Cancel culture

No it isn’t. At all my friend. Delegates shouldn’t decide candidacies over popular vote for one. And Gerrymandering needs to cease to exist for any kind of fairness to ever be considered. The system is all but fine.
Oil lobbyists shouldn’t later be appointed to manage EPA regulations… That is literally conflict of interest. But this is not part of the thread so I’ll wrap it up.

We have been living in two countries within the same country for the past 30-40 years. Current events are just a reflection of it and finally coming to light. It’s been boiling for a long time.

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It’s not fine for you because the things you want moved forward isnt. So now we need to tear it down cause you want only your issues to be implemented.


I want people’s votes to be counted. Regardless of belief. I don’t want your vote to not matter because you live in the wrong county/district .

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That’s what proven means tons of physical evidence …

What ppl call crystal clear this days isnt… to many ppl are saying who cares about the evidence this person cried “abuse” “rape” etc so it must be true… with this believe all bs…

No you should only believe physical evidence period to many ppl like to weaponize certain cards and use it to destroy others permanently without a shred of evidence…

once someone opens the bag with a lie it doesnt matter if real evidences proves them innocent they are destroyed permanently and the liers get away with it …

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To me in the situation with methodjosh and the higher ups that knew about it, yeah that’s repercussions honestly. As for the rest of it though, that to me is cancel culture mentality seeing as some of these people could be 100% innocent with proof. Yet thanks to the menaitly people have, just associating with them means their just as evil and need to be cancelled for no reason as well. It really sad to see method going down so rapidly like it is, its really sad that its gotten to the point where you have only a few days to stop associating with them before the lynch mob comes after your lively hood.

To me cancel culture started out as a good idea, similar to PETA, that slowly but surely became derailed from its original intent. With it being turned into a lynch mob mentality that clings on to any and every insignificant detail someone may of done when an organization like this has the scandal that they do. With them condemning anyone and everyone that dares mention or continue to associate with them.

This is why I hate cancel culture, its a double standard to where their trying to gain justice for people. Yet they rope in innocent people through trivial things and start a whole lynch mob online about it and destroy peoples lives. Just because they don’t like them and their associated with the organization giving them an easy excuse to cancel them.


If preach or tali was suddenly accused of sexual assault I would be very critical of any allegation because it would seem out of character, not impossible but would feel pretty weird.

When people who see women as objects, avoid “political” topics or are outright hateful incels like josh, then yeah, they definitely have done it, there’s a tiny chance they didnt but that is not enough to absolve them so I know the allegations are TRUE and he is GUILTY.

Well “innocent until proven guilty” is supposed to protect the accused from being unfairly convicted by a biased court.

In other words, the court is supposed to go into a trial without personal biases against the accused and let the evidence and witnesses to help determine whether or not the defendant is guilty or innocent. IIRC at least, anyway.

“Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t necessarily protect your reputation, though. If your reputation tanks for some reason or another, you’re going to have to work hard to rebuild it somehow, and be very careful about what you say and do.

Being able to rebuild your reputation also depends on what you did to tarnish it in the first place and if there’s anything you can actually do to make amends.

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Free swifty!!!

No you dont … your assuming because you hate traits about him… so you assume he is 100% bad…

Hell I’m trans and I try to avoid politics because it always gets me angry knowing that fact I stay away from em to avoid trouble… does that make me bad because honestly it doesn’t.

And the guy have you meet him irl because if not you have no idea if he treats anyone like objects unless you have ppl have personas on channels and the internet lol doesnt mean it’s his real character


You know how in every movie ever, when one of the minions / peons says something out of line and the bad guy erupts and goes “WHO SAID THAT!?” and all the other minions / peons step away from the guilty one and he is standing in the empty ring, usually smiling nervously and waving?

It is basically that.

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Free Jenna Marbles!!!

Being an outright sexist incel, homophobe, racist which are things that arent even subtle based on what he was saying when eh was streaming is quite cute and dry.

But I know a certain political group tries to pretend those things arent bad or if they are bad they are just memes and jokes or if they are not memes and jokes it was out of context and the defenses keep going.

Thankfully I am not murican so trash behavior is not considered a political discussion for many developed countries, you act terrible, you deserve to suffer consequences, end.

Sorry you arent the first trans person that i ve seen support ideologies that are against their existence.

Definitely? Just because you feel its likely?

but its still a chance.

No, you dont. At least not yet.

I’m not trying to defend Josh here, I’m just saying that we cannot be so quick to pass an absolute judgement on people. There is a process in place for a reason.


In comparison to that, sure! I was quite literally referring to the last few years, compared to the 10 or so years prior at least.

Oh i know, I made a meme earlier

You: the virgin evidence seeker: “I demond video evudence or itts nut TRUUU!!”

Me: The chad evidence seeker: “It is quite clear based on the above behaviors, beliefs and accusations he is GUILTY!!”

Quality rebuttal…


Lol I enjoy south park does that mean I support any of the things it says … hell no it doesnt

I support the truth and facts not emotional fits over words lol… online…

Idc about dudes either if Real evidence says his guilty then I’ll believe it…

But no evidence I dont believe a word anyone says so unless you got let’s see most cases require 12 pieces of good evidence so 12 things evidence I wont believe a thing said lol…

But like I said I only support the truth … and evidence…

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Haven’t read anything about this… but are the claims substantiated or unsubstantiated… Because the norm is the latter to be true in a lot of cases.

Ultimately cancel culture is just part of a bigger thing, but a lot of people aren’t bright enough to use their brain and consider the bigger picture.

If you think about it, this didn’t start with cancel-culture. Think this through. You don’t like how society is, as you feel everyone is out to get you, well then the most logical thing to do is to try and gain control, as what you can control can’t hurt you.

So what you do is first you demoralize people, make them feel their culture is bad, has committed many crimes while ignoring all the good things about their culture. That’s been happening for a while in schools, pointing out the bad stuff like the racism, sexism and so on-which btw is often true, not saying it isn’t but in this case that’s irrelevant, the truth actually doesn’t matter at all but if it’s convenient to use, you use it.

You see from Stage 1 of the attack you can now move into Stage 2, where you have the people demoralized to the point of hating their own culture where you have the political correctness and so on where you can shame people for not toeing the line to the letter, but what you do is you make sure you slowly move the goalpost to the point where anyone says anything that can be considered the slight bit offensive is now an easy target. Even feminists like J.K Rowling might help you on their way, but when they start to say things that could be considered transphobic, no problem, you’ve now created a culture where anything that could be considered offensive to anyone which means you can shut just about everyone up.

So what you then do is wait for Stage 3, the crisis stage when something big and terrible happens in the world (this takes Palpatine levels of patience) and now not only do you have the majority of the population isolated from each other socially and/or crippled economically, and then you can just come in be the hero, and you know…quietly take over. Bring in the military in the name of protecting people from each other, as by this point everyone sees every other person as a potential threat you see. Then you’re at the final stage, where things that were considered normal before like white pieces moving first on the chess board have now been thrown into question, and as this insanity takes over the population, you are now the one in control of the world.

And you did it all purely by manipulation without a single shot being fired.

Think about it.


I read it was estimated to be between 2% and 10% depending on definition of false reports. Some reports count unfounded with false reports making it difficult to get exact numbers. The fact you went right to 2% and ignored the 10% is telling though.