Can you please allow newer players go back and get cool looking Artifact (Druid) forms? Tower challenge thing

I joined in BFA and I can’t get all legion forms.
I love druids and that’s all I play. But daym. Everyone gets to shine their epic transmogs, while druids sit still in their forms.

Or please allow us to go back to Legion challenge thing and get that cool looking bear form… The one with 2 massive arms. W/e its called.
Just add something new please. Please.

Edit: Rather simple. Non-druids shine in cool t-mogs, druids don’t.
Option 1: Unlock Mage Tower in Legion. (A lot of salt around this one)
Option 2: Scale up/introduce challenge for mogs/druid forms like it was with the Tower. Could either be recolors of Mage Tower or new skins.
Option 3: Add druid forms in Twisted Corridors as a reward
Option 4: Add Covenant druid forms. Blizzard would be missing out on a great opportunity here imho.

Bears are just so boring.


Oh boy you’re about to get a lot of negative comments for this.


Like you said it was “a challenge”.
There is no more challenge, so there is no more reward.
Seems straightforward


How is going back to Legion and/or Mage Tower appearances, “something new” ?
You’ll get some special xmog instead, but it’ll be tied to your Covenant and if you ever swap, bye-bye-bye.


I fully support them adding new forms to collect but the mage tower rewards should never be unlocked for those that didn’t earn them when they were current.


Nah mage tower is over.


My sparkle kitty is fabulous, and no, you can’t have one!


You do realize we spend 99% of the time in our forms, right? The only exception goes for restoration. Invalid argument. Try again.

So you think its fair for you to be able to see your transmog, along with every other class, but druids asking for 1-2 new forms is too much to ask for? Solid. Try again.


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No OP. The people who got those appearances worked hard for them


and I can live with that. I did not play Legion. Not blizzard’s fault. But not adding anything new for 2 expansions, seems a little nuts to me, considering that even hunters got an ability get new pets this expansion.

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Unfortunately, some appearances were only available for a limited time. These won’t come back. However, you can go back and obtain a lot of different appearances for your Legion Artifacts. I believe there are guides on and There is also a fiery cat form available in the old Cataclysm Firelands raid.


You’re not asking for something new though, you’re asking for artifact appearances that were previously obtainable but no longer available. Just because you didn’t play in Legion? Well, sucks.


Well, you can see your transmog if you stay in “not animal” form.
Is it fair that druids have more than 10 different skins AND all transmogs ? While also having mega boosts like speed, collecting herbs etc ?
Try again.


While bringing back the original Mage Tower appearances is very very unlikely to happen- I wouldn’t be opposed to Blizzard bringing in new forms.


I didn’t say it was fair – I was telling you what you got this expansion. I don’t need to “try again” because I’m not the designer of the game. Blizzard needs to try again, or try harder.

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There are a lot of cool legion forms that remain available to unlock. All but 1! Go get em droods

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…Where to begin.

  1. We play in forms. Can’t tank out of bear form. But I will give it a shot.
  2. Are you really talking about mobility? Every class mobility. AND you got that golem mount - so we aren’t that special.
  3. 10 skins? WOW! I am blown away by the variety of options. Have you ever seen 2 mages wearing same transmog? I have not, as you got 100+ sets and thousands of custom sets. Every 3rd druid looks the same.
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How do you know if you have the artifact weapons? Or the mage towers or whatever they are called?

Is there a list somewhere of the legion forms you collect?

Is this for a mount?

Please excuse my lack of familiarity. I am not new, but I didn’t play much in Legion.


The only thing I can hate against the idea that you can no longer do Mage Tower for is that you only earned that ONE Tmog/druid form and it doesn’t apply to the rest of the classes. If there is anything I would implore for, is allow that one time thing that you did the Tower, the challenge tmog/forms should be unlocked account wide, class wide, not just be specific to one class.

I didn’t know that the Mage Tower was gonna be that one time thing for the expansion and I would’ve gone for the bear form myself but I didn’t bother because of the difficulty.