Canadian Dollar (CAD) Price Change for World of Warcraft Game Time (Excludes Subscriptions)

That’s what the July 2021 change is though. It will apply to Netflix and others without physical presence.

Regardless that’s nothing to do with the increase now (it would simply be price+tax starting in July).

Not the thread for this but basically what you wrote is hogwash. Liberal government actually purchased TMX to get the pipeline done faster. The delays had to do with legal consultation requirements with First Nations that the previous government had rushed through unconstitutionally, thus forcing an effective restart on consultation.

All the pipe laid on TMX doesn’t change the global price of oil…


PSA just buy the 2 months cards at physical stores they’re still listed at the old prices

F Activision Blizzard and their greed


Price gouging at Christmas during a global pandemic!


Netflix does have a physical presence though as they Produce content in Canada… Blizzard doesnt have any operations in canada. (though Activision does)

apparently activision-blizzard making billion dollar pure profits this past quarter isn’t enough money for them. It’s a mental illness where sick people have to have all the money not just some of it. activision is run by some very sick sick people.


You need to read the following quote very carefully.

If you are buying straight GAME TIME, you are gonna pay more. If you pay by SUBSCRIPTION, the price remains the same at $97.99 CAD.

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Will always fascinate me that people inevitably blame companies for adjusting prices to reflect exchange rates, but never their own government’s for wrecking their countries economies which led to those bad exchange rates.

thanks for giving me a reason to unsub. game wasnt even worth the price before hand and now its going up. dont like SL at all anyways. i been playing nhl 21 instead and have already planned to unsub after robbing the tree.

your price increase for your garbage game just gives me incentive to not return this time :smiley: ever since you started your bs war on flying i have lost complete interest in this game anyways

if anything you should be cutting everyones sub fee in 1/2 at least


Imagine thinking a company is forced to raise its prices based on exchange rates and can’t arbitrarily set its own prices.

White knights blinding us with their shine.


The exchange rate today is within a cent or so of what it was in 2004 when WoW launched.

That’s just some bad white knighting.


The game time codes you purchase at local retailers or the in game shop. Subscription is unchanged.

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that sob is livin’ the dream

What always fascinates me is the people that have no actual idea what’s happening so they comment about exchange rates being the issue when it’s clearly not.

The issue is exchange rates currently were already perfect for what was being paid but now they are charging $17.26 USD for Canadians compared to $15.00 USD the Americans pay.

Again for your simpleton mind, this was already calculated with exchange rates in mind so what excuse is there to be paying an extra $2.26 USD on-top of all that??

Also shout out to Blizzard for refunding character transfers from days ago for people I know who unsubbed over this like I did.

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Merry Christmas to you too, Blizz.


So even though the actual exchange rate comes out to just over $19, you decided to add on $2 extra because you have too many Canadian customers apparently?


Because why not gouge some more money while Canadians are being locked down by provincial governments? Misery is always a chance for more $$$ when it comes to Blizzard-Activision.


This is disappointing. I’m tired of the tax on being Canadian.

It’s very likely this in the context of overall price increases that are coming in other regions. Blizzard Activision are well within their rights to do so, just as I am to cancel my subscription.

There are plenty of entertainment options out there and at a more affordable price point. It’s a shame, I was enjoying Shadowlands.


Currency exchange from US dollars to CAD is $20. Not really a random price bump.

Guess they chose to add 2 extra dollars :confused:

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