Can we un-simplify stats a bit?

ummm no, sorry, we’re talking about separate things here.

That would be boring. That would be too “homogenized.”

Ilvl needs hidden in-game so that people will stop looking at it and automatically expecting an upgrade.

Having certain stats be more valuable to your spec is interesting. If they do what you’re suggesting, they may as well remove every stat but ilvl.


The stats they have in the game now are fine. They could do with tweaking how the classes interact with the stats because the relationship between primary and secondaries feels pretty out of whack with a lot of specs, but that is just a numbers thing.

That’s fine but you don’t really have any reason for it lol. It’s not about “big heal numbers only”, it’s about having proper flow to the dungeon runs and making big pulls instead of linking every pull together. If there is a rogue or stealth char in the group with a sustain healer, you’re actually removing all of the value because you can no longer chain pull and it’s actually slower. Chain pulling is literally BAD tanking. The healer should always be able to start drinking after a pull ends, and every pull should be the limit of what the group can handle.

Your idea of what is “exciting” is self-serving excitement. It brings the group down in every single way. I guess it’s good for you though.

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We’re not. Refusing to acknowledge what took the place of hit cap and armor pen and then declaring the things you single out bland is a half formed opinion.

Isn’t glacial spike scaling off mastery a bug? They’re also trying to fix the noIL build since that was never intended to happen.

I don’t see how chain pulling is bad tanking. But that’s your point of view and your welcome to it. :woman_shrugging:

If anything I personally think chain pulling gets things done faster.

Also resto shamans these days are just. “Big numbers healing” it’s really boring.

Because it doesn’t end combat, and it’s slower than just getting the limit number of mobs a group can handle together and bursting them down all at once.

Sometimes things seem faster, when they are slower(and vice versa). This is why you’re a healer main and I am a tank main.

Personally I’m fine with how the stats are right now. I like being able to look at pieces of gear and know (for the most part) which one is better for me. That’s why I really don’t like trinkets that have those additional abilities because they require a simulation program to tell me which is better. I’m okay with that for 2 pieces of gear, but I don’t want to have to run every piece of gear through the simulator.

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No, it isn’t a bug. A frost mage’s mastery effects the damage of their icicles. Glacial Spike replaces icicles, therefore it scales off of the mastery.

And noIL is still better than standard GS in 8.3. Orb build is looking to be a bit stronger than noIL though.

You’re the first tank I’ve ever seen complain about being able to chain pull and get things moving along without having to stop and wait.

To each their own.

I’d love to see Mastery and Versatility do the same thing; increase damage done/reduce damage taken, in PvE and PvP, respectively.

Stats like MP/5 and Spell Power work for Classic, but got changed over time to make itemization easier for the dev team; especially as classes changed. It would be nice to have non-main stats specific to items again, but it won’t work in the current paradigm of focus on endgame and time-played metrics.

What he is saying is that the group should be pulling the absolute maximum of what they can handle at a time rather than pulling small packs in quick succession–which is true most of the time.

In the majority of cases, if you can pull 4 packs at the same time, you should be doing so rather than chaining those four one at a time.


Okay? You must play with inexperienced tanks. It’s a bad habit to chain pull and so many m+ affixes are literally designed to punish chain pulling severely. Maybe you only play heroic level content but idunno. Maybe you only play with new tanks but idunno. It’s always going to be a faster pace to group up as many mobs as the group can handle and burst them down. The healer should be struggling to keep up so they do need a moment to top everyone off after these massive pulls, and then they drink. Normally I just cast wild growth and swiftmend on myself while they are recovering from the huge pull and then move on the moment I see them drink. Then by the time I have the next pull gathered to a size that it actually hurts me, they are already healing me again. It’s proper flow. People who chain pull are just ignorant and misled lol. You can praise them all you want but it’s incorrect tanking.

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Are you asking for a return to expertise-style stats? Or just a revaluation of secondary stats?

I don’t personally enjoy that style of tanking, because as a restoration shaman, I have zero tools for doing anything but single target healing for the most part (chain heal, heals like a wet noodle, even if you specc into it, thanks blizz)

Big pulls most of the time end up with dead dps, because I don’t have the personal tools as a shaman healer to be able to stop people from dying if the tank decides to drag 10 mobs and 2 go attacking dps. :woman_shrugging:

Maybe it works for the Meta druids/priests, but I personally hate it as a shaman.

I’d much rather do several quick succession groups in which we burn through group after group and the damage is more easily controled, and the tanks not gonna die if I stop paying attention to them in 2 seconds.

Mostly re-evaluation of secondary stats.

I know people hate hit/expertise.

heck, I don’t like hit/expertise. That was more of like a stat tax that you had to hit before you could dump into your good stats. Wasn’t fun.

It’s a thing, though. It’s not used as a meaningless word, like “elitism”.

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It’s not a one size fits all thing. “the limit the group can handle” means, the limit of what the 5 people in the current dungeon at their current ability can handle. Being a tank is the art of understanding and pushing to a healer’s very limit. You have to watch over so many different things and micromanage everything. Bad tanks always tank the same and blame people when things wipe, good tanks never wipe.


I run with a shaman healer pretty regularly and he manages it fine. If the group is looking unhealthy he’ll toss out a link totem and we’re fine again.

As for tanks losing aggro… they shouldn’t be losing aggro. That’s just the tank making a mistake or dps going all out before the tank has fully established threat.

Also this. This is a very important skill to have. I always evaluate the group I’m running with and change my tanking style to match.

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