Can we un-simplify stats a bit?

I mean. I don’t disagree with you, but you shouldn’t argue from the perspective of diablo 3 being the model for WoW. It was WoW that was the model for diablo 3. And that’s why it was so terrible on launch, and only slightly better now, but still ultimately a game that didn’t live up to what people wanted from it.

I actually miss hit rating. It made swapping gear be something I had to actually think about. SURE this piece is an upgrade, but I lose hit, so how can I make up hit elsewhere…

With gems being as uncommon as they are these days, and reforging gone, I’m not sure bringing back hit rating would be anything but frustrating however.

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I was mostly comparing it to diablo 3, because the mainstat was stupid important in diablo 3, and it’s the same in WoW.

I’m just frustrated that -everything- is just stack int, and pick your top 2 secondaries and stack those. If you get tertiary stats, cool, if not? who cares. Just stack 3 stats to the stars.

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OMG that gnome name.

Just the best.

I miss Multistrike too man, was one of the few good things that came from WoD. Sadly it had to die after WoD too.

I can’t even figure out what is best for me without having 10 tabs open to raid bots running simulations on azerite gear, enchants, gear and trinkets.

The only way to make stats more complex is to tone back on the layers upon layers of systems. Then I would be ok with stats being more complex

Spirit is the only one I really miss, and i guess pvp stats if you count those.

The idea of elemental resistances has always been interesting to me, but in practice it doesn’t really pan out well IMO. Similar feelings about things like hit chance.

Why not simplify them even more - to destiny 2 level. Where you only have item level and three stats that don’t actually do anything

It’s 6 stats as of Shadowkeep, and they finally tell you what they actually do.

I love simming myself but the amount of simming I have to do just for a handful of azerite gear per slot is a nightmare. I currently have 5 chests 4 shoulders and 4 heads from the azerite gear vendor (max level ones) I want to sim them more my guild starts dabbling in Mythic and it’s going to suck lol

I liked things that added +shadow damage or +fire damage. They usually had higher amounts than other +spell damage gear since it was focused on one element only. Could be fun to put it on some random slots

It’s currently impossible to tell what is an upgrade anymore without running a sim.

You want to make it even worse for what exactly? To see more stats on your character pane?

Some of your suggestions would require completely redesigning class and encounter design.

This is a fair argument and one I largely agree with. There is a sizeable, vocal group who thinks the entire idea of using a gasp third party website to play optimally is evil incarnate. They’re really who I’m referring to.

Nope. That isn’t my motivation.

I’m just bored of the Stack Main stat + 2 favored secondary stats, on all peices of gear.

You basically have 3 stats that effect you. Sometimes you have tertiary stats, usually not though. :woman_shrugging:

Stacking 3 stats, and getting upset if it doesn’t roll the two main stats you want and tossing it away is boring. It’s part of the reason gear has zero meaning to it. Everythings just a simplified down stat stick, there’s no pros or cons for the stats, it’s just figure out what two stats scale the base for you, stack as much as you can, ignore everything else.

Earlier versions of this game, I needed to be careful with multiple stats. Needed my +healing for healing, wanted both spirit and MP5 because both were important, I wanted Int because it actually had a purpose besides just being a flat scaling stat. Had to weigh the options of trading off 1% spell crit and +24 healing , for 2% haste and 12mp5, ect.


Personally I agree, wish we had hit and resistances back again. Oh well, such are the way of things. It won’t go back.

This may seem rude but I really don’t want to play a game where they’ve made gearing idiot proof… with just how unique some players play in order to make it 100% visual it would have to be 100% based on ilvl and secondary abilities/proc would need to be simplified too…

Some people just need to be left behind so that the majority can have fun, especially the people who don’t do content where the proper stats matter in the first place.

Simming is easy, used to have to do all your gearing/weights by hand after all.

No… A variety of specs get different interactions with their stats. Haste, for instance, will often (but not always) reduce the cooldown on an ability that generates another resource. Certain break points for dot classes might even have rotational effects. Crit, similarly, can cause procs that affect rotation to the point that having certain amounts makes changes.

And then of course the interaction of all of these things. Crit increase crit chance, sure, but haste equals more hits equals more crits, which do you need more? How does that scale relative to talents, traits, trinkets, essences?

It’s funny to me how people act like wow stats and everything are so overly simple, yet a huge portion of players, including the knowledgeable high end players, have to use a program to sim their characters because things are too complicated to do manually anymore.

Wow. some secondary stats have interactions with the class, which is what makes them the 1 or 2 main stats a class relies on. Whodathought.

It still doesn’t change the fact, you basically just stack 3 stats to the stars, because those are the three best stats for you (Main stat + 2 secondaries)

Which is boring.

When you ignore 80% of a post, you admit your inability to address it, the validity of everything the other person says, and your failure in the whole situation. You want to keep whining about stats despite them being a small piece of a more complicated puzzle. But you go ahead and believe that you have better ideas.

Or, maybe you can realize I’m aware of why some stats are heavily weighed for some classes, but I still find the dynamic that you basically stack main stat + 2 best secondary stats for your class, to be underwhelming, uninteresting, and feeling like zero actual thought gets put into it?

The systems today are numerously less complex than they used to be. They basically turned a bunch of sub stats and piled them onto a main stat and called it done. :woman_shrugging:

Yes, there is a reason each class has a few secondary stats that are the majorly heavily weighted stats.

That still doesn’t mean that stacking 3 stats to the skies isn’t less dull and unimaginative.