Canadian election largely unchanged

It actually has. If you worked in healthcare you’d know. People were sicker than a dog in November/December 2019. All tests came back negative. Doctors could never figure out what it was, just called it a respiratory virus. So I guess technically a year and 10-11 months…

They wouldn’t be covid rooms then because the virus had no name. And that was never your original argument. You were talking about animal to human transmission, which the cdc debunked. Human to human is a different formula entirely.

But us healthcare workers dealt with covid since then. First covid case was officially confirmed January 21, 2020. It is very possible it was here well before then.

Provide. Proof.

Remember this one? Lots of respiratory stuff going on mid-late 2019, which has never really been confirmed what was happening.

There shouldn’t be a discussion about politics, regardless of nation.

This Covid thing had gotten too political. Look what happen in Australia, One Covid case, they lock down the whole country and they would arrest anyone who broke quarantine. While Australian are protesting, the governor is building quarantine camps so that tells you that Covid is never going away and the Australian government is becoming more Authoritarian. This could happen in Canada and even US, and lot people are seeing right though this.

Orrrrrr you could just get vaccinated instead of throwing a toddler tantrum. I dont want selfish vectors of a deadly disease around me, thanks.

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I am already vaccinated. But there reason why people not getting vaccinated.

  1. Mix messaging.
  2. Religion beliefs.
  3. Doesn’t trusted the vaccinated.
  4. Their doctors told them not to get it.

If you’re vaccinated, you still get the virus but you have high chance to survive from this virus but it also depends on your ages, weight and medical history. if you’re not vaccinated, you will take full hit and chance that you will die but that depend on ages, weight and medical history.
People who fully vaccinated should ditch the mask and live their normal life. there no way that we will able to get zero transmission. The virus will continue to jump around vaccine or not.

Most of the politicising was done by people downplaying the virus. People who turned cough masks, something we’ve been using for literally centuries, into a political statement have zero standing to complain about politicising.

We actually didn’t do this; we tried to take a softer and more granular approach and it didn’t work because of the stunning infectivity of the delta variant and now we are getting hundreds of new cases daily in both NSW and Victoria.

You must be confused. Society doesn’t exist to conform to the stubbornness and immaturity of individual people. You aren’t free to infringe on the safety of others. It’s everyone’s duty to help prevent its spread. That’s part of living in a modern society.

These strict lockdowns are being enforced so that we don’t have a Spanish Flu situation with the virus spreading totally unchecked and killing hundreds of people daily. Hospital resources are being stretched to their limits. We can’t let everyone get infected all at once. If Covid does become endemic the load on medical resources needs to be spread out over time. That’s what “flattening the curve” means. Allowing the virus to burn through the population in a matter of weeks would be magnitudes more harmful to society than the lockdowns. The whole reason we have a delta variant is because we failed to stop the initial spread of the virus. What happens if we get a variant worse than delta without everyone being vaccinated?

Medical exemptions are the only valid reasons to not get vaccinated. Gullibility and a poor aptitude in determining what information is trustworthy isn’t an excuse. Religious exemptions are 100% bogus; not a single major religion explicitly prohibits them so they are all made up (not that superstitious beliefs would be a valid excuse in any case).

People need to stop acting like children. The government isn’t sending you off to war or anything. All that’s required is that you get a couple shots (out of many you’re required to get in your life), wear a cough mask in congested public areas, and observe any distancing and capacity rules during the worst of the pandemic. These are basic, common-sense, low-cost methods of managing an outbreak of a highly contagious respiratory disease. 100% of the objection comes from sheltered, selfish, and entitled people who lack common decency and courtesy.

The fact that vaccines don’t make you totally immune is exactly why you should still observe policies that limit the spread of the virus even after being vaccinated. None of the countermeasures are 100% effective so you apply multiple to maximise the effectiveness. That’s the Swiss cheese model: each part has holes so you stack them up to reduce the chance of anything making it through. We need high vaccination coverage on the order of >80% double dosage to think about relaxing the measures.

