Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

I don’t even think Ion thinks he’s good at his job. He must just wake up every morning and think “I wonder what I’ll mess up today”

i hope many outweigh us who dislike this expansion…
i just dont think that’s the case. i fear this expansion might be the worse to date imo.

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Lol when you troll but people can’t understand

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Yea, I can’t tell if it’s Bellular fan boys or just WoW haters in general…

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Where is your source on this? The 9.0.5 patch notes barely have any covenant ability changes and we have no info on 9.1 yet.

A billion times this…

I get that because of COVID content had to be cut but instead of sharing the pain across content for playstyles, content for casual players was gutted.

It is time to transfer Ion, and a good part of his echo chamber, to another department and to bring in more MMOPRG friendly designers.

I’m not sure people understand that the expansions/patches create a cyclical nature of subs.

It’s kind of like a tourist beach saying…“our numbers are 15000% down” in February when it’s 10 degrees outside.

There are business cycles to products. Is it down more than prior cycles? who knows. Is it down more because it started higher? who knows.

It would be nice if competent, well grounded analysis were applied instead of the whole “wow is dead” commentary, but this is a form of social media so the expectations should be rather low.

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Yeah people keep pointing out wow lost 41% of it’s users in 99 days like so what lmao!? Who cares, the game is so great right now but the one thing I love the most is the 6 months of game time plus the mount we get for free, I totally hope they give us a nice big fluffy sheep this time around!:astonished::astonished:

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If that were true you wouldn’t have felt the need to create this thread.

Look at the title you wrote. “Can we stop hating on Shadowlands?”.

Clearly that’s evidence that you see there’s a significant amount of people that don’t love Shadowlands.


Just read 9,0,5 notes, they get updated routinely and so far they have all kinds of changes to Necrolord for specific classes that are stuck into one covenant.

I swear, Bellular clickbaits people and the people come on the forums are regurgitate it without researching it.


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As Trump said “You are fake news” Now Bellular video but you.

Fastest selling does not mean it is the best expansion to date.

Of course it sold fast . After BfA they could of put out an expansion called

World of Warcraft : Hello Kitty and it would of sold fast. Also you have to figure that over the last year lots of people were stuck at home and had nothing better to do then pre order the expansion .

Really basing how good an expansion is based on initial sells. That doesn’t tell how many people are currently playing.


If I were a content creator, I would probably go around linking my videos to various forums to generate more views. I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but that would definitely help boost the business.

Well people are basing how bad it is by people leaving after expansion launch, but that’s NORMAL.

I don’t see how people can even say WoW is losing subs when this is just par for course.

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Oh yeah they say ignore their name but this right here just confirms they are a troll.

This is god tier trolling. Well done!

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After WOD, there has been a more cyclical nature to the playerbase - now with shadowlands, that drop-off is quicker and more pronounced. Also, generally, the people that were first to leave were the raiders… they gear up beat the raid and leave until the next major patch and then they repeat the cycle. What is disturbing is that the typically more resilient casual base is leaving. The fear is that when the raiders start to leave what will the game look like?

It is depressing that Blizzard seems content to amplify and exacerbate the feast/famine - boon/bust cycle by allowing these huge content droughts to exist.

How do we know the casual base is leaving? where is that information coming from?

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I like your name, OP :sweat_smile:


Fastest selling does not equate to “best ever”. How dense do you need to be to correlate the two?

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