Can you feel it boosters

explain the like/dislike ratio on the video then


tens of thousands of players just dont care and dont watch the video.


like 99% of players dont watch the daily youtube videos or post on the forums.


Yes people usually go out of their way to find a little known youtuber to dislike his videos.


Issue is you need to get rid of ALL boosting then.

You cant make a stand on this version of boosting but allow characters to boost other players in dungeons.

It literally doesnt change anything.

Mage/pally boosting will just appeal to more people now and those people will be buying gold to use those services.

If they are removing the 1-58 boost to keep in line with classic thats 100% fine, but then they also need to be harsher on the aoe caps and also add consecration to the caps.

Remove it all or leave it all alone, but pick 1.


The community has been asking blizz to nerf dungeon boosting for over a year


You can’t AoE cap paladins or you would kill prot paladins.

meh, if they remove them that is fine, but if they stay its also fine. I feel the game was ruined with mage boosting and the general game skipping we saw after a while, this isnt going to be worse than people grinding hundreds of thousands of gold that they sell to gold sellers who sell it to other players. Botters arent going anywhere and the solution on a lot of PS have been to sell gold directly anyways. Gamers suck and want the easy way out and always have, not all of us but far too many to keep it under control. So here I am grinding my last level because I can’t find groups most days


No you wont.

The aoe cap is like 10 mobs, in what raid or dungeon are you pulling over 10 mobs that need to be tnaked by 1 pally?


they wouldn’t even need to tamper with paladin aoe cap. Just make the xp penalty much harsher when grouped with a higher level player


The only realy arguement you can make is that botters would use it to boost characters and overrun the markets but you gotta know… thats 75 dollars a boost when botters have dozens if not hundreds of lv 60s already and are constantly using bots to level more. Sure other players may boost characters for personal use and to make gold but they could also just level a prot paladin and then AoE boost 4 accounts at once without spending the probably 60 gold a piece. The lv 58 boost isnt gonna affect the game any more or less then any other boosting method people use.

Sure there is a number of fixes, but you have to fix ALL of boosting, not just 1 part of it.

I could be wrong but i cant think of a single dungeon or raid where a prot pally needs to hold threat on over 10 mobs, but i could be wrong.

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My biggest issue is that Blizzard does nothing to botters.

Their way of handling bots is outdated and doesnt solve the issue that its worth them getting banned after 6 months of botting so they will still do it because its profitable.

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Its not as uncommon as youd think. SH is a good example. when you are doing your speed run for your trials quest, being able to pull multiple groups is handy. I bet you are just salty because you are losing your gold making ability to another class so whining cause if you cant have it noone can.

If that’s the case, then there will be no community. Hard to make money without payers cough, cough… players… that last part was for you blizz. Keep these changes and lose my sub.

I hope so, but I think the boosts are staying because Blizzard wont address the botting and the boost allows them to profit from that situation.

So why don’t you just level up normally like everyone else so that there are people in the world to quest with. You know that questing to cap is a thing right?


Its community driven. They dont have people who actively hunt bots anymore. they only get the bots people report. its too easy to get around bot detecting software and TBC is gonna be rampant with them with the ability to fly. druid bots will dominate gathering routes. Youre gonna have to learn to live with it. if you want an actual authentic TBC experience then you should just pass on tbc classic cause you arent getting it.

I have a 60 pally… i have 6 60s, i have done a lot in classic.

I have over 30,000 gold… I havent boosted people in over 5 months because i just run gdkps now.

How can you be so all in on “no boosting” but not want it ALL fixed? It makes no sense.

You guys post this garbage and when people agree you try to throw personal attacks? Im for changing ALL BOOSTING, why isnt that a good thing?

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37k views within the same day of posting doesn’t sound like a “little known” YouTuber to me. Sounds like a youtuber whos well known in his community and one who draws in that community, the wow community, to his vids. And that youtuber and that video that’s anti-boosts has currently a 4K to 200 like to dislike ratio.