To be frank, even then people should sanitize and wear face masks in public regularly. I sure as hell won’t ever get on a train without a face mask again because it helps prevent the spread of all sorts of common diseases. People did that before this pandemic especially in areas with high population density. It’s not like wearing a mask is any trouble: 99% of medical exemptions for masks are bogus anyway. Do the same people bemoan society’s authoritarianism when they’re expected to wash their hands after using the toilet?

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In other words, the animal theory is currently just a theory with no real evidence to back it up.

Sadly that is true. I remember all my friends that I grew up with were nicest people I ever hang out with…Now they become political zealous if you’re against their party, they will unfriend you.

So by locking down its going killed the virus completely?

Is this how they wanted live their life?

  • Outdoor gatherings limited to 2 people
  • Exercise permitted no farther than 10km away from home
  • Browsing shops forbidden
  • 1 person in household allowed to shop for essentials
  • Funeral limited to 10 people

That is Authoritarian you basically are not allow to leave your home without police come to arrest or beaten you which there’s video of that happen as we speak. Kids are killing themselves because they don’t have life and can’t see their friends. Its not going to stop and going get worst so long they’re in charge. Once you taste power, its hard to give it up.

Dr Fauci keeps flip flopping about this virus and more people that I know don’t trust and now there report about his email that appears that misled Americans on gain-of-function research in China. H

that I agree but

Government isn’t our father, People can make their own choice. You can’t force them to do w/e you wanted them to do without any blow back. That what we are seeing both America and Australia, we don’t like to be told and they’re fighting back.

Covid will be with us until end of time, we’re going to learn to deal with it and counter with boosters and what not. Again if your vaccinated, you have high change of survival against Covid but depends like your age, weight and medical history. People I read that had died from Covid are the ones who aren’t vaccinated. So worry about yourself not others.

Personally I hate wearing mask, I had to force myself to wear one at work when I am indoors. Luckily for me, I work outside, so I take my mask off. Heck I been not wearing a mask outside since this whole thing started and yet I still didn’t get Covid and I live in hotspot area.

In other words, animals can spread it but the risk is low that they know of.

Actually, you’re wrong about that. Many churches are against the vaccine and will write letters for their members. All 3 vaccines in the US are produced with, or tested with, aborted fetal tissue. There is a great reason to be against this religiously.

Technically both. By unvaccinated they are counting anyone who is less than two weeks after 2nd dose. You could be 2 doses and 5 days in, get covid and die and be counted as an unvaccinated death. Wish they gave us honest stats.

I saw that, it usually determined by age, weight and health condition. (I Sounded like a broken record) remember this, talk to your doctor if vaccine is right for you. Because your doctor knows your medical history then CDC dose.

No, they are not. Provide proof.

, talk to your doctor if vaccine is right for you.

If you are over the age of 12 and not immunocompromised (lupus, cancer, HIV, etc)

The vaccine is right for you. Covid will always be worse than the vaccine.

Technically both. By unvaccinated they are counting anyone who is less than two weeks after 2nd dose. You could be 2 doses and 5 days in, get covid and die and be counted as an unvaccinated death. Wish they gave us honest stats.

But this is accurate. If you develop covid before you are fully vaccinated and your body has had time to build up full antibodies, you are technically unvaccinated.

The protection doesn’t just come instantly from the jab; your body needs to take the vaccine and develop antibodies over two weeks. Before that, you are unprotected and should not be exposing yourself.

Google it yourself. Moderna and Pfizer were tested on aborted fetal cells. J&J was produced with it. So yes, there are religious exemptions from it.

And I bet those who got covid after one or two shots far exceed those who got covid with no shots, which is why I said I wish they would break it down further.

No, they were not. Some vaccines in the 1970s were developed with research from donated fetal tissue.

The covid19 vaccine was not.

You’re asking for granular information that does not matter in the impact of the disease. If your body has not fully built up antibodies, you are unvaccinated. That is medically accurate.

While partial vaccination may help to lessen the effects of covid, it is not enough to consider yourself safe. You can still catch and dud from covid. You need to do the full process of getting two shots, waiting two weeks and then you can be considered vaccinated.