Can you feel it boosters

I mean I’m just basing it of my experience. Ya I’m throwing the number out there, but that’s probably accurate wouldn’t you say. It’s probably someone between 55-80% of the game, and 55 is being generous. I don’t know you play classic so why don’t you tell me how much of a chunk leveling is out of the total game. It’s not hard to make a guess and get pretty close…

If I spend anywhere CLOSE to 70% of my /played time on any one character leveling in Classic or BC I need to reconsider my life choices.

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Why should leveling be upwards of 80% of your playing time? When the game doesn’t even truly begin til end game… when raids, arena and real BGs start?

I mean you’ve got raiding and PvP aside from leveling lol… I don’t know what number you’d give it but I imagine 70% of time spent leveling is pretty damn close for the average player

The game doesn’t begin until end game huh? I must have forgot that somewhere along the way

Well here’s a rough percentage that will shatter any of the previously ridiculous numbers.

I leveled my Warlock in 2 months from classic launch (btw I have never used a mage/dungeon boost, I did it the old fashioned way in a MEANINGFUL JOURNEY THROUGH AZEROTH). The game has been out for 18 months rounding off.

That is 11.1% of my time spent leveling to 60 if my math is right, assuming an equal amount of time played each week/month (and trust me I’ve spent WAAAAAY more time spent after 60 than before).

So yeah, take that 70-80% and throw it away. Far away.

Well for me personally mine is probably 70% because I enjoy leveling alts. I’ve probably leveled about 250 times in this game, and I only have 1 60 which is my main. I still do bgs and raid, but I enjoy every part of classic, so again, like I said earlier, I’m basing it off of my experience

I said, “doesn’t ‘REALLY’ begin until end-game”

Just because you treasure the leveling process doesn’t mean others do. You hating on someone because they rather skip said content is illogical. Does it effect you that much? Emotionally? Mentally? Hell… physically? I stand by my prior statements about classic, it was fun for 10-20 minutes for nostalgia and realized why I only played through it once back in the day… the leveling process was absolutely putrid.

With that all being said, why are you so adamant about not having boosts?

I choose to play a single character and build bonds while helping my guild and others. You choose to play a slew of characters while getting carried in Molten Core on the only level 60 character you have, which is also completely unenchanted.

I play for my friends and guild, you play for you. I’m not going to use the boost but I’m glad the people who didn’t enjoy Classic leveling can enjoy TBC if they want.

That makes ZERO sense and is irrelevant to the boosting issue, because there is only ONE BOOST AVAILABLE PER ACCOUNT.

So if someone is only spending 10-20% (even less of that because they STILL have to level to 70 and the time spent from 1-58 would have been less in BC than in Classic because of the increased XP gains in Classic content) of their time leveling, and that is disappearing with a paid service, on ONE CHARACTER ONLY, that completely negates the fact that if they want to have 6 other alts on their account, they HAVE TO DO IT THE SAME OLD FASHIONED WAY THEY DO IT NOW WITH NO BOOSTS?

Plus, if they want to level a new Blood Elf or Draenei, they have no choice but to level it normally?

Your numbers don’t add up pal.

You’re using the best numbers possible for your own argument, and the worst for the other side. You’d make a great politician, but (as was thought from the beginning), your argument makes ZERO sense.

Actually you said truly, and it doesn’t matter which of those words you said or if you hadn’t said them with that sentence at all. It doesn’t change what you meant. You meant that the game doesn’t start or get fun until endgame even if the leveling exist. But even if you get a boost, you’re just gonna quit again like you did in classic because the leveling experience to you is “absolutely putrid”, but guess what you still have 12 levels to get through in tbc. You’ll last another “10-20 minutes for nostalgia”, and then you’ll quit again, leaving behind a classic tbc version for the players like me who will stick around, although, this time I won’t be back here either because boosts exist.

Poor thing do I need to be on one of my classic toons?

Id say ya, but you probably don’t have one lolol

If someone wants to play TBC theyre gonna be ok with the 12 levels of BC levelling. Theyd be more likely to quit if they have to level 1-58 in irrelevant content and while theyre slogging through all that their friends are getting to max level and running dungeons
Vanilla content is irrelevant once the portal opens.

here ya go then

Ha :joy: /a 53

but I do have one, and haha I will have a BOOSTED 58 very very soon.

You’re trying so hard to make me look a certain way, so let me put this plainly because I can tell you aren’t a very intelligent person.

I will play TBC if there is a boost, because Vanilla wasn’t good, TBC on the other hand made the game very enjoyable. Skipping that boring, drawn out, thoughtless content is a good thing to me… and thousands of others. I’m 100% sure the majority of the player-base is okay with boosts being in, it’s just you whiny vocal bunch of the forums that are against it.

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No use in arguing about forum avatars. The posts aill constantly be shifting like this

Oh youre a retail avatar, prolly dont even play classic lol

Oh its level 53 lolol

Its a 60 and you didnt even raid AQ yet lolol

Youre not even in full T3 yet doyouevenclassic


Haha I will give you that. You do have a toon. You have my respects. But I still hope they won’t add boosts