Can we un-simplify stats a bit?

I am ok with the current Basic State of Str/Agi/Int and the 4 secondary stats of Mast/Vers/Crit/Haste.

I think they could bolster the add on stats a bit from Speed/Leach/Avoidance.

Crit Damage, Cool Down Reduction, Weapon Damage could be cool additions to the tertiary stats.


This I agree with. Secondaries or tertiaries that modified these values could be awesome. They’re currently experimenting a bit with doing so with benthic/corrupted gear.

It’d be neat if they baked it into gear in the future.

Then you have classes that ignore mastery, because it does next to nothing for them as well.

I get having redundant stats that do the -exact- same thing is bad. But I didn’t think AP vs Str/Agil was redudant, as the mainstats effected more than just raw power.

I so miss the days of armor penetration and other stats actually mattering back in wrath. Yes, even getting hit capped. Stats nowadays are boring and irrelevant, dumbed down just as much as everything else in the game. Feels like we’re playing wow: console version on a nintendo with mario fans.

I miss resistances, and extra damage from different types of damage and undead getting extra dmg from holy and fur races getting extra fire dmg (i kid, that never happened).


I remember Ion saying stats weren’t going to be changing with this level squish. Sorry, I don’t have a link… but I definitely remember him saying that.

Multistrike :sob::sob::sob:


Absolutely correct. Now, the question is, should the mastery for those specs be rebalanced to be more impactful or is it okay for them to want to stack something else?

I see your point, I just personally think that they were not different enough to merit seperate stats and that damage output could be scaled in more interesting ways via secondaries.

Such as the crit damage modifier that another user suggested or the CD reducing stat–that one could be extremely impactful.

Since everyones skipping over it i’ll try again.

Stats now are things like Bloodthirst proccing a bleed if it crits, Stacking 2 unstable afflictions giving a haste buff, fireblast giving a mastery buff, ect.

They dont look like +5 frost resist or a chance proc a second melee swing, but these are still what you all are talking about. The gear is bland because you’re not looking at all of it. These core stats are far from the whole picture and I dont understand how you guys can have a conversation about it while not even understanding what took its place.


Mmm… no gears still bland from my point of view.

Even with essences, even with azerite armor (both of which are just borrowed powers, not going to be around post BFA content) stats are still very boring.


Vers is the best stat for some classes and specs. Every stat is valuable depending on your class. There is no homogenization or mediocrity it’s just streamlined and well designed. Not designed to waste your time like the old system.

If you want a better feel for your class, look up the main valuable secondary stats and stack them. We all benefit from every stat, but there is always a pair that is head and shoulders above the others. Most of the time it is haste + something else, but sometimes it is a really interesting combination. It’s really just not as simple as anyone is making it out to be though, and if it was more complicated it would just be more annoying to progress imo.

What exactly is too simple about it?


i dont understand how adding more stats back would make it less boring. They’re still passive, they don’t actively change how your charecter plays until you’ve hit a certain amount of any specific thing.

I don’t love the AP system or azerite, but it is more engaging than trying to level a weapon skill and get hit capped.


I think mastery should be an important stat personally. it’s suppose to signify your ability to excell at what your doing, and the abilities should provide that.

Some masteries are amazing, other masteries are not even worth it.

Though forcing people to stack only mastery to get the big numbers also doesn’t feel good.

I realize it’s not an easy balancing game, but I’m also finding myself really bored with how stagnent and boring gear is these days. It’s just “does this have the secondary stats I want? No? Useless, does it have more int? no? useless.” there’s no variety in gear. it’s just stacking the 2 best secondary stats for your class and getting as much of your main stat as possible.

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Wow basically is diablo now. With the rng, brain dead talent trees and mashing 3 buttons over and over. Oh and smashing through huge piles of mobs with aoe. It’s basically diablo mmo style.

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I would rather see them make good on their words saying higher ilvl = upgrade. Really tired of having to use 3rd party sites every patch to see what stats I want this time around.

Instead I think talents should be aimed at maximizing your perferred stat choice and/or current gear. For instance, if you happen to have a lot of crit, you could pick the talents that favor crit. The talent itself would need to tell you and it is a pipe dream in itself since balance cant be achieved, but that is what I want.

Reforging should come back too. Hit and expertise can stay dead in the fire along with defense rating…wouldnt mind if spirit came back if it could be made relevant.

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Because being able to build a high sustain shaman healer back in WoTLk felt amazing.

Being able to be efficiant with spells, and churn up the number of times I could cast my heals and get people out of sticky situations was great.

Having high mana regeneration with my various abilities to keep the healing going was nice.

Now everythings literally static, flat. My heals always cost the same percent of my maximum mana, and mana regeneration is weird. My heals only scale off how high my int/mastery/crit is, so if I want to heal more, just pick the gear that gives more int/mastery/crit

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SimC + raidbots top gear, maybe add a custom apl for those specs that it is necesarry for. Equip what it says is best 9 times out of 10.

Pretty simple, but that’s not Blizzard’s fault. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stats aren’t as boring here as they are in a certain other snoozefest mmo but I’d enjoy more fun ones for sure and a return of multistrike.

That’s how it should be, and also the main perk of this new way is that healer gear is interchangeable with dps gear. This is a huge deal for healer mains that quest on their own.

I don’t like the idea of people making off-meta builds for high sustain or whatever. I feel like that build defeats the purpose of itself. I can’t do really big pulls because you wouldn’t have the output for it. So I guess it’s good for just chain pulling, but I’d rather do a huge pull and AoE in a good location then let the healer drink right before I get us back into combat. High sustain is just overrated. I’d like to know that my healer is using a conventional gearset without having to inspect their every piece of gear before every run.

Lets not add more stats in until they fix the current secondary stats. Right now X class requires y and z secondary stats and its always a delete item moment when you get an item with no y or z secondary stats so adding more wont be helpful. IMO secondary stats should be more fun stats like small speed or make it so primary will win out regardless even if its a 5-10 ilvl increase


And I find your viewpoint, utterly boring and uninspired. (No offense, just I don’t like “Big heal numbers only”)

I had plenty of +healing, but I also had significantly increased mana regeneration so I could cast more heals, and a high haste to be able to cast said heals properly.

I really don’t find the current way stats work to be engaging at all, it’s extremely lackluster, and makes everything feel monotonous.