Can you please allow newer players go back and get cool looking Artifact (Druid) forms? Tower challenge thing

The only artifact look you can’t get is the mage tower look. All the rest are still available. A friend of mine worked on getting them this past weekend.

mage tower was so hard that I did with nighthold normal ilvl gear what hard content i’m amazed that everyone thta played legion have all the appearances because of so ahrd it was

I unlocked all the Mage Tower appearances on my druid and think it’s silly that other people cannot get them. Druids are a bit different than other classes because we see our forms not our xmogs, so it would be nice if Blizzard added more “form xmogs” to the game in the future.

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You can get all the artifact forms. Just not the challenge mode form because it was temporary.

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weird flex but okay

then gee idk scale it up

seems straightforward

“Heaven forbid you aren’t happy! Suck it up and move on.”

i do not see why the mage tower can not be opened and let people earn these nice things, mistake for Blizzard to take it away, killing off their own game imo.

i really wish i played in legion and got the werebear skin. not only because i freaking want it so bad, but because i want to see if it would change my opinion. i could care less if it was a limited time thing to make me feel special and then they brought it back for others to enjoy. thats my opinion now. im very curious if my opinion would be different if i actually obtained it.

i mean, its like the blue bear skin. anyone can go back and get it. i really like it and i feel super special when i put it on. does it bother me others can use it too? nope. not in the least. why would i care. its awesome and the awesomeness should be shared.

if blizz never would have made it ‘limited time only’ then there would be no discussion. thats the only argument other druids have to keep it locked away. my understanding is the mage tower was easy anyway. at least later on in the expac. its not like you busted your hump and are the best druids ever and deserve a trophy.

I got a bunch of appearances on my druids and frankly I wouldn’t mind if they made them available. Variety keeps things interesting especially when trying to draw in new players…hic!

Is this why I see feral druids with a flame skin? I didn’t play Legion, so I have no idea what the Mage Tower is.

Nah. Flameskin comes from some raid weapon drop. Can’t remember exactly what its called. You’d have to look it up. I did run once trying to get it to drop, no luck. But it is mad easy to solo.

You’re not making any sense. People literally said NEW forms are fine. Challenge mode coming back is not fine.

We get so much else that Blizz doesn’t really give out forms. We didn’t get anything new at all that every race could use until Legion. I would like to see more, absolutely, but we do have quite a few choices right now, at least. Better than what we used to have, which was zero.

You can go back and get all of them except that row - I’ve spent the past week working on the Balance of Power row myself.

I agree though - I don’t see why blizz isn’t introducing new appearances each xpac ESPECIALLY one like this with the covenants.

Crying as a Warlock.

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As someone who had LFR gear and beat my head against the wall for the Feral/Guardian forms right when they came out, I don’t see why everyone else can’t have them too. I think keeping them limited for 1.5/2 expansions was fine, was a tough challenge and that’s part of the reward, but I get whispers every time I pop my bear form from people who never saw it before, only to have to disappoint them.

I like exclusivity, I’m generally not the guy to have anything exclusive or flashy, especially not in WoW, but it’s a bit too epic compared to other exclusive rewards.

And I came to realization that it is not fair of me to ask for something that exclusive. Some struggled, others didn’t apparently as you could outgear the challenge. I can live with that. Yeah, I will forever be sad about not being able to get it, but perhaps, Blizz would consider more druid forms and/or similar challenges added to the game.

Not using covenants to introduce things like DK pets, Druid forms, Shaman forms, etc would be a massive missed opportunity, though certainly not the first (Looking at you Legion and Warlocks).

I had prepared a slightly scathing reply to your OP, but that wouldn’t be fair. I can empathise with the fact it feels disappointing to miss out on something like that, but thankfully Blizzard opted to leave the other Artefact transmogs in game and not locked them away at the end of Legion too.

MT appearances were obviously a massive success, given there’s a thread about it at least once a month. Hopefully Blizzard puts some amazing mogs and druid forms into Torghast Twisted Corridors. Maybe a shade-hound kitty or a smoky ethereal bear

Blizzard can’t even handle banning bots, they aren’t designing anything lol.

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I would say double down and make a few character customisation aviable based on the covenant.

Like give DKs, blue, red and green eye glow depending on covenant. For example.

Druid forms based on the covenant.

Change the colorr of some spells depending in covenant.

Change habilities and animation base on covenants. Like more agresive blows for maldraxxy, and more greenish spells for maldraxxi casters.

And many other things