"Cancel Culture" is not real. Its literally just the free market working like its supposed too

I’m not a sports fan, it’s my impression that Kaepernick would have made more money if Trump hadn’t violated his oath to support and defend constitutional rights, but what Kaepernick has made in endorsements is still in the millions. So, like any of the elite classes in our society, his situation has nothing to do with the reality I live in.

A university president locally recently resigned. He’d been making $1.3 million base salary plus a guaranteed bonus that brought it up to $1.5 million/year, plus full medical and dental among other perks. He also got $1.3 million cash severance. I care about people in these strata and what happens to them about as much as I care about the fictional characters in this game, they have nothing to do with me. Sure, they’re people and I don’t wish anybody harm, but when somebody who has more than they could ever need is embarrassed and reduced to a lesser amount that’s still more than they, or anybody, could ever need, who cares?

thinking about the history of this game if leeroy happened today the guy would be ruined and labeled all kinds of things


Cancel culture and mob rule. This is new America, what a embarrassment.

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20 to 60 million people dead under the rule of Joseph Stalin might want to argue with you on that.


Which is worse - Donald Trump stating his personal opinion on what Colin Kapernick did, or Joe Biden publicly declaring a defendant in a criminal trial guilty before the jury had reached a verdict?

You are essentially advocating communism when you say that folks such as this university president should have his salary reduced just because you think he already has enough. That’s the core of what communism is all about. Now that’s your right. And I am not defending every detail about capitalism as a system, it is imperfect. But communism has been proven a failure over and over again, but people who clearly have learned nothing from history continue to push it anyway. Me, I’ll take flawed capitalism over utter failure communism every time.

I have never said that he should have his salary reduced, I said I don’t care weather he is forced into retirement or not. I wouldn’t care if his employer raised, lowered, froze his salary or in any way otherwise adjusted his compensation or terms of employment. The relations between an employer and their employees is of no concern to me, the government, or any other third party unless or until an abuse rises to the level that it affects society as a whole. (child labor, slavery, poverty) In the case of wealthy people dealing with situations that only impact them, and allow them to remain wealthy, I truly do not care, it may as well be fiction, it has no impact on me or anyone I know or likely will ever know.

RE: Which is worse - Joe Biden stating his personal opinion on what Derek Chauvin did, or Donald Trump publicly demanding punishment for those exercising rights he has sworn to uphold and defend? I actually don’t see any connection between the two, do you think one of these somehow justifies the other?

As far as my opinion on the two, Maxine Waters is the one who made the stupidest statement, before the jury was sequestered. She isn’t a lawyer, but is a member of congress and, as such, has taken an oath to uphold and defend the constitution, as has Trump, and as I have also done repeatedly. She violated her oath, Trump violated his oath, Biden said something stupid that, considering that the jury was sequestered, had no effect on the trial, so I don’t think he violated his oath of office.

I’m well aware that caring about oaths you’ve sworn is considered “quant” by neo-cons and leftists alike, but it still has meaning to me.

I’ll take democracy under any economic system over dictatorship, theocracy, or oligarchy.

Neither Laissez-faire Capitalism nor Communism has ever worked anywhere. All successful (I define success as the quality of life of the whole population) economic systems are a balance between Capitalism and Socialism.

Democracy, in pure form, is two wolves and a sheep voting over what’s for dinner.

The US has never been and never will be a pure democracy. Thank God. We are a Republic.

And capitalism has a long long history of success. The USA, given the length of time it’s existed, is by far the most successful nation in human history. It hasn’t been perfect and it’s been a bumpy ride, but overall the US has done more to advance human liberty and freedom worldwide than any other nation ever has. I truly pity you if you can’t see that. Now yes, not all the population has an equal quality of life. That is 100% impossible no matter what system of government you have. If that’s your metric you’ll never be satisfied.

Nice dodge to the question about whether Biden’s comment or Trump’s worse. Typically for a leftist you completely fail to answer. But I do agree that Maxine Waters is a loathsome excuse for a politician and her constituents should be ashamed.

Good lord, why is this thread still going on? I thought no politics allowed in this forum?

As is typical of the internet, especially after the WWW spoiled it, you have no idea who you’re talking to, but feel it is important to define them as some stereotype you can attack using strawman memes. I was serving my government in West Berlin when that stupid wall was still up; I know who and what STASI was first hand. My father was a special agent counterintelligence while I was growing up, he performed covert operations across the iron curtain and barely escaped when he was exposed while operating in Czechoslovakia. My brother served in the US Army for 16 years including deployments in Vietnam, then as a team leader in Stratcom and eventually left service with a 90% disability including a diagnosis of PTSD. After I left the service, I was employed in direct support of the spy satellite programs (Hexagon and Gambit among others) for sixteen years. What the hell have you done other than posting MAGA garbage in support of a draft dodging ignorant bigot who got everything he has because his grandfather worked for it before he came to America.

