Can you feel it boosters

sir i only find bots when i quest

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Literally click on the video and look lol

Also, retail character.

Edit: 4.3k to 209 or 96% favor Madseason’s argument.

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What war? There is still going to boosts. What are you talking about? 3000 votes is nothing compared to the population of people playing the game.


No, you actually can’t.

Votes on a YouTube video are about as effective as posts on this forum.


If I went onto the r/hydrohomies subreddit (for those unaware, it’s a subreddit about drinking water) and made a post about how amazing water is, I could expect more upvotes than downvotes. It’s a completely irrelevant statistic.

Not that it’s any more valid, but a poll from this very forum shows 59% in favor. But yeah, this is my last reply on the topic.


That gap is getting tighter by the day.

And by the way, ‘playing the game’ is precisely what boosts eliminate.

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There’s no need. We’re getting boosts.


Blizz will NOT go back on the boosts. 3k upvotes lmfao. Hundreds of thousands of people play the game. Most people also don’t live their life complaining about everything like you do.


Yeah, I’m hoping they don’t allow it. And nerf Paladin AoE dmg as well, that way leveling will exist forever! :))

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Sorry, I didn’t know 59% was the same as 96%. Thank God you aren’t replying anymore.

LOL, only loser cares about this.
Open boosting: I will pay for official boosting.
No boosting: I will pay for ‘cheap’ labour to manually boost me.

Either way, whatever poor people.

Blz you are welcome. Here is the money, take it or not, I don’t really care.


Brace yourself, friend.

This is going to be a rude awakening.

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You’re probably right, but that just demonstrates Blizz is listening to the same wrong people they have for the better part of a decade. In a broad sense why the game went from 12 million subs to…2? For every entitled crybaby with their hand out there’s a far greater number of players who just want to play a game, chill out, relax and have fun. I ask the question why people play an mmorpg. Of all the genres why this one? Maybe for the social aspect? For the community? So let’s celebrate a service that takes those things, crumbles them into a little ball, and throws it in the trash. Most players are too self absorbed to see past their own desires and the harm this does to the game. But Blizz should know better. Either they don’t, or they don’t care. But TBC will suffer as a result, and whatever incarnation Classic takes beyond it as they make decisions with this type of game philosophy. A philosophy where we know exactly where it leads.


What is? Math changing?

I’m taking College math courses right now, so I really hope so!

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This position is only valid if Blizzard values it’s game play over subscription numbers and/or cash shop profit. I would say based on their laissez-faire attitude towards botting, gold buying and selling, and people exploiting their servers for personal and/or monetary gain; that the latter is more true than the former. Perhaps when that plaque was commissioned and Blizzard was true to their game play roots, they might actually have cared. However, since being owned by Activision it seems they are much more motivated now by profit and money than they are actual game play. They have demonstrated that as long as people are willing to pay a subscription and buy things from their cash shop, that they don’t really care what happens afterwards. The fact they would go back on their very words about how “boosts are not in keeping classic” just over a year after stating them, shows where their true motivations lie in my opinion.

I hope I am wrong and would love to be proven wrong. But the track record for Classic and Blizzard sort of speak for themselves at this point.


Please take a statistics class.

Of course the people who watch madseason videos tend to agree with madseason. To claim that represents the greater whole of WoW players is…

I had this exact conversation over his asinine Naxx video.


8/8 gr8 b8 m8


I can still boost as a mage. I do it ez pz on private servers. Stay mad

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It’s not like a community poll. It’s a well-articulated opinion in video form with the option to click the thumbs up or down, used primarily by people who already watch him (and presumably agree with him).

And I mean, I’d prefer to have the boost if only because it means I can be more flexible for the raid team. I acknowledge that it’s highly problematic and I’m persuaded by his argument that Blizzard doesn’t have a good track record with this. I.E. I am personally okay with it in it’s present state, but would be very opposed if it were expanded in any way.

I think the far more important issue is botting and how to deal with it.