Can you feel it boosters

So can’t wait to get my boosted toon

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If you said you were mad about the whole guardian thing existing I’d get it. But you’re mad that literally useless fluff was replaced by choices between mostly active abilities that drastically changed your game play? In the new talent stuff a lot of the old end point talents you got for free. At a much lower level. At some point in wow you got a felguard at level 10. I made a new lock at the time just to see for myself. It’s not like the good stuff just disappeared. You just got it for reaching x level, MUCH earlier.

This is such a cringe take. Just play the game dude.

Boosters aren’t going anywhere, the only thing that changes is who they pay for a boost. They are either spending money to buy gold to pay a mage to boost, who then sells the gold to people so they can buy boosts… or Blizzard sells players the boosts directly and takes market share from the gold sellers/farmers.

Given it is a one time only boost, and has already been promised. It isn’t going anywhere. Blizzard has no incentive to not cut out the middle man and make money, it drives them one time purchases and more traffic for TBC, and hence more sub fees.

Its a win/win for them. They get to damage gold sellers, and make a hefty profit from the lazy folks.

I am 100% convinced there will be boosting in TBC Classic. So not worried at all.

Dude, I haven’t touched that account in a long time, but THANKS for all your tryhard knowledge.

For all I know it could be level 1.

The post makes no sense if you’re completely ignoring 99.9% of it (very typical of someone who, ya know, doesn’t like when someone else has completely flipped their argument on it’s head).

You said leveling is 70-80% of time spent on all of your 250 gazillion alts. I said it’s 11% of your time spent (on one character).

I also said it only matters about the time spent on one character because you can only boost ONE CHARACTER (impossible to dispute…)

Easy enough numbers there for ya?

I mean you’re actually speaking English now whereas you just typed gibberish before, so I commend you for finally posting something that can be read and understood. I never was trying to dispute the fact that the boosts is limited to one character, so I don’t know why you would even try to make a point about that. You seem confused. I don’t spend 11% of my time leveling. Maybe you do, but the time spent on any part of the game is going to vary from person to person. I’ve probably spent more than 90% of my time leveling and engaging in open world pvp because that’s what I enjoy doing. Some people may just log onto raid and progress their 60 which could reduce their time spent leveling to 60 down to the numbers you’re talking about which is around 10%. Again, these numbers will vary from person to person, but you can’t dispute the fact that it takes days of in game time to level to 60 for the average player unless your Joker. Classic wow is known as a tedious grind for a reason, and questing is a huge part of the game, and it should not be destroyed by an instant level 58 boost. Sorry that I had to turn your argument on it’s head btw, but you’re welcome for the time I spend to make sure my posts are clearly written and legible.

Which is irrelevant in TBC as you are not required to relevel from 1 - 58 to enter Outlands. So most people will be taking their existing 60 into Outlands as is without a single day of played time.

Preach, girl. I am so sick of these Classic Snobs.

I mean, I liked the video because he did a good job making it and I agree with a lot of what he said.

I also am looking forward to boosting a paladin.

I mean if people refuse to level a character if they can’t be boosted then so be it. Also without mage boosting you’d have 1 of 2 things happen

  1. They wouldn’t bother
  2. They’d level normally

The wouldn’t bother crowd I couldn’t care less about tbh. The normal levelers would add to people wanting to do legit leveling and regular dungeon runs albeit you’d probably see the dungeon cleave nonsense as you did during the launch weeks.

Problem is, the numbers don’t lie.

I spent 2 months out of 18 total played since classic launched leveling my main to 60 (11% of the time total played, assuming every day was played the same).

That is in direct contradiction to your earlier point that “boosts are removing the ““experience”” by allowing people to skip to majority of the time they are ““supposed”” to spend playing by leveling”. This just simply isn’t true. If you only spend a tenth of your time on one character leveling to 60, then what is the boost really taking away?

I’ll give you the answer. Nothing.

I’ve levelled enough Vanilla/BC/Wrath characters on Blizz and Private servers. And I’ll be doing it again. But it means NOTHING to say you’ve levelled a character. Literally no one cares.

It’s not a “badge of honor” or whatever some of the tryhard anti-people here are pushing. The thought is laughable.

And just one little caveat, in case you forgot (I think you have), if you want to spend ALL of your time leveling (hey whatever), go ahead. Like I said above, NOTHING is going to change that with the boost coming.

As much as I would love to believe the OP on this, I think blizzard would sellout for the boosts, because they KNOW who has been boosted ingame and who hasn’t. Blizzard just doesn’t want to ban them because it’s just $$$$ for them. The term, “if you can’t beat them, join them” stands out to me on this. Blizzard needs to not have this mind set imo. Heck, it just makes the gaming experience WORSE and makes devs lazy with an option to boost. I don’t want that.

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That’s only because boosts exist what kind of an argument is that haha? That should not be the case. Everyone should be required to actually play the game, and the people will level 60s have already done so. Just because you’ve spent the last two years on retail doesn’t mean you deserve to get your hand held in classic. I’m sorry, but it shouldn’t work that way. The mindset that players like you have had already destroyed one version of wow, so let’s keep it at 0-1 okay. Please don’t make it 0-2.

That’s only the case for you. You’re experience isn’t everyone’s, and there’s a lot of people who level alts and spend more time leveling. Plus 2 months is a significant amount of time whether that’s 70%, 11%, or 5%. The longer you play on that one character the more you will shrink the percentage, and most people don’t just have one character, and like I said, 2 months is a significant amount of time that shouldn’t be negated for any player just because you want your hand held for tbc. There are too many negative side affects with a boost, and it should be removed.

And btw it does mean somethin to level your character if you wanna do anything at end game. Just sayin…

It has nothing to do with boosts. The vast majority of people will walk through outlands without having to relevel 1-58 first. All the boost does is catch someone up to that.

peeps are never gonna stop using shortcuts to skip the parts of the game they find boring in order to finally get to the part where they are having fun

not many people want tedium, boredom, or frustration at any point of their paid entertainment

if bliz is ever going to solve this, they’d need to change the systems to have less tedium, boredom, frustration

Says… you?

You’re lumping people into 1 group and one mindset, based on… what?

Some pretty insane accusations and assumptions you’re throwing around based on absolutely nothing.

Again, tribalism at it’s finest (worst).

But you can only boost one character so this argument is COMPLETELY null and void.

Such as? Just make sure when you present these arguments you don’t use one that has been completely voided by, ya know, facts (see above for one of many examples).

WONDERFUL! If it means something to you, level your character and have a meaningful journey through Azeroth :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:
No one is taking that away from you with boosts being available.