Can you max out WoW's graphics settings & get 60+ FPS?

I’m not sure but sometimes things blend together with the background if it’s the same color, like the hidden chests in horrific vision, I have to spend a good 10 seconds looking for those.

Someday I hope to be able to afford a 2560 x 1440 monitor.

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Since vanilla I used computers that were able to top out at 15ish fps in a deserted zone on the lowest settings. When watching peoples streams of our raids I would see myself teleport 60 yards instantaneously… on a hunter.

I built the one I have now and for the first month I had to lower the settings because it was making me nauseous. Now I don’t think I could ever go back. There are just so many details and mechanics that you are unable to see on low settings. The ability to see more from the sides has helped out a huge amount with raid awareness. I don’t auto die to mechanics you need to get out of.

The only problem I have now is that in a 40 man raid there are way to many spells in a tiny area to see boss mechanics.

I can do a (mostly) solid 60FPS on Ultra at 2560x1440 with a 6700k (no overclock) + Nitro+ 5700 XT. Looks great. Not the cheapest build out there but very achievable, one can build a Ryzen system with comparable power from scratch for ~$800 if you catch sales on parts.

Do you know if there is there any fix for this? I tried searching on support forum but couldn’t find any answer except disabling addons, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the case for me since I’m only using a few addon like tomtom and rematch, which use about 7 or 8mbps memory.

Well, to be more accurate, it’s more that WoW is heavily CPU reliant rather than being CPU intensive. Basically this means that your fancy 8+ core CPU will be sitting there mostly bored as WoW only takes advantage of a small portion of its capabilities.

WoW was originally written in an era where multicore machines didn’t exist in the consumer space (aside from Mac towers, which used multiple full CPUs instead of a single CPU with multiple cores), which means that the game was largely built around the notion of only having a single very fast core (think Pentium 4).

Over the years they’ve managed to work in a number of multi-core optimizations, so it’s much better than it was, but it still benefits more from CPUs with great single-thread performance than it does from CPUs with great multi-thread performance. Where the rub comes in is that modern CPUs are increasingly focused on multithread/multicore.

So the answer to your question is that there isn’t really anything you can do about WoW needing a good CPU. It’s something Blizz has to fix.

It might help if you take a screenshot. I’m not sure what your describing.

My CPU usage was 100% when I’m playing WoW, and the temperature would skyrocketed to 100 degree celsius if I set the graphic too high, so I had to turn it down to lowest or else my laptop will overheat and auto shut down. I don’t think that’s healthy for my motherboard at all lol.

To add to the list, Sc2 and warframe highest graphic settings works fine.

I have a i5 7400 3.0GHz CPU and I’m planning buying a GTX 1650 Super 4GB. Will I be able to play at least on 7/8?

If your looking for WoW benchmarks this is a good site to use:

The i5 7400 is comparable to the Ryzen 5 1500X. Putting it in the entry to modest category. This should be about 60-90 fps on a 1600x900 resolution and drop to less then 20 fps on a 4k monitor. Higher settings will drop the fps but its difficult to say by how much.

A general guideline if the only game your going to be playing is WoW is to put more money into the processor then the gpu.

Things you can try:

  • Don’t overclock
  • Update your drivers
  • Modify your power settings
  • Limit your FPS
  • Replace your charger
  • Plug in your charger
  • Use a cooling pad
  • Clean the fans and anything else that may have accumulated dust.

You can also try going through the graphic settings one by one and see if any of them cause large spikes. Both shadows and water settings have huge demands for small returns.

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dual 1080p 240hz monitors here, though I don’t use the second one for the game (for obvious reason) also have top tier specs (I don’t feel like listing them all lol) I can max out all settings with 85+ fps it looks amazing but I prefer more framerate over graphics so I sit on the classic graphic setting and am getting 400+ frames.

I feel your pain, since my laptop is kinda the same, but it auto-throttles.
It runs at around 75º C idle, and is constantly at 95-98º C while in-game.
All this for a measly 10-25 fps in raids.
(Running 1080p, graphics settings, whether 1 or 10, barely change the result).

The faceless’ projected textures (that mini N’zoth invasion in the chamber of heart for the cloak questline) are a huge hit to my fps.

And it’s definitely a cooling design flaw, since I cleaned it completely and even changed the thermal paste, no dice.

Never getting a gaming laptop again.

I might try to undercloak it but it seems like a very complicated process. :man_shrugging:

Plugging in your charger will ensure your PC receives the power it needs to support the game you are playing. Overheating issues can occur when there’s not enough power to compensate for hardware-intensive games.

I think that’s why sometimes the temp spikes even when I’m plugged in, guess my crappy laptop isn’t suitable for it then. :frowning_face:

Thanks anyway.

Yes i can, but i dont cause the game has issues with current hardware. Ryzen 5 six core at 3.5ghz with 16gb ram and a gtx1050 gpu. No reason this game should ever stutter with its cartoony graphics but it does.

Be nice if they change this at some point.

i got it at 10. comp is old and running on a cheap monitor and gtx 980 i believe but it doesn’t even look that amazing tbh compared to other mmo’s. i get 60+ fps still as well. can’t hit 70+ fps though.

graphics are fine to me like i mean i played other mmo’s with better graphics but core mechanics were bad. as long as i can run WoW as is now im fine. not a huge graphics fan tbh i prefer good gameplay more then anything else.

I can at 100fps but its not your average computer.

Yes and my PC is like 3-4 years old or so and I can still have like 80-100 FPS in most zones beside certain room that can drop my FPS to like 20 for some weird reasons.