Can you feel it boosters

Lol you whine about boosting and AoE cap but seem pround of GDKP… a system that is almost completely backed by people who use RMT to buy gold and items. Anyone who participates in GDKP runs is an accessory to gold buyers, bots and gold selling sites.


37k views! 10% of his sub numbers! no way! thats soooo huuuuuge especially with it plastered in 3 different threads in these forums! Amazing.

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Can confirm, retail is insane, its packed full of bots.


Im not whining about anything…

Can you even read? Or are you just defensive about literally everything?

I said if we are going to fix boosting by removing the 1-58 boost we should be removing all the boosts that exist, and youre upset about that?

It seems you want to remove the 1-58 boost but keep pally boosting?

That makes sense…if youre an idiot.

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Haha it’s been like 3 hours. That’s huge my dude. You pro boosters have lost. It’s okay. It’s for the best of classic wow which is vanilla and tbc


Wanna bet a boost on that?

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i want the 1-58 boosts. never said i didnt. not everyone like leveling through vanilla. let them boost 1 single character to 58 so they can enjoy TBC. Id have it uncapped and let people boost as much as they want. my thing is boosting isnt gonna affect the game as much as people think it is. GDKP runs are the biggest issue the drive botting and real money trading right now. I think if anything, groups who perform GDKP runs should be banned because most of your big gold items are being bought with gold bought at gold selling sites.


Thats just silly if you think about it logically.

You see big price tags, for instance my last BWL run i made 707g, but lets dig into why.

The biggest item that sold was Nelth tear for 15k.

It sold for 15,000 gold because thats the inflation of gold on the server, say you magically took out boosting and all the gold on the server gets cut by 50%.

That gdkp would still exist, but the prices would just drop because the average gold a person has drops as a result.

The prices reflect the amount of gold on the server, the gold on the server is directly related to boosting, which is funny you cant see that.

Gdkps would always exist, the only difference is the amount of gold items sold for would be reduced.

I’m pretty sure they did listen to the community, hence the boost.

Anyway, the forums were pretty fired up over layering, patch 1.12, AV 1.12 and Blizzard putting the smack down on cheaters. None of that changed their minds.

Bring the booosts!


… Gold buying funding GDKP runs is not new news… if all that gold was from boosting then every single winner would be a mage or have a mage alt.

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i know you can say “thats because they have money from taking part in GDKP runs” but that base money still had to come from somewhere and i highly doubt all that money was from boosting mages… its from RMT and bots.


Is there anybody actually hard line arguing for the boost? I’ve only seen people adamantly against it.


I think that happenednin Hyjal from time to time.

Think about where gold actually comes from.

Now picture all the boosting going on my server alone Whitemane, the most populated server.

After 1 mage does 5 mara boosts those 4 players in those 5 runs have prolly looted over 200g+ in VENDOR ITEMS.

That gold is now generated onto the server. Multiply that by 100+ runs a day of just mara on my server, you can hop into any dungeon runs on my server, stocks, sm,mara,zg,strat.

Now multiply that by say 15 months that boosting has been popular?

Gdkp has nothing to do with gold, it just splits gold thats already on the server that was generated thru boosting.

When you pay the booster who DOESNT LOOT, your just putting that gold into 1 hand and he then gives it to his gold seller website.

Maybe, like i said i wasnt sure.

But 10 mobs is a lot so it has to be on the rare side if at all

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Before the lich fight, almost for sure.

You’re truly a giant intellect of science


We really need to teach basic stats and data interpretation in school.

If I attend a puppy kicking convention and take a poll on cats versus dogs, can’t exactly claim that the result of “people like cats more than dogs” applies to the general population.


You’re trolling, yeah?

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Here’s the video, in case anyone is interested: