Can you nerf DH and destro already

I’m sorry but if you’re losing to 1800 players at “2600” mmr, then that’s a personal problem. Exaggerations like this don’t make your points look anymore valid, in fact quite the opposite.

Again, seems like the common denominator here is fire mage.

I still feel like you buff outlier specs first and see where that brings the game. Buffing demo lock alone, which I exclusively played for quite a bit of the xpac, farms RMX. I prayed for RMX games when I used to play it.

Gutting specs is always called for but is never the answer and is what got us to the state of the game we’re in now.

It is not an exaggeration. You haven’t played on 2.6 mmr yet probably, but on EU 2.6 mmr DHs usually press their buttons randomly, play wrong talents, miss every burn etc.

Either that or they’re undergeared.

My friend is the top DK on the NA 2s ladder right now and farms people who make that many mistakes just the same.

You, also are clearly referencing from a 2s perspective since 1800 players even now, do not play at 2600 mmr or close to it in 3s, and the game isn’t balanced around that.

And you’re losing to them? That does sound like a personal problem.

yea good one

Just saying… You’re complaining about 1600dhs missing everything and beating you, I have no problem with those. like I said, bigger problem is sin rogue and destro

you are probably playing with a DH yourself.

The point is that 1800 DH players don’t have to use a single braincell and can beat rank 1 players without a problem.

You’re wrong. I play with anything in lfg so I can learn rdruid. I literally play with every DPS spec in queue, no tanks though.
When a dh misses most their things it’s a easy win usually.
Sin rogue can play terrible and won by 3rd vendetta.
Locks can sit mid map and blow up anything that comes in sight forcing most things to sit 10 minutes trying to line till deep deep deep dampening.

There are DHs on your rating? They’re probably undergeared and playing with a controller, then.

You can talk about my rating all you want while I’m leaning this class/spec but I’m having no problems beating what you can’t, obviously.
So you can keep whining and exaggerating about a spec that isn’t even in the top 3-5 problem specs at the moment.
Do you want tips?

Why are you 1000 rating lower than me, then? Something doesn’t quite add up.

from who?

1000 rating lower than you and easily beating 1600 dhs that you obviously can’t.

did you read that out loudly before posting?

Yeah and it means you either bought rating or just got carried if you can’t beat 1600 mediocre dhs at your so called experience

And what spec do you play that dhs are giving you suck a problem

I do beat 1600 DHs, that’s why I’m at 2.7 cr. I don’t beat 2.6 DHs that would normally play on 1.8 rating if their class wasn’t broken.

So 200cr higher dhs you have a problem with? The ones that don’t land kicks, rifts?
Sounds like a you problem for sure.

What spec do you play

not going to waste one single more comment on you. Keep stucking 1.4 and trying to tell r1 players what to do.

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But you’re the one complaining about a spec that’s not even in the top 5 specs to complain about.
Yes you’re better than me. But even I know there are more pressing specs out there to deal with first.

You never answered the question. What spec do you play at that cr