"Cancel Culture" is not real. Its literally just the free market working like its supposed too

Guess u have yet to prove you claim, btw thats still solely going after an ideology not going after some one for the N word

btw people pushing ideologies into work places and got banned from it is the reason why the blacklist was a thing

Alger Hiss, Klaus Fuchs, David Greenglass, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; the list goes on. What do they have in common? They were Communist spies during the “cold war”. What else do they have in common? None of them was ever blacklisted. The Hollywood blacklisting, what is today called cancel culture, had nothing to do with espionage and the actual espionage during the cold war had nothing to do with the blacklisting. Joe McCarthy and his hit squad liked to imply connections but he was just a political hack.

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People pushing ideologies into work places and getting banned because of it is the reason why cancel culture is a thing.


And not every spy is found out in time thats why they are spys they are made for spying

“had nothing to do with espionage and the actual espionage during the cold war”
yes it did unless you can prove otherwise it was for that

“Joe McCarthy and his hit squad liked to imply connections but he was just a political hack.”
you have to imply to find out idc what he was to you he was going after spys that was a real problem guess you had to live during the time to realize the problems of spys, *you know like the one from china that was in the pants of an official b/c we let our guard down

“People pushing ideologies into work places and getting banned because of it is the reason why cancel culture is a thing.”
no its not cancel culture is a thing b/c sjws threaten employers and doxx others if they dont follow what they say to do

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I agree with Queldore, Cancel culture definitely is a thing. When you purposely go out and find companies that disagree with you on ideology alone, that is cancel culture. Now if they provide bad service, are rude etc, and people speak out about their bad service, food, product etc. THAT is the free market working like it’s supposed to.

What you’re attempting to do is normalize doxxing people, companies etc because their ideology doesn’t happen to line up with yours. And that is absolutely wrong. If you think it’s ok to cancel companies due to ideology, I would suggest you go and read the history of how Jews lost everything in 1930’s Germany.


Therefore, it seems that the stupid Fredric Wertham was ahead of its time since the comic was in its infancy, and although it always focused on a youth and adult audience, children can never hide it as it was with action figures, and animated RAMBO, Terminator, and ROBOCOP series in the 80’s and 90’s, and more prefer to see the original Deadpool than the “once was Deadpool” in our time.

Before by the superheroes before living in a Greek tragedy like the Gods of Olympus it was a development of the character evolution and how he gained part of the experience taught in each conflict between good and evil depending on the hero of the comic, that was what That was not surprising and fascinated us, something that this stupid man in the golden age of comic was useless to censor a comic that still did not have what he said.

NOW. Thanks to political agendas, pro-gandas, forced inclusion, non-sexualization in some women (more than men), and the politically correct one has caused that not only the aesthetics of the comics are lost, but Fredric Wertham and Seduction of the innocent becomes a reality because like NINTENDO, Disney thinks more about children than an adult audience more focused on the whole public and with responsibility …

“Cancel Culture” is just companies changing with the times. You know, serving their new market.

Conservatives are just mad about it because it’s proof that they’re a dying breed and growing more irrelevant by the day.


Who has been canceled?

This might be the most ignorant statement I think I’ve seen in a while.


As someone who has researched McCarthyism, a lot of people were just brought to panel because the HUAC didn’t like it.

Oh, and Martin Dies, the head of HUAC had Klan connections so take from that what you will

In the 1930s a representative from a rural district in Texas would almost have to have Klan backing.

Always a lot of interesting and unsavory people involved in politics.

I assume you’re familiar with the career of Roy Cohn esquire, and his connections to more recent events.

Yeah, I think I’m familiar.

just the latest John Cena is facing repercussions for recognizeing Taiwan as a country but don’t worry he is on a massive apology tour

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yep and just for that I am not going bother seeing F9, its going to flop anyway.


Oh, so thats what was going on, i only heard he was in some drama with China


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Seriously, what the heck is going on with everyone pandering to China? Them being one of the greatest abusers of human rights and Hollywood, Democrats (leadership mainly), NBA, MLB etc are all apologizing to them for comments made.

If anything makes me want to not vote democrat it’s their constant apology to China. Their suppression of free speech does not mean that we follow their laws. And at some point, those on the left need to grow some male reproductive organs and stop apologizing for their bad behavior.


Quote one Democrat “apologizing” to China. Just one.

Ok, so apologizing was probably the wrong word, more like, excusing them from any culpability.

While I pretty much agree with you, the phrase “follow the money” does come to mind, at least as far as entertainment industries are concerned.