Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

it’s not greasy as you can still fly in other content

OP are you that Tupac guy that spent months trolling here in the exact same fashion that you’re doing? I’m suspicious, to say the least.


They’re adding it back in Chains patch?

Buffed in 9.0.5.

Getting balanced in 9.0.5/9.1

Honestly, I just feel like people just complain to complain, I don’t understand how people are still hating on Blizzard after all they’ve done for us. So ungrateful.

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My sides! This guy lol


Is SL not the best LOL. Warth, BC, Cata, and MIST, and to a degree Legion is all better. Not sure about WoD and BfA since I didn’t play. So now SL sucks. Too much grind, too much time gating, class imbalance, AoE cap on certain spec while others gets uncap AoE on certain spec.

Eesh. Sad thing is the little dogs bite more than bigger dogs do… Media would have you believe they’re evil though, so it’s easy to get skewed.

On topic of Ion screwing up though…
“We’d rather you didn’t play demonology”
bows and walks out

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This is an MMO folks, it takes time to build power. Stop expecting BiS gear in 1 week, and remember that future patches are balancing things out.

I don’t understand why people still harp on these things, if you find it so unfun then just don’t play?

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Alan’s will become endangered if we don’t do something to help!

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Ever sense he has joined the wow team WOW has became a un-organized mess and ever expansion it just gets worse.

He is not worried about the health of the game, more worried about how much money he can squeeze out of it as possible.


You’re absolutely right, but I’m still a bit bitter. That nearly happened to me and my fear of dogs got significantly worse.

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Hes got a point…
and not just the spikes on his mask

Fastest selling to biggest drop off to date I would imagine. I mean, we came from BFA. The expectations to be amazing were not a bar set very high.

OP’s name does not check out.

You didn’t even answer my question. You said my concerns about covenants were being addressed yet all you talked about was valor points being added back, which is nice. But as I said 9.1 isn’t addressing the core issue with covenants.

Got suck into the 6mo sub otherwise I wouldn’t be playing. Yea in blizzcon I don’t see they mention anything about class balance in 9.1 and don’t expect it come out before July. Is not about getting BiS is all about hitting a wall after ilvl 205 or so and to rely on the great vault for drops. Is is better to just to the min number of m+ needed for 2 to 3 loots in great vault then log off and wait till reset. That’s not fun. Not to mention some specs have gotten over 20% aura buff and is still under perfomring by a good 8 to 10% then the top spec that’s an issue.

Can we get mods to ban Bellular’s video? It’s fake news.

The site he used to check the player numbers also says:


I don’t get how people just sensationalize every headline and run with it, my god.


IDK if it is Ion’s leadership, but that feeling has definitely started manifesting itself since he took over the helm.

Definitely more intimidating to have a burly dog come at you than an ankle biter for sure. Sorry for your incident though :pensive:.

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They’re reblancing the covenants so people switch from their BiS to the other ones, for example Ret pally is getting Kyrian nerfed and Necro buffed so it’ll be more tempting to move. They’re allowing people more mobility in future patches, so how is that not addressing the issue?

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I enjoy SL. I also liked WOTLK.

Good luck with this post on the forums though. I am sure you will elicit thousands of critical remarks.

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