Canadian election largely unchanged

Google it. They were.

Here I did the work for you:


Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?

Answer from infectious disease expert and practicing Catholic James Lawler, MD

No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Yes, cells donated from the 1970s.

This I’d not the same as putting fresh fetal tissue in your shot. This is a gross manipulation of data by antivaxxers

Doesn’t matter when they were from. Abortion years ago is the same now. They are literally tested on fetus cells, and that’s the point.

Many of us have antibodies built up without the vaccine. Everyone should wonder why they aren’t testing for that and jumping right to vaccination.

Tough lockdowns early on can, actually, prevent the virus from becoming widespread and developing variants. The US dropped the ball on that in early 2020. In Australia we dropped the ball on that in mid 2021.

Too bad. You think people want to spend their last days alone in an ICU with a machine breathing for them? We can’t just surrender to the virus and let it decimate us because the lockdown measures are a bummer.

You know we’ve had outbreaks before, right? These lockdown measures are harmful to the growth of the economy (allowing the virus to spread would be even more harmful, mind you). Why on Earth would a government want to inflict that harm on themselves? If you look to countries like Australia the government is trying to establish a roadmap for easing restrictions as soon as possible so the notion that they’re benefitting from the measures and want to keep them is fantasy.

The one change in position was based on the effectiveness on masks; initially they were concerned about shortages and didn’t have data on hand to say that masks were effective. Now they do. This is very simple and it is hardly an ongoing trend of “flip flopping” causing people to have well-researched concerns. It’s not like there’s any major trade-offs to wearing masks so this is a really stupid thing to get hung up on.

The other thing people focus on is the idea that the virus may have originated from a laboratory. The answer to that from Fauci was “it’s possible”, which does NOT mean “it happened” like so many assume it does. It’s just one possible origin of the virus and more investigation is needed to confirm it. Whether or not it’s confirmed though isn’t relevant to what we should be doing about masks now so I’m not sure why people like to focus on it so much.

Actually it is very regular to have restrictions in modern society on negatively affecting the health and safety of others. During the Spanish Flu epidemic you also had self-described “freedom fighters” campaigning against epidemic mitigation strategies including face masks. History hasn’t given them a good reputation and neither will it this time.

Some people can’t get vaccines and the vaccines do not always work. Again, since no one measure is 100% effective you have to combine all reasonable measures. Masks and distancing during high rates of viral spread are reasonable measures.

Measles has had a vaccine for decades. It’s still a major health risk worthy of government alerts and intervention whenever a non-isolated case of measles is discovered.

That’s weird because you can hardly even notice it’s there most of the time. It sounds to me like you’re just trying to fuss about nothing, to be quite honest.

The Bible does not explicitly prohibit abortion so the whole pro-life issue is mostly an invention by modern Christianity. So this reason is, like I said, made up.

Besides, the vaccines do not directly use aborted fetal tissue. They grow viruses in fetal cell lines and those cells are descended from cells taken from aborted fetal tissue decades ago. That’s several layers of indirection. You even link a source that explains this. Saying that they were developed from aborted fetal tissue while linking from a source saying they were developed with fetal cell lines generations removed from the original abortion is a lot more misleading than you realise.

A) There are very few trade-offs to vaccination
B) Antibodies can deplete over time, hence booster shots
C) Since it’s a new virus you probably don’t have antibodies for it

Testing for antibodies first would be a major and needless additional cost and point of failure.

They test with it, and that is enough to want nothing to do with these vaccines. Take it if you want.

I actually do but hey, they want every living person vaccinated (not going to happen)

I never said developed from. That’s J&J. The other two tested with and it doesn’t matter if it’s decades ago abortions or new abortions.

Too bad the Christian rules aren’t clear on whether it matters or not since, of course, the pro-life movement is a modern Christian invention not based in the original texts.

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There are no “rules” in religion. Many people are allowed RE for that very reason.

That really doesn’t speak much for the validity and integrity of religious exemptions then, does it?

Almost like someone can just make up reasons to get an exemption.

It’s really none of your business who gets what.

It kind of is, actually, since lower vaccination rates = more COVID spread = more damage to society as a whole. That affects everyone, not just the stubborn idiots not getting vaccinated.

Medical conditions are the ONLY real reasons to not get vaccinated.

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You might want to look up the breakthrough cases that aren’t so rare anymore. The vaccine does not stop the spread. If you show symptoms, stay home.

Any effectiveness beyond 0% helps stop the spread. And it’s very conclusive at this point that the vaccines have an effect.

I guess enjoy the booster shots.

Seatbelts, driver’s licences, drinking age, selling cigarettes, lottery tickets / gambling, prescription painkillers, practicing law, practicing medicine, restaurant cleanliness, OSHA, building codes…

Did I miss anything else where the ebil gubbernment reaches into our lives to keep us safe?

People seem to forget that there are tons of laws and mandates in our regular lives designed for public health and safety, they’re just used to them

Slate did a good podcast on the religious exemption bit. Most HR departments at jobs are used to getting requests like “can I modify the uniform to accommodate my turban / hijab” and not “can u exclude myself from a lifesaving medicine” which is a huge area of legal weeds if someone gets covid and then tries to sue an employer.

And yes, they bring up the aborted tissue lie.

It’s not really a life saving medicine. You can still get Covid and die after the vaccine. On top of that many reactions have happened.

Everyone at my work and even customers hates it.

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Yes, it it absolutely life-saving, even if it is not a reactive medicine like narcan, human beings are bad at understanding preventative medicine.

Again, provide proof of these reactions. Yes, there are medical exemptions for those who are extremely sick or immunocompromised, bit those people do not make enough population to break herd immunity if all the crying toddlers that were supposed to get vaccinated just got it.

The few mild reactions are not enough to justify not getting the vaccine. (Oh no, you might get a slight headache or feel sluggish for a day) Again, covid is worse

The whole point of the vaccine is not that it is a one-stop shop that makes you totally immune and you can go around licking doorknobs. It is additional layers of safety measures working in conjunction with one another that your toddler brain refuses to recognize.