Can you all stop with the P2W "argument"? Let's debate

S. 1629, entitled “A bill to regulate certain pay-to-win microtransactions and sales of loot boxes in interactive digital entertainment products, and for other purposes.”

So, P2W is what we are all debating about? Blizzard certainly has constructive knowledge of the WoW Tokens being abused for boosting a.k.a - gambling (boost funneling of rng gear), for valuable virtual items (gear) through bosses (lootboxes) via player agencies.

They deceptively subvert the bill with the WoW Token as “grey area”. As well as through player-based agencies (used to be boosting communities [player agency] - now redacted to guilds [player agency]). These player agencies act as the mediator to in-game virtual bosses, whom upon defeat will have rng based rewards mimicking the loot box.

You pay to have these player agencies mediate conflict resolution on bosses whom house rewards in the same rng manner as a loot box.

It’s P2W. Paying USD (or your regions currency) through the digital store for conversion in to in-game currency (WoW token), where you pay a mediator (guild) to initiate conflict resolution (kill bosses/interactive loot boxes with instance based mechanics) for an rng chance (gambling) on valuable virtual items (gear).

It’s P2W. You guys paying these guilds to frolic you through the roses in LFR? No? Why not?.. Oh… Because it’s not seeing the raid or content inside you want…Its the rng based end-of-the-line gear (Heroic/Mythic) you are paying for a chance at (while 0 APM’ing the entire raid). The moment Gallywix handed over their spreadsheets to Blizzard it became undeniable constructive knowledge of the in-game P2W and they implemented the constructive knowledge to incite the in-game player-based agencies P2W structure.


Since you guys are unlikely to read it; unless I copy paste /le sigh… :disappointed:

S.1629 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)

Introduced in Senate (05/23/2019)

This bill prohibits the publication or distribution of interactive video games and digital entertainment products that (1) include pay-to-win features and (2) are targeted to minors under the age of 18.

Pay-to-win features include making available for purchase assistance, advantages, or other awards that a reasonable user would perceive provides a competitive advantage in the progression of the game or product over those users who do not make such purchase. Pay-to-play features do not include purchases (1) that alter only the appearance of the game, (2) of game modes that make game-play progression more difficult that without such purchase, or (3) of add-ons that do not assist in the progression of the underlying game or product.

Additionally, game publishers and distributors are prohibited from including pay-to-play features in games and digital entertainment products that are not targeted to minors but where the publisher or distributor reasonably should know that minors use such games or products.

Sweet! Now you all have S. 1629 copy and pasted for you. You can read it, I assume you will revert back to my original post and digest my argument, and formulate your educational response. It is what we call a debate :wink:


YAY more stupid threads about P2W and people who worry so much about how others play the game.

AGAIN. If WoW is p2w then EVERY SINGLE MMO OUT IS P2W also. You can try and deny your precious ffxiv or any other mmo but they ALL do the exact same thing. People pay gold farmers. People use that to pay others for carries in FFXIV, ESO, GW2, NW, SWTOR, Rift, etc.


Thanks for reading the summary paragraph.

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People can’t even agree what “P2W” even means. There’s no point in this discussion.


Where’s the win part? In a first-person shooter usually you get some kind of advantage over your opponent because it’s PVP.

Unless you are talking about PVP. People have it correct: WHO CARES?! Have your gear. I’m not worried about you. I’m only worried about me.

You can wax philosophy all you want but it’s not going to change anything. Tokens bring in more money end of story.

This is not to any particular person


I can’t believe you’ve done this. I can’t stand the thought of another ten P2W threads spawning because of this.

True but square enix doesn’t involve themselves with this and it isn’t encouraged, if I’m not mistaken.
The problem definitely comes with blizzard allowing this stuff and profiting so it’s so wide spread.

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Can you pay for player power? Yes thus this game is P2W. It’s a legit business strategy so why are people so ashamed to admit it.


i do not see wow a pay to win
but the legendries crafters are asking x amount of gold for it
easy fix farm the mats and ask a crafter to make it or make it yourself.

if wow is p2w as some players are saying then i can buy gear off the blizzard store that will last me forever without upgrading to doing any content

So just because they add a middle man in the transactions it’s not P2W?


You buy gold from blizzard store then buy boost for best gear in game. Same end result which =
Real money for ingame power
^which is bad


To play Devil’s Advocate how is this bad?

Who was hurt? I would argue that the person who purchased the Boost is hurt. Because they still don’t know what they’re doing.

i say on u , i like transative plopaty

“B-but blizz does not do it directly wink so im okay with it” -every defender’s argument


Everyone is hurt. The value of the items they got decrease if you can just buy with real money, the people who get 2 shot in pvp are hurt, the incentive to get those items with your real time is hurt, I mean there is a million diff reasons why P2W is bad for a game.


It devalues achievement you get for completing content with your friends. It also devalues time spent ingame because it’s literally faster to work a job and earn money to complete the endgame than to actually play the game.

The entire playerbase is hurt via deflation of viable pool of players.

you serious bro? lol you think they’re busy caring about “oh no im not as good as the other skilled players feelsbad”

they’re busy admiring their rewards they paid for

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You know damn well that when you ask them to stop they are just gonna do it more.

I swear blizzard could siphon 10 grand out of their wallets and some how these ppl would find a way to defend it. Why is anyone okay with our game being littered with boosters and blizzard profiting off of it?