Can you feel it boosters

Yeah unfortunately MoP gets unwarranted hate because of pandas and dailies, overall it was an excellent expansion. Even the treasure run was fun and innovative

yup yup. At least yalls flamestrike ground burn wont be gimped. So maybe rank 1 blizz into flamestrike spam.

Let’s add that to paladin consecration.

Which is the point I was making about removing boosting…

What needs to be added to the pallies aoe is a druid’s 3 point in brambles thorns with the t1 set bonus for more damage and 50% increased duration. =P

Here I thought we were trying to get rid of boosting lol

Talents were removed, class identity was gone, everyone got a legendary. Farming dailies, the world was bland and uninteresting. I could go on all day about how bad MoP was. I ultimately quit playing and haven’t returned since then. I did hear it had the most balanced PvP/arena, but I’m assuming that coincides with gutting every classes unique-ness.

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I 100% agree with u here.

No, they were condensed from 50 points of “increase x stat by 0.2%” to a handful of “choose one of 3 new passives or abilities that actually significantly alter the way your class plays”

Every class and even every spec played differently from every other class/spec

That you had to do a massive questline that spanned the entire expansion to get, and actually had an involved plot surrounding it, rather than just being a random drop

The Tillers were completely optional that only gave cosmetic and cooking rewards

I heavily disagree but respect your right to your own opinion


Really, the idea that any particular expansion “made” or “ruined” WoW is facetious. Retail WoW was awesome then because it was a new fresh MMO, and it “sucks” now because it’s an old stale MMO. And of course, Classic is still “fresh” because no one ever went broke underestimating people’s penchant for nostalgia.

You may be over simplifying it, but blizzard lost a ton of subs because of this. It was a massively big deal and blizzard never reverted it.

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Blizzard isn’t stupid. There was huge hype around Classic and a ton of people signed up to play initially. Then there was a huge drop off as expected. The old players realized they just didn’t have the time anymore, or Classic was trash, and quit as nostalgia wore off.

Like, Classic, Blizzard is going to play to the initial cash grab. If there were no boosts, it’s common sense that it will deter a lot of people older players to “give it another try”.

It’s common sense. The people that partake in forums and watch youtube of strangers talking about games they knowing nothing about isn’t who Blizzard is catering to.

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They didn’t, actually. Subs started going down in Cataclysm, which while it cut the total number of points, still had mostly the same talent trees

I mean a quick google search will show you that subs were at its peak during wrath, steady decline into cata and drastic decline afterwards. A literally sh*t ton of people quit just because of the talent tree’s. Did you not play during that time? Do you not remember the stormwind riots?

…did you not read what I said? Cataclysm, when subs started dropping, still had mostly the same talent trees. The huge talent revamp didn’t happen until after subs started falling

Did YOU not play during that time?

I was off/on during cata. But I was there day one of MoP, logged in, got the message that ‘My talent points had been reset’. Checked the talent tree tab, and noped right out, as did a couple hundred K others.

So, you noped out from the very start, just because 6 choices of 3 significant abilities or passives that heavily impact how your class plays is somehow less interesting than “reduce the mana cost of Wrath by 3%”

Yet are convinced this same expansion you yourself admit skipping entirely was bad

It boggles the mind

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Boggle all you want. Cata/MoP are generally considered the downfall of WoW by many, not WoTLK. Sure LFD was controversial, but that isn’t what did it.

BTW, those ‘talents’ as you call them were not significant, at least not for my class. A lot of it was just garbage that didn’t matter.

who said anything about Wrath? it had the highest sub count in the game’s history. are you confusing me for someone else?


You got him there.

That must mean your logic is unassailable.

I mean I won’t argue with you