Can you please allow newer players go back and get cool looking Artifact (Druid) forms? Tower challenge thing

I like your ideas. I think a soulshape form for druids would be fantastic, for example.

As for out of season mage tower appearances, no nooo noooo no no no. All the other appearances are available to anyone but the mage tower was something great at the time and the people that earned that deserve to have it’s distinction preserved. As with anyone that earned a time-sensitive reward.

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How about no. I have played 10 years and there were things I missed as well. It is an oh well.

I am sure they will put new forms in evenually in other content.

The fire cat is far better and that is available to all anyway.

The beuty about playing the game now is when they release Torghast appearances, those kids next expansion wont be able to get them!! Mwhahahahahaha!!!

Seriously though, i’ll trade you my Guardian appearance for a chance to run MoP challenge modes on my warrior instead of hunter 8/

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Do you know how many times I ran Firelands to just get that stupid toy off that boss for the permanent fire kitty thingie - a lot. Never saw it. So, pretty glad they gave us flaming feline as an option at the barbershop.

I started in BFA too so let me give piece of advise. Ignore anything that got removed from the game before you started because that will only make wow community angry and you’ll be reported to oblivion.

Depends on when you did it. If you completed the Mage Tower soon after it came out, then yeah it was hard work. Any later than that and it was a complete joke, easily doable on barely geared 110’s.

All forms are still available but the mage tower form.

Balance of Power bear form (my noob on the left, Ursol on the right in the guardian artifact questline)
Different colors of Balance of Power, as displayed by Rainbow Bear Squad Two and their entourage…
Honor form
And yes, fire kitty is definitely still available. Rainbow bear squad 2 taking a break after a tough day in Goldshire.

i’d like to see a video of a “barely geared” 110 doing the healing challenges

Some were easier than others. It was unlikely that a character geared in veiled argunite gear bought from the vendor was able to complete some of these unless they were also a very good player.

… by unlocking something old.

Hey that makes total sense if you don’t think about it! If you really want a cool bear form, go work on your balance of power quest line, those bear forms look better than the grizzlemaw skins anyway.

They should add new forms every expansion. But they also need to go back to the original forms to rework them so they aren’t so stiff and awkward.

Putting in a plug for the manasaber form we used as a disguise in Suramar…

As far as I am aware, apart from the 8 mage tower related skins, you can still get 45 total separate appearances for feral and tank. And those are specifically for druids. I personally think thats a pretty good deal. (Sorry if my maths is off but I think its right, give or take.)

i know. i just find it funny these threads always have people running in to brag about how easy the mage tower was and how they did it undergeared no problem

I’d prefer if they left the mage tower appearances locked, but I would really really like it if they added more new ones. Like if every tier came with a druid form similar to how it comes with new tier sets.

As someone who got all the mage tower appearances they wanted, I wouldn’t mind it if they opened it back up again, even if it wasn’t upscaled in difficulty.

And to those saying it was ‘limited time content and shouldn’t come back’, supporting the removal of content in a game with a subscription makes you a bad person, that’s just a fact.

Being a sub based game has literally 0 impact on whether or not content gets removed. Free games get content locked, sub games get content locked, freemium games definitely lock content.

Missing out on things is a fact of life, even if it does suck colossally to be the one who missed out

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someday boomkins will get love…someday

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No, exclusiveness had always been in a think since the game started, but now players like yourself feel entitled to get something that was only obtainable before you started playing the game. There are drops that change your form, and glyphs that do the same

So by that criteria, the early season pvp mounts that were received during the very difficult TBC pvp seasons should be made available now. Hell, why not just put the Black Qiraji Battle Tank into the shop, and reduce possibly the most unique mount in the game to a purchase.

While I think that certain things should be made available (such as MoP’s legendary cloak) those were gained by quite easy gameplay over most of the expansion. Items that required effort and skill during specific events and time-relative challenges, should remain unique. The Mage Tower skins, the warlock green fire achievement and title, those are special. Just making them available again takes away that game quality and lessens the sense of having done something special.

There should be limits, or otherwise why even strive for them when you know eventually it won’t matter.

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