Can you max out WoW's graphics settings & get 60+ FPS?

Doesn’t compare visually to many other modern games.

I could get 30 fps at 1080p at ultra settings, Whatever the Nvidia set it to , I can go 60 but the fans just stay on, sadly my pc was from 2013 so it is 6 years old, Gtx 970m 6gb and i7 6700hk, 32 gb ram .

I have not Tried on Shadow PC though, I just been to happy having a computer again.

RTX 2080 here with an i9 99k. 1440p at 144hz. Game never comes close to 60 even in Boralus. Coasts between 90-144fps at all times depending on location

Hi Rahuon, my computer is 8 years old , i have 8 gig or ram and im able to max fps with 2 accounts open and massive addons installed , i got zero issue.

i think u need to clear cash or all ur computer ,or format or something is worng on ur side drivers.

im not here to lie its true im runing 2 wow accounts more then 60 fps stable wile im doing Auction house .i think ur computer if affected by patch 8.3 corruption :smiley:

I can. My hardware is quite old but I’m still able to push on max setting.
i7 4790k
1440p gsync monitor
Sli gtx 970
16g ram ddr3
Liquid cooled. My temps are super low also.

Boralus has always given me low 50 fps on max. Just like mech island has some fps dips, just as well some world boss fights.
I always thought its spell detail was the cause of fps drops

I’ve seen people brag about their gear, their mounts, their pvp standing, their attractive gnome characters (no wait, that was me) but bragging about your computer is a new one.

I guess fps is taking the place of dps…


My laptop’s CPU burns to 100 degree celsius and auto shut down if I set high graphic (plugged), so I’m playing at lowest setting and 30fps.

Not sure if it’s a WoW problem or anything, starcraft 2 is fine tho. I only play these two so I’m not sure.

I play on 1440 with 144hz and near max settings. It does look better, but not as good as modern 4k realistic games. The environment is where I mostly notice the difference. Environmental effects and the world detail look much better on higher settings. The characters are cartoony, so I barely notice the difference like you would a realistic game.

Running WoW at 1440 is pretty easy and cheap now, so I recommend it. I don’t recommend pushing to 4k. Pretty pointless on WoW. Maybe the next iteration if made more realistic would make 4K WoW better, but for WoW as it is you don’t get enough bang for the buck imo.

Lol running on lowest graphic settings is like your BfA gryphon looking like vanilla gryphon, can’t see some of the incoming boss danger zone swirly thing, can’t see the great worm until they’re close and start spitting on you.

Oh and the biggest problem? Unable to find quest objectives until it’s really close, there’s no sparkly around it. I spent an hour looking for the mechano spider leg or something in the trogg area today.

It’s miserable, really.

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I max it out and get 90 fps, but it feels a touch jumpy when I pan the camera, so I leave it at 9/10 settings.

If I can’t play games on ultra or upgrade my current setup enough to do so, then I simply buy a new computer.

PC gaming is life.

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I play at 10 and it is a pretty game on its surface.

WoW is not supposed to look realistic though…that was never the plan.
It’s more based on a cartoonish art direction. Personally I love it.

Am able to max it out at 4k and maintain 60+fps in everything but raids. In raids it will drop into the 40s like that. Open world though even in new zones, I’m usually around 80ish

Wow maxed out is ok, when you can see the other zone it just shows you how small the zone you are in really is.

Granted I always played wow on med to high settings so never really understood what some said about fog in the distance.

I don’t understand what’s going on with wow. I have an i7 7700k oc’d to 5.0GHz, and dual 970s in sli (yea I know they’re old and sli is yesterday’s tech) but never the less I barely get 100 frames on medium settings. Meanwhile I can play Overwatch on ultra and my frames are pegged at 165 (165hz Gsync monitor). What gives? The only real difference I can think of is wow is forced windowed mode, but that didn’t happen til BfA.

WoW is CPU intensive, not GPU, you have some other issue if your video card is getting HOT on any settings running WoW

old thread but I needed to got into the Nvidia settings and reset it for performance over power saving and haven’t had any heat issues since.

You can see some things better that used to look hidden. Small details are much better higher graphics settings.