I doubt you would call me a Communist to my face, most extremists on the left and right are cowards in real life, but I do believe you’re a big man in your mind because you can do memes on-line. If I’m mischaracterizing you let me know.

Actually, a perfect example of a politician. Loathsome yes, but worse examples can be found on both sides of the isle without much trouble.


Thank you for your service. However it in no way invalidates my point. But of course you immediately have to fall back on tired old Trump-bashing. News flash, he’s out of office. Talk about using strawman arguments. Total hypocrisy on your part. Ah well.

Having served your country does not grant you immunity from criticism. Nor does it mean that you are 100% right all the time. And if you stood in front of me and said the things you’ve said to my face, yes, I would say that you were espousing communism because I am not a coward.

And just for the record, I never called you a communist, to your face or otherwise. I said you were espousing communism which is not the same thing. I am not trying to belittle you, I am pointing out the issue I have with your argument.

Trial was tainted from the start. I don’t agree with verged it was Mob rule not justice. Junior knew what will happen if Chauvin was found not guilty, the city would burn again and BLM mob would go after them threating to kill them. Joe Biden is only making things worse by telling America is a racist country. More police officers are going to quit and more black Americans are going get killed either from drugs or other black Americans. I am telling you, I believe Democrat are going lose control of congress next mid term election and possibly the white house come 2024.

She and Al Sharpen are nothing but race baiters, they want conflict between black and white Americans to continue while laugh all the way to the bank. I do agree that jury should been sequestered again, the trial was tainted from the start.

The fact that large cities across the country were activating Emergency Response centers and getting ready for violence after the verdict was read, in case it had gone other than it did, tells you everything you need to know about the status of “justice” in this country.

I don’t get why blizzard is allowing political threads. I thought that:

No Politics or Religion

Is the most important rule in the WoW forums. At least the previous formats of the forums forbade those topics.

Nor should it, the point was that I know exactly what a Communist state is, having seen one firsthand. I don’t need lessons about it and certainly haven’t ever espoused it as a viable system.

I am truly tired of a discourse where everybody has to be a troll and either call the other a white supremacist, raciest, fascist, communist, terrorist or some such peace of hyperbolic exaggeration as if that were an actual argument.

So directly responding to your remarks. If you don’t want an answer don’t ask.

It’s a gratuitous insult and totally inaccurate no matter how you spin it.

Do you honestly believe that stating that I don’t care about the relations between wealthy celebrities and executives and their employers, an actual example of capitalism at work, means that I am “advocating communism”?

That is what you said and I have given you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you weren’t simply being a troll. But the only other explanations are that you’re an idiot or that you’re deliberately insulting me for saying something you didn’t happen to agree with.

So I took it as an insult.

You are right. The fact that a murderer was caught in the act of murder on video killing a person over 9 minutes, and most people doubted he would actually be held accountable really DOES show the state of “justice” in this county.


no, he died from drug overdose. Jury was afraid that BLM would burn their city to ground again. BLM is terrorist group and they must be held accountble.


100% completely and demonstrably false.

But i dont expect you to care about facts or reality.

" The Hennepin County medical examiner’s office ruled Floyd’s death was a homicide caused by “cardiopulmonary arrest” complicated by “restraint, and neck compression” while he was being subdued by police."

usatoday. com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/21/fact-check-george-floyd-autopsy-ruled-his-death-homicide/7317557002/

Dr. Baker even specifically said that drugs and his heart condition were not responsible. Those are the facts that you refuse to accept.

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I was reading an article and thought of this thread. Might be a curiosity for those interested in history.


I just don’t see it, George shallow ton fentanyl, then he started to complain that he couldn’t breath. But then again, I really care less about George Floyd, BLM made that decision for me when they burned Minneapolis to the ground. they might get their wish police force are quitting and crime is all time high. I personally glad I don’t live in a city.

It doesn’t matter if YOU see it. The doctors did physically see it and reported that he was suffocated, and did not OD on drugs. Stop putting your feelings first, that are based on absolutely nothing, and stick to the facts.

I know people in Minneapolis and they are reporting that it is, in fact, not burned down. But again, you show your inability to stick to simple basic facts.