Can you feel it boosters

I’m more #nochange than #somechange. I think they should just charge a fee for the client software rather than resort to boosts. Only some people would buy boosts but everyone would buy the client software. $29.99 wouldn’t be too steep a price to pay for BC classic. But I also still think a nominal fee for the Classic client was a lost opportunity for better support at launch.

Otherwise, if Blizzard monetizes through boosts, even though I have level 58+ in Classic, I’d probably buy a 58 boost for a different race toon.

The upvotes/downvotes you cited is just further evidence to support that it’s only the sweatiest of the anti-booster nerds amoung us who watch that trash channel.

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Hate to say I told you so but…

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They real mad now!

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Post aged like milk


Oh I bet the boosters feel it… The boost is coming. Anyway, there is something of an alternative.

The boost is happening. Sorry, but it is. The income potential is too great for Activision’s Blizzard to stable the idea of not putting boosts, and potentially other monetized features into the game further down the road.

The battle-lines are clearly drawn.

At this point if you are against the boost you might have an alternative, but it requires a heavy choice:
Subscribe to the notion of “fresh tbc servers” that offer no cash shop and no transfers/boosts
Submit to the current roll-out and accept that boosts are happening. Get over it. And have fun. Do your best to be magnanimous and get over the petty squabble with the people who will be boosting on your server to play there with you.

“But it is not fair!”
“I worked hard for my stuff etc…”

Please forgive me quoting myself on this one but I believe the post is relevant here.

I, for one, am not even against the boost. I am grateful it is there for those within the demograph it was created for. It will bring more players which is a great thing.

However, I fear how much it will empower the bots… That is why I want fresh servers with no boost options.

You have legit linked this in every boosting thread.

This thread didn’t age well, did it?


I’m cited in it and I’ve never read it.

And now you know why.

I have still never read it.

Just gonna go ahead and screenshot OP’s post so I can laugh at him later when boosting is still in the game.

Even without boosts, bots can level 1-58 in roughly 2 days because they play 24/7 nonstop.

Not to mention, having to pay $20 or $30 or whatever it is, on EVERY SINGLE BOT? Yeah, that’s not happening.

Lol cute. That’s okay. It is outside of your purview anyway :slight_smile:

Poor OP. If you ever position Blizzard opposite to money in an argument, Blizzard will simply switch sides and leave you there alone.

Are you new to this?

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I try to not read the garbage others write and try to repeat over and over as if they wrote something that matters.

Nope still nothing doc

I feel it too. Blizzard is even nickel-and-diming gametime purchases nowadays. The worse the situation in retail, the greater the odds for increased monetization in BC classic.

Blizzard is gonna get its cash from somewhere. Anti-retail Id***s don’t seem to realize this. Reap what you sow. Keep bashing and steering players away from retail. :rofl:

This post aged like an egg.