Canadian election largely unchanged

wow this got moved to the offtopic section really fast

Tbf, it’s tuesday, not sunday. Mods awake.

:canada: discrimination reee

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Are you referring to the raging global pandemic that has killed millions of people and is a major political talking point because it affects literally everyone’s lives?

This is the bait with which I speak.

You missed the part where the Democrat party and Republican party have essentially swapped platforms.

Really? That’s odd, because I’m Canadian, and I haven’t noticed people saying US citizens in general are racist. Some obvious groups, yes, but not your people as a whole.

You realize this is a virus that can pass human to animal and vice versa, right? Vaccinate all you want, it’s likely here to stay and will turn into another flu.

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*has the potential to.

So far, the virus has only been detected in the cat family, and has no health effect on them, and cannot be passed back to humans.

That we know of.

If the global scientific consensus doesn’t have any data on animal-humsn transmission after a year and a half and billions of cases, the likelyhood is statistically low.

They also said for a year the virus stays on surfaces… now it doesn’t. Also if the virus has no effect on them, how does anyone know they didn’t get it from an animal? They say asymptomatic spread is a thing. Also, isn’t the claim that covid came from a bat from a wet market in Wuhan?

Present your evidence of the virus passing to humans from animals.

Do you have a phd in epidemiology? No? Then how about you place some Trust in scientists that are far more educated than you.

If it came from a bat, it can pass to humans.

Sigh, bats have a very specific biology that makes the susceptible, but immune to diseases, (it’s also part of what makes them flying mammals) You need to be in close physical contact with that bat.

Are you a vampire? Do you live in a cave? No? then you need not concern yourself with transmission from bats.

If it came from a bat it can come from animals. It’s possible the animals aren’t sick like humans get so it’s unknown. Either way this virus is here to stay no matter what treatments/vaccines are administered.

Not all “animals” are the same, dude. Different speces have different genetics.

Cats can’t catch mad cow disease because they’re not cows.

Please, please, read up on highschool biology before you post.

Also, go get vaccinated. It’s safe and free and there’s no reason not to.

Every article says there’s a low risk not no risk. They literally just don’t know if it happens.

Scientists always try to stay away from using absolutist terms because that’s how science works. You, as a non-scientist can either read up on what they are actually studying, or you can trust what they say.

But spreading harmful conspiracy theories just makes you look dumb.