It’s because gold inflation over the expansions has caused items to increase in price. Sure if you save up you gold over an expansion you may be able to buy 1-2 raid carries but you may miss out on buying elite pvp mount or upgrading your legendary. This kind of problem has been invented by blizzard so they could sell the solution. Why do you think WoWs profits have been skyrocketing while their player numbers have been dropping?
I would agree if non-rated PvP had gear equalization/templating so characters pimped out with carry gear would need to swim with the big fish in rated if they wanted to flex their newfound character power (and subsequently, get pounded into a fine mist by the skilled players there). It’s kinda screwed up that a character that’s been carried to the top can faceroll all over lesser geared characters in non-rated.
I happen to agree with you, but no… it isn’t clear. Ask 15 people in this forum what P2W means and you’ll get 15 answers.
“It’s not P2W unless Blizzard sells you the loot directly.”
“It’s not P2W because players are involved in all sides of the transaction.”
“It’s not P2W because you could always do this before WoW Token”
“It’s not P2W because… etc etc.”
No one can agree what “winning” looks like in WoW.
My main thing is that even if someone gets gear they will still get absolutely demolished by anyone that knows what they are doing if they are not that great. Gear just dosent mean much in the grand scheme of things when compared to player skill.
It clearly means something different to everyone. If you like dressing up your characters, like I do, then paying for transmogs is P2W.
Yes, I agree PVP boosters are an issue with direct power over non boosters trying to gear up.
Thats because one side of the argument keeps moving the goal post. The average seen definition is any sort of advancement. Games can have some of these features while not being P2W (Like ESOs crafting bag) but when this feature isn’t a part of it’s sub or expansions and instead tied to the ingame store it’s P2W.
Nah, it’s pretty uniform except for the people who want to subvert the argument. It is always tied to progression/player power.
I think for the average player, “winning” just means getting top-shelf gear. I’ve seen some talk about doing high keys as “winning” but I believe keys in excess of +15 are much more niche than some GD posters seem to think. Most people do M+ for gear, not for M+.
So unless the thing being offered is an “I win” button or endgame gear it’s not P2W? see what I mean by moving the goalpost?
Nah don’t get me wrong, I agree with the goalpost moving. My point is that what most people considering “winning” is in fact achieved by paid carries.
Because buying carries with gold you bought is a form of advancement. The advancement is the safety and speed of other people doing the work for you. The Winning for people that do that content is getting the Achievement and when someone uses money to get that win they are accentually paying to win.
Which is an excuse with no substance because World of Warcraft has no end credits. The “win” is the current end-of-the-line gear; the place where the train stops due to no more railroad tracks (because the next railroad tracks are in development aka future “patches” and “expansions”)
This 100%. I have seen people with suspicious IOs of all 15s done ONCE in each respective Tyr or Fort week… and they’re absolutely terrible. They die to easy mechanics, barely break 4k dps, have no idea what their classes can do.
The closest thing to “winning” in WoW I see is how well one performs and how consistently one does that. Yet to encounter an obvious booster who cares about their performance, most seem to just want the mount or title… which I don’t care about I suppose. At the end of the day, I know I earned mine legit.
Idk to me the mount achievement is just irrelevant. Most of the wow player base have it by now sooo to me its like ehh. For some reason some people freak out about others that have something that realistically is pretty easy to get.
No. It isn’t. It’s pay to skip into higher gear that anyone can get in the game and is obsolete in a patch, so you have to start over again.
Can YOU stop with the P2W now? This subject needs to die. It gets no one anywhere and is useless.
Your spirit animal is definitely a feral tiger!
Those MMORPG companies are not selling the gold. Blizzard endorses pay to win by the virtue of selling gold for real life money, FFXIV does not.
Just because some people get around it by breaking the terms of service (and routinely get banned), doesn’t mean the company Square-Enix endorses it like WoW does.
I agree. It’s the sure fire way of sticking the middle finger to the game’s integrity.
What exactly are they winning?