Can we unnerf tanks already?

Huh. My experience has been the exact opposite ::shrugs::

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“some are better than others” is a gross understatement when you look at the m+ tank population lol

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This really seems to be vision issues. I bet some dude tripping on power is trying to come across as intelligent by pushing these changes, but actually has no idea how it will play out. Nerf tank self sustain but make them passively tankier? I feel squishier now with less self sustain.

They do not know how to balance brewmaster. Stagger can be OP in raids but extremely squishy in keys with big pulls. Rather than ask their top players for advice on what would work they just straight up ignore it lol


How will that solve the issue of one class being better than another?

And that source was clearly drunk.

Its an issue with the random 8-12m crits from trash mobs. You have to either be negating 80% of all damage constantly like prot paladins and guardian druids or building up a 5m HP shield like prot wars.

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12 is literally where things get hard now.

As things go up, people are expected to play better. So the solution is to remove the tools if you want it to be easier because then the content would need to be balanced around that.

Just balance trash damage really. From there they can work on making tanks equal to eachother in terms of damage and mitigation tools.

A good start is uncapping aoe targets , no more " less damage on more than 3 / 6 mobs" for specific tanks while not having them for others. Funny thing is that single change would also make most tanks able to self sustain better.

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But tanks are doing +17s already, so why should a tank be able to attain x key levels higher for the same effort?

Tanks are far from useless. You still have to look for ways to die sometimes to wipe a pull.

guardian does not need nerfs they are nearly unplayed past m+13s its all paladins and warrior at that point but mainly paladins

unnerf my heart

That’s exactly the problem.

But that’s the entire basis of multiple difficulty levels. Else, why have them?

How is it a problem?

Same reason that people can now do mythic queen who previously could not. Same reason pugs are destroying heroic queen. Same reason you get a extra minute and a half of time now, allowing clears that would normally be fails. Same reason mob spell casts and mob damage on spells have continually been nerfed.

Blizzard obviously intends to make things easier over time.

Theres exactly 1 warrior, 1 guardian druid, 1 brewmaster and 1 DH 16 and up , not counting outlaw exploit runs. Lol


Tell me about it. I was on a tank today, and I zoned out for like 20 seconds and died. I need a bigger zone out window of protection. Like 30 seconds of invulnerability every 10 or 15 seconds.

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They do need a lot nerfs.

They are now, guardians were dominating before and they weren’t nerfed.

They can even time 15’s without healers


:hammer: :bat:

Tank armor should explode when hit just like tank armor in real life.