Can you see ignored players auctions?

Or if someone has you on ignore, would you still be able to see what they put on the auction house?

Actually, I have no Idea…good question. I want to say if you have them on ignore, you won’t see anything from them, but if they have you on ignore, you can still see stuff from them.

I doubt it affects auctions, but it shouldn’t be too hard to test out. All you need is a friend and a relatively unique auction item.

I would be interested in the results, as I am not certain of the answer either. :slight_smile:


I have listed a set of Glacial Gloves on Cenarion Circle if you’d like to ignore me.


My friend placed me on ignore, and was still able to search for and find my auction.



We appreciate you sacrificing a friendship in the name of Science, and I hope you can effect a reconciliation after the acrimony falls away. :laughing:


Wonder if it’s the same for classic too? :face_with_monocle:

Don’t forget to have your friend un-ignore you. :smiley:

You can definitely see what players you’ve ignored have put up for auction and vice-versa. I play the auction house a lot (not on this char) and have a really nasty auction house stalker. I have the guy on ignore on multiple auction house alts, but he has me on his friends list, so he logs in every time I do to immediately post auctions, which I can always see.

I’ve tried multiple ways of dealing with / avoiding him. After he started sending me kind of creepy messages, I Initially stopped posting auctions for the items he posted on my main auction house alt and started posting them on an alt on my second account. It didn’t take him long to figure out that was me, because only a few people on my server regularly posts those auctions, at which point he started sending me creepy whispers on that alt. I then put him on ignore on both my main auction house alt and my second auction house alt.

That stopped the whispers, but because ignoring chars doesn’t remove you from that player’s friends list, that didn’t stop the logging in when I did and constantly posting auctions just after I did. Luckily, he is kind of greedy, and after trying a number of tactics, including buying out his auctions as soon as he posted them, I learned that there is a threshold below which he won’t post, so I just started posting my auctions for the items below that threshold. I wasn’t making as much gold, but at least I wasn’t spending hours at a time posting and reposting auctions.

That’s when I discovered other limitations of the ignore system. Not only does having a player on ignore not remove you from their friends list, but it also doesn’t hide your location from them or stop them from spamming your character with toys like the football, etc…,. I found that out one night when he followed my main auction house alt from Ironforge to Stormwind spamming me with toys. That was the first ticket I put in against him for ongoing harassment and bypassing the ignore feature.

I then started posting the items on a third alt and kind of changed the way I posted them in the hopes he would think he had intimidated me out of the market and that I had given up (which I believe is his motive for acting this way). That worked for about a week before he figured out it was me and I received yet another creepy whisper on that alt. It turns out that another limitation of the ignore system is that it is not account wide. Having a character on ignore on one character doesn’t put that character on ignore on all of your characters. So I filed another ticket against him (my second) for ongoing harassment and started posting the items on a third alt.

It took him about two days to figure out that was me and so the intimidation tactics started up again and I’ve started just listing the things for below his threshold. I currently have a third ticket open against him for ongoing harassment because the other night he started spamming that alt with toys as well.

What’s been frustrating about this (other than dealing with the constant intimidation tactics) is that there is no way to not engage with this character and still use the auction house. I mean I guess I could not repost my auctions as soon as he posts his, but that would mean I wouldn’t sell any of the items, which is the whole reason he is doing this in the first place.

Sorry about this long post, but the whole experience has been really creepy, which again I think is why he is engaging in the behavior. I wish Blizzard would modify the ignore system so that it would remove your name from the ignored player’s friends list and also from a /who search. I also wish the ignore feature was account wide and that players you’ve ignored could not spam you with toys like the football, etc…,. I’ve put in a suggestion to this effect, but I’ve been playing since vanilla and don’t really have much faith that Blizzard reads or seriously considers player suggestions.


ignore is account wide, just not in the way you think. If you ignore a character you ignore all of their characters, but you need to ignore them on each of your characters.

so your best option is to ignore them on your alts before using them to post on the AH.


Thanks—I also figured that out in the course of all of this. I guess I’m not sure why it doesn’t work in the opposite direction. I.E. once you ignore the character on one alt, he is ignored on all of your alts.


I’m not sure why it does not work both ways, might have to do with the way account flags work just guessing here.

You could always use the in-game suggestion tool to make that suggestion.


Update: yesterday my 3rd ticket about the player was answered. The Gm said that he or she would look into the harassment. Today the player logged in as soon as I logged in and is again spamming my auction house alt with toys and following me around. I’ve opened another ticket.

You might want to use a higher character for doing the AH. One with a Garrison so you can get the Garrison AH. They can’t follow you around or harass you with toys if you do your AH from your Garrison.


That’s a great idea! I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks!


You could also get longboi and do your AH’ing pretty much anywhere, but, uh… that comes with a 5 million gold price tag.


This was like reading a creepy Stephen King novel. I can’t believe someone would go through that much just to harass you off the auction house.

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Some people play for quests, raids, dungeons, pet battles, AH, herbing, mining, fishing, skinning, PvP, posting on the forums. One guy just plays Warriors. He has 49 Warriors on one realm, at least 1 of every race/gender combination.

Every once in a while there is a player whose main goal in the game is to stalk and harass another player. Unfortunately it can take time to address this sort of player. Blizzard needs to show a pattern of activity, not just a couple incidents. Put them on ignore. Report them every time they harass. Report any time they bypass the ignore. Report any time they enlist someone else to harass.

Some activity is more egregious than others. Bypassing the ignore is generally more egregious than the activity that was done to get on someone’s ignore list. The pattern of what is being done shows the harassment. It takes more than a couple times to show the pattern.


If you remove him from your friends list, shouldn’t that automatically remove you from his friends list? That way he can’t see that you’ve logged on. Or is that not how it works?