Can you max out WoW's graphics settings & get 60+ FPS?

i can max absolutely everything at 1080p resolution and stay above 100fps outside of a very few things. never drops to 60 or below, though.

I have a nice pc, but a sh*t tier monitor. I shouldn’t say that. It’s not bad for when it came out but it’s older now and papa wants to see things all nice and purdy too dang it

I think, compared to other popular MMORPGs, WoW looks pretty decent. It’s not spectacular, but it’s better than some, in some areas.

Compared to non-MMOs, WoW (and most MMOs) look like they’re lagging behind like 5 years.

Next time I can afford some more upgrades I’d love to be able to run max settings in a raid environment. Overworld solo is fine and I can max out to my hearts content and get 150+ fps but then my Raid and Battleground settings need to be more like 3-4 to prevent too much slowdown :frowning:

Currently on my my ryzen 5 2600 with 2 GTX with 2 GTX1070ti’s I get around 75-80 FPS @ 1440p at max settings (10) minus the view distance ground clutter which are at 7, with both the cards in SLI I get around 145FPS which is perfect since my monitor is 144hz

Good heavens no! My computer is a bit old at this point, I am happy just to get 30 fps in most content on low settings haha.

Really, at this point, I need to upgrade my motherboard honestly as it’s the biggest thing holding my computer back. Currently using an ASUS M5A97 which is way way way out of date now and really limits my upgrades, paired with that is my AMD FX 8320 which compared to the newer processors is super weak as well as my 970 GTX. I don’t have the power to run WoW at high settings haha.

I wish I could run WoW in 1080p at 60 FPS haha XD And even then, my monitors are only 60hz so they don’t look anywhere as crisp and smooth as those higher refresh rate monitors.

/looks wistfully out the window

Some day I will drop the cash on upgrading
 Honestly, I just hate putting computer’s together and then going through the process of reinstalling drivers, software, ect.

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I can set mine at about 60%. Anything higher and it becomes a lag fest. Maybe when I upgrade my drive to a ssd.


I agree.

And I also love the art style. Did the Temple of Ahn’Qidaj for the first time yesterday and was blown away.

I run on ultra settings and get 100 fps with no issues

Yup, everything is maxed. Game looks and sounds great!

I saw a couple posts talking about SLI. I’m pretty sure that with the change to DX12 and removal of real fullscreen mode that it will not use both cards anymore. That could be the reason for the FPS loss.

I just seen this and wanted to chime in and say I have a brand new 3080 and was having a similar issue on Classic and retail, capping the FPS at 60 fixed it. Something is going on with the new cards, you’re right.

After a recent build yes, even using an older RX570 OC I get 100 fps at 10. Before my old machine was struggling around 50-60 fps at 6 with same graphics card. Was even worse in world boss encounters (non issue now).

Old specs rx570 AMD 1090t 6 core 3.2 mhz 2k mhz 16 g corsair dominator standard ssd

New rx570 R9 3900X OC 4.0ghz a core 32g 3600mhz corsair dominator platinum WD Black SN-850 M.2 pci-e 4.0 SSD (wows on it).

I’m waiting on a g card but its back ordered into oblivion:/

I actually bought a SOTA system to play this game this go’round, and I can fully max out and still get 131 fps.

When I quit (which is before this next expansion patch) I’m going to finally ride out into the sunset and retire from mmo’s.

Yeah I have to hard cap fps at 75

Every single setting on max and in 2k I get around 120FPS. It’s glorious.

Oh man. Same here. 3080 fe on an acer predator 32" monitor running at 1440p around 140fps
hadn’t considered capping it at 60 because in some areas, like Ardenweald, the card gets super hot and jet engines at near max fan rpm for a few seconds. I’ll try lowering the fps and see if that helps. WoW isn’t the only game this has been an issue in. Playing Valheim and it does the same in some areas.

There have been suspected issues of high memory junction temperatures on these cards and people seem to be having decent luck redoing the thermal pads. I’m just terrified of opening the card up and voiding the warranty because I know nothing about computer part engineering. And also, dangit Nvidia I shouldn’t HAVE to do it to begin with.

I can, even with AA and raytracing enabled. Sometimes when I enter a really old raid solo I’d get really weird dips in fps. Apparently Sha of Pride doesn’t like ray traced shadows very well.

Actually the experience was meant to be cartoony because the game was always designed to play on potatoes to cater to the biggest audience possible. Maxxed settings was always a bonus feature (even if most can do it now).

This shows you the limits and dating of the engine. You can walk through town in Black Desert and see 200 people with 10x the graphical detail using a 1080 and get no graphics lag and that’s with everyone wearing custom gear with each buckle and sheet of metal having its own texture. Turn left and see your character’s reflection in that knight’s shield, watch snow settle on your character’s hat.

I mean even compared to other games of its era (GW2, Aion, etc) WoW was decent but never up to snuff with those other games. Plus it’s not like you needed Skynet to run GW2.

A one year old thread necro. sigh

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