Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

I have been trying to explain this to people for awhile now…

eats popcorn:popcorn:

What about filling up the giant void of nothingness in SL after you have hit your wall? Raidlogged?

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He outright lied about the level squish and legacy content.



Nice try, Ion.

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Name is legit too.


Isn’t it sad when it’s considered normal for people to expect something good only to be sorely disappointed time and time again?


this is just a bait thred…stop feeding the troll.

Pulls up a chair


I mean, I’ve unsubbed cause I ran out of things to do or that I found enjoyable and the next content patch seems far off, but I’m actually looking forward to the next patch. Everything looks nice. I will be back.

I can’t say the same for when I was playing BFA. I had enough and was gone before the second raid was released.


Every expansion, Blizzard tries implementing something new.

Good expansions happen when the new stuff they add works great, adds to the game, and is fun. Bad expansions are when most of the new stuff flops.

Some examples of what I consider a good and bad expansion:

Legion - a good expansion

  • mythic+ - kept dungeons relevant. A great new addition to the game.
  • level scaling out in the world, plus world quests - gave people a reason to be out in the world and helped world feel much more populated with other players.
  • warforging - another great feature to keep content relevant.
  • overall good dungeons and raids
  • artifact was fun.
  • mission table was fun.

BFA - a very bad expansion, especially for its first year

  • island expeditions - this feature flopped. Extremely boring and felt pointless until cosmetic rewards added in second half of expansion.
  • invasions - these were ok, not great
  • warfronts - total flop. Only interesting to do once.
  • Horrific visions - boring and repetitive. Only interesting to do once.
  • raids - first raid was poorly done.
  • azerite system - flop. Extremely poorly done, especially at launch, where you could not equip new gear due to locked traits.
  • overly aggressive buffs and nerfs in the first 6 months. flop. This made it feel like the game was playing you rather than you playing it.
  • zone artwork looked pretty.

We’re still early in Shadowlands’ cycle, but in my opinion it is leagues better than BFA was at this point. Not as good as Legion, but far from the worst expac.

  • Torghast - quite fun actually. And enough variety to keep me going back week after week.
  • The maw - I’m indifferent to this. Feels just like the later zones added in content patches in Legion. Can’t mount (or in Legion: Fly), midly dangerous quest area. Feels a bit “been there done that”.
  • Zones - quite creative and look good.
  • mission table - I’m a bit indifferent to this. On the upside, once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite a bit more fun than the old mission table and allows for actual strategy. On the downside, the way it works is very poorly explained and being able to outlevel your followers’ capability to complete missions is not good.
  • Renown system - not bad.
  • Dungeons and first raid - pretty well done.
  • removal of warforging - flop. Warforging was one of the best new features added to the game. Removal of it may lead to characters running out of content to do to improve. It can also lead to certain content, like WQs, becoming obsolete.
  • Great Vault - this is a good addition. Much better than the weekly chest.

I just wanted to add my 2 cents on this, for what it is worth, about covenant selection and being “locked in” for a specific avenue of gameplay. I have two frost DKs. One is Night Fae, which is supposedly the best, but the nature of the damage skill is significantly less than Venthyr, which is my main frost DK - read on to understand why, it is not because of the numbers listed on the skills.

I feel like some people that put these tables together on WoWhead and stuff just read skills rather than doing rigorous testing. For me, Venthyr AOE skill is FAR more effective in dungeons and raids than Night Fae. Why? Mobility with the skill in Venthyr allows me to dps and move with bosses versus Night Fae where I have to click Death’s Due, then I have to click again to put it on the ground (hopefully in the right place), which cancels my target out…then I have to re-target the mob/boss, start dps again, and PRAY that the mob(s) or boss doesn’t have to be moved in order to avoid damage.

In a nutshell, just because a website said “hey, this is the best covenant for this gameplay” does not mean that is true. Venthyr skill > Night Fae skill all day long for ALL three types of avenues of approach, pvp, raiding, and mythic+. Venthyr might be a tiny bit less in damage according to the numbers listed for the skill, by Venthyr is significantly more powerful in damage due to its use in mobility.

I feel like this is permanent in any game you play unless you literally make every skill for every class the same, but with different names and special effects - same with gear, then it would be purely the skill of the player, in most cases, “winning/achieving.” Classes have balancing issues, without borrowed power, but yes, I agree, some borrowed power systems have been more extreme in being unbalanced than others.

I play frost DK regardless if it is most powerful, or if the spec is considerably less dps than unholy…I like frost DK because of the skills, the rotation, the story behind them, etc… I don’t play tank spec, period. I would rather leave a raid/dungeon/guild than be needed for a role I don’t want to play.

This is spot on, it is a trend that will be forever lol. I know a handful of people that literally play the expansion for the first month or two just to experience everything and then they don’t want to come back until the next expansion happens in two years.

On a side note. Just because someone cancelled their subscription doesn’t mean they quit either, which would be part of those “numbers” that make up that 41%. I would think a large portion of players pay subs month-to-month so you can’t say that 41% is in any way legit lol. What if they wait until their game time completely expires before they pay for the next month? Got to look at the big picture as well!

A lot more people have decent computers/are playing computer games these days then back in like 2010, so that helps a lot.

Fixed it for you! NOT everyone agree’s with this. Shadowlands is just what it was designed to be a LONG DRAWN OUT SLAG FEST TO HELP THE DEVELOPERS WITH THEIR TIME PLAYED METRICS TO KEEP THEIR JOBS! That’s all this expansion is.

/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

Yo i hear this every expansion and every expansion its the same garbage from blizzard.

" they are listening "… LUL.


I’m not sure anyone who brings up the bellular video even watched the video, only looked at the headline picture. He doesn’t bash the game at all, he’s explaining that the drop off is normal after the hype wears down.

Don’t forget everyone who pre-orders for the extra rewards. They count those too.

Fast selling doesn’t mean it’s good. Nobody knows what it’s like until they play it for awhile, then they give their opinion.

It’s insane, they just run with the headline and spam it everywhere.


Users = subs
Subs = revenue
Revenue = funding for content creation

Less Users = less funding for content

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I c what you did thaaaar!