Can we un-simplify stats a bit?

I could get behind this… in theory.

They also reworked secondary stats because they changed how classes worked. There was also a lot of back-end stuff that was simplified.

We’d have to see how they would account for that.


Maybe your just more in tune with what he can and cannot handle. Maybe he’s just got a crap ton more gear and his secondaries are settled in better. Who knows.

I personally hate it when people decided they need to pull several groups at once. Which is part of the reason I really hate mythic+

A lot of it has to do with group coordination too. I’m assuming you’re mostly healing randoms?

When you’re playing with mostly the same people they know what you’re pulling, where you’re pulling it to, which CDs they need to use in the pull and when, et cetera.

It makes it easier on everyone in the group and makes a massive difference overall.

I am mostly playing with Randoms. Most cases it’s fine. Until we get the crazy tank that wants to pull 4 groups and gets angry he’s dead because he says nothing and just does it. :woman_shrugging:

But that’s really getting off topic of the thread. Which is about un-pruning stats. Or at least making them less boring.

I think a lot of the time too it’s mainly mental. I am pretty sadistic to healers sometimes. I see that they are struggling and having a hard time, but they are managing fine so I don’t let off. It’s not about keeping the green bars full, it’s about preventing them from emptying. It’s fine if you can’t keep everyone topped off. As long as the tank doesn’t let them die then you’re doing just great. If you’re struggling to keep them topped off and the tank is also letting people die or dying themselves, then there is a problem. It’s most likely the tank, but some healers I think only use one spell. I have cast bars enabled so I can see what everyone is doing at all times, and it’s more than just a theory that some healers ignore a large chunk of their spellbook.

edit: You are right tho this tangent is too far off topic lol. The main point of it though was on topic, and that’s itemizing roles to have a certain output so that there is consistency for the tanks. You really should consider it from the tank’s perspective because the tank is the person who has to adjust to every single variable

That tank sounds like a bad tank for having not properly evaluated what his group could handle/not communicating ahead of time that he was going to do that.

Anyway, you’re right; this discussion is off topic. I was just going with the flow of the conversation. :slight_smile:

It’s okay, sometimes I get distracted and off topic as well, but that got too close to Mythic+ which I have extremely negative emotions towards, and would rather avoid.

Anything that reduces the need and number of sims is welcome.

I kind of like the complexity of gear in some ways - but the fact that I have to go to third party sites and then sim so many combinations is where things go overboard.

It would be nice if the dps increases were available in-game. I don’t even mind having lower ilvl pieces provide a higher dps increase because of secondary stats - it’s only the fact that I have to run so many sims at a third party location that’s an issue.

I thought Preach said it perfect in an interview with Ion at Blizzcon, people should not have to pay a 3rd party site to determine if a piece of gear is an upgrade or not.

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Technically these are available in game, through the user of target dummies and testing things yourself, but I can understand how that could get tedious to try to do over and over again to compare.

Not to mention to need to have a addon to help you track everything.

Not really feasible in terms of cost when you consider the azerite traits and then the covenant abilities in 9.0.

That’s an outrageous amount of time and gold.

That’s also a fair point. Didn’t even factor having to respecc the azerite gear to test things.

What you’re asking for is insanely problematic. DPS increases from sims make so many assumptions about rotation, encounter, playstyle, etc. that it would never be feasible for blizzard to build that into a UI without putting in a whole in game sim program(which has tons of issues on its own).

They could inflate the value of primary stats to the point that simple ilvl would obliterate all other metrics, but I’m not sure that makes a better game.

**side note, not knocking sims. The people that make them do great work! But I think even they would admit it isn’t perfect.

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That’s the thing.

No matter what stats they use, I’m going to hit a website, or use an add-on to tell me what gear to choose, or what gear to get.

One thing I like about the current system is that most of my gear is shared across specs, making it easy to bounce back and forth for flavor, or utility without keeping 2 sets of gear in my bags.

At the same time, the RPG element is what I like about the upcoming Corruption gear. You feel the effect of the storyline upon the world and, most importantly, you. There’s these new pieces of gear that offer great power, but at a great cost. As you advance and become more and more immune to the corruption and its affect, you’ll be able to get more gear.

Mechanically, just like everything else, folks just see “oh no, another grind”. And, yea, it is another grind. But thematically, I sure like the idea of removing corruption over the empowerment of the neck trinket. I wish we could cleanse corruption off of gear individually (dunno if it works like that or not).

But in the end, the mechanics are basically simple, folks optimize towards mechanics and over the years they’ve learned that in a world like WoW, there’s very little that can be done, especially fairly or in any balanced way, that can highlight one stat over another.

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gnome growls Leave mana buff alooooone.

Agree to all of this!

Also I don’t think resistance would be such a bad thing, either.

Having to balance out all these gear systems is insanely problematic. I’m not surprised it would take something extreme to address it.

These are assumptions, which can be adjusted for, in the current 3rd party sites.

Precisely. But at least the players are being served rather than influenced to buy a premium membership for faster and larger sims that are necessitated by Blizzard to begin with.

Fair - but I’m not sure that it would make a worse game either. Removing the annoyance may very well be worth it without needing to add something as intricate or complicated.

They’re not perfect - but they’re still incredibly useful.

Blizzard does a great job of fine-tuning their heroic/mythic raid content. The small %'s matter when they’re spread across an entire raid and when gear/power inflation isn’t well past being “ripe”.

I miss that one from WoD that would multiply hits, multistrike I guess.

I really hated having to take off my good gear to throw on greens for AQ40, resist gear feels too bad and dated these days.

I mean for every person saying stats are too simplified, there seems to be a veritable horde crying about how they’re too complicated now and the game is awful because simming is a thing. I would like to see more stats and gear complexity, but most of the stuff that was trimmed we’re better without, there aren’t many good ideas for new stats floating around, and if we did get some, the derpos whose religion calls them to play simfree would shut it down anyway.

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