Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

lolol is all i can say.
This expansion and ions developer skills are horrible

/delete expansion and ion

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Tried to be a game developer
/failed horribly

Hard disagree. To say this expansion is a let down is understatement.

BFA > Shadowlands

Best, no. As bad as people make it out to be? Also no. It’s still incredibly imbalanced. There are many bugs that have been ongoing since old xpacs, even after multiple reports. Covenant abilities are amazing for some, but suck for others. The maw is not fun. But at least my alts can catch up in renown quickly.

Tommy Wisesu’s voice Oh hi Tupacshekar.

I just think it’s a little ironic that you named your alt Trashxpac and then you still use the same defense of High selling = Quality argument that’s been debunked on god know how many times. ( i mean by that logic, Alien Colonal Marines sold very well, so obviously, Randy Pitchford have made quality work, right?)

He is. :point_down:

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Where to begin…

Reduced loot in m+
Emphasis on Torghast and the maw (two things I highly dislike and more on the way in 9.1)
Being covenant locked
Covenant rewards costing THOUSANDS of anima but only getting a petty 35. Blizzard REALLY likes to choke the start of an expansion to a literal crawl
The way Blizzard handled valor points, meaning you have to reacquire items then you can spent valor, no vendor where you can actually buy gear with valor
Scaling (specifically ilvl scaling it’s literally anti-RPG)
Not fixing Legion scaling in raids
Disconnected zones that keep getting smaller and smaller as the expansions go on

Did you need any more or is this enough?

Shadowlands = bad.


ok buddy you’re taking it too far now

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Well you are stating here why the “only” class I play isn’t irrelevant to the issue. I just ignore classes being more or less powerful than me, hence the reason why I don’t burnout. I guess you have to re-read what you all said here and realize you get burnout because you ALWAYS want to seek out and play the best spec/class. I don’t want you to think I am arguing because I am not, but you have to realize you are contradicting yourself in the second and third paragraph as to what you stated in the first paragraph about me only ever playing one class/spec.

Competition to this degree will always lead to a burnout if you continue to play this way, that is all I was and am saying, still, in this response.

You have to think here, there isn’t one person or group at Blizzard making/designing every class. With that said, that is the bigger picture. I would start at the top of the food chain and say there is just a lack of communication between class developers/engineers in ensuring that skills, powers, gear-specific items, etc. are “equal” enough.

The other point most people don’t consider is individual experience and talent from the player. Even the developers/engineers have different skill/talent levels. So, unless the same person is equally proficient in ALL classes and specializations that design and develop them, or the person playing this class/spec versus another person playing another class/spec are equal, then sure, there wouldn’t ever be a balance issue. That is why this WON’T EVER go away, period. That isn’t realistic is all.

Shadowlands is garbage to me. BFA was more warcraft than Shadowfail.

Getting fixed via valor in 9.0.5

Personal opinion doesn’t matter

Fixing balancing in 9.0.5/9.1

Tbh I just feel like the rest of your points are just personal gripes with the game, if you hate it so much why even play?

Literally most of your problems are getting fixed.

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I like Shadowlands. I don’t think its horrible, but I’m also a player that has a raiding guild and does some other high end content. I think parts of it are really boring and need to be fleshed out. After you’ve gotten new leggos out of Torghast and you have your main leggos lvld up it honestly is a chore to do and is BORING.

The Maw is way too punishing. I’m trying to catch up on Venari rep and there are days I can’t even finish all of the dailies bc I’m at red eye of the jailer and I have to bounce. The no mount thing was also so effing dumb and punishing. No one pays for a video game to actually be punishing. Hard is one thing, needlessly punishing is another.

I don’t like covenants, conduits, the maw, torghast, or pvp meta.

Might wanna check again. Nowhere does it say loot drops are increasing. Still a strike against SL.

Matters to me. That’s why I quit.

Are they unlocking covenants? Where you can switch freely? I didn’t hear of that. Not being fixed. Next.

No they’re not. Not at all. Nothing I want is being fixed even in 9.1. That’s why I have 3 days left on my sub and I will not be coming back for the foreseeable future.

Shadowlands is a bad expansion.

Then play another game?

SL is fine.

See this is something I can respect, you like SL but maybe don’t like some aspects of it. That’s better than just screaming up and down “BELLULAR SAID ITS DEAD!1”

I hope they ease up on things too once 9.1 drops.


No? Just cause I don’t like those features doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy m+ and raiding with my guildies and friends.

Who keeps pushing for the esports nonsense. Stop catering to this crowd.


I enjoy shadowlands a lot and have not left. I also hold no personal enmity towards a guy I’ve never even met. Crazy, I know.

i’m not going to say it’s the best to-date, but it’s a huge improvement from the past 3-4 expansions, especially leveling new characters.

That is literally not what happened at all. Bashiok posted his RL info and his family received endless pizza, death threats and everyone found out where all his family lived. Don’t be stupid and post BS lies.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

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