70s 80s America a good way to get rid of people was telling the copsthat your neighboor was a communist

It’s funny how that worked

but commies are bad, that makes it okay~

Not if your neightboor isn’t a real communist.

that wasn’t real communism

Old School Cancel Culture was being excommunicated from the Religion for not toeing the line.
New School Cancel Culture is being excommunicated from the Religion for not toeing the line.

Only difference is it went from a diety based religion on the right to a non-diety based religion on the left. Both authoritarian and trying to keep everyone under their thumbs


Often times, people are cancelled as a consequence of their actions because of society doesn’t hold them accountable, who will?

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“Cancel culture” = alt-right buzz term used to cover up bad behavior by gaslighting us that they are somehow secretly the “good guy” for doing awful things.

the thread OP got hidden flagged by the cancel culture people :confused:

turned into guilty until proven innocent, just like the salem witch trails in america back then, just wait till the only thing to save you is “if you don’t burn alive from the fire, you are a witch, if you do you are innocent and will be saved in heaven”


yet the country and world protests is claiming they against racism, meanwhile they expelling their racist actions upon other innocents before they are even proven guilty.

That isn’t the ‘‘cancel culture’’ I don’t think.

we can solve both if the country is allowed to implant cameras in everyones eyes at birth and record their whole lives and if accused, play the individuals whole life video in front of the world to find out al lthe things they guilty or innocent of.

Hopefully one day it will happen to me because those morons are in for the biggest surprises of their lives. :heard_and_mc_donald_islands:

Just work for yourself and you can do and say whatever stupid crap you want on the internet.

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It’s not the cream that rises in politics, but the crap.


Court of Public Opinion doesn’t go by Court of Law rules

And they tend to left those with whom they agree get away with it.
Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

If we’re being honest? A bit of both.

Maybe so, but wrongful termination is a thing too; and I for one am sick of the entitled mentality of “You disagreed, therefore I will carry out a campaign to get you fired; and also to browbeat you into compliance!” I am quite sure Blizzard is tired of these sort of attacks as well.

It seems like every week we have a thread saying “Fire X person”. Maybe it’s time businesses and workers had the ability to say what most of these social rejects should of heard a lot more growing up. That being a very simple and very beautiful 2 letter word.
