Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

The problem is we, as players, have no idea who is ACTUALLY responsible for the decisions. So we’re throwing blame to someone without knowing anything about who made which calls. So WE Shouldn’t be calling out people because we really don’t know who to blame. We should call out the decisions themselves. And, ya know, if Blizzard sees that every decision x person makes - because they’re in a better position to know who made it - is problematic, they will speak to that person.

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I just see it as blaming the coach when a sports team fails to win. That is their responsibility and job. The players on a team are being orchestrated by the coach. If the coach can’t make the best use of his players and their talents to win games, then usually the owners will find a new coach.

I like the transmog they have done for SL. I wish it didn’t feel as bad as it does sometimes to collect them.

Considering how ridiculously toxic sports discourse is, I don’t know that you’re making the airtight case you think you are.

And realistically comparing a lead in a dev team to a coach isn’t really an accurate comparison either…

That all being said, the long and short of it is, since we don’t know who is responsible for what, or who is making which calls, it is far more reasonable, logical, and helpful to point your feedback and commentary to the DECISIONS. Because, in the end, that’s the only thing we can specifically comment on. We can comment that ‘the decision to make anima this slow is frustrating’. We can’t say ‘Bob didn’t do his job because anima is this slow’ - because we don’t know if Bob was even involved in that decision.

While I understand what you are getting at, you have to admit that taking the role of leader bears a bit more responsibility than the “troops” under them do.

What could have an affect on Ion’s responsibility for these choices is how much Actiblizz is dictating things to him. But without proper communication, we will never know for sure.

The posters name was the first sign it was a troll post

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Honestly, I am happy people are irked, upset, ETC

And come to the fourms to complain/ and or whine in some people eyes… It means they care, now yes some what to sit on the roof tops and watch it all burn…

But I would say most just want the game they play and some love to be better…when there is no Complaining or whining on forums I would be worried

To the fact of sales made up numbers. Blizz doesnt release sales anymore since the game went into decline.
Frankly you didn’t need cross realms to play each server had its own population.
If you wish just go to a dead server Moonrunner, Silvermist and see no people playing.
According to their Quarterly Statement Blizz is very open about this not being a good selling xpac. If we are comparing to WOTLK. Which by the way sold that many in this first day of presale.
Wow as we know it with no specs very few talents, isn’t really the same game as we knew it.

I love what you said there. MCDONALDS SELLS TRASH FOOD and will legit destroy your health. BUT THE PEOPLE KEEP LINING UP FOR IT.

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Okay, so since humanitarian appeals aren’t resonating here… let’s go with logical:

what use is it for us to direct our hate to him? Like… it doesn’t provide any useful feedback. There’s nothing actionable about ‘Ion sucks’ or ‘OMG Ion ruined the game’ - it’s useless both from our perspective and from theirs.

It is pointless to direct feedback in that fashion - it’s ethically questionable, it makes you - as an individual - look really petty(making them less likely to take your feedback seriously) and it doesn’t even help them understand what you are unhappy with.

I actually agree with you that criticisms should be relevant and specific to a certain problem, and not veer into personal or subjective feelings about things.

These days an expansion can’t be good if the systems they design are garbage.

You see? it’s all about the systems these days… they have been creating systems since legion and legion did fine with them the first time since then they are constantly following it. There has to be a dev constantly suggesting this garbage to continue. Legion did it good for being the first time you don’t double down constantly on each expansion.

And yes I know about OP name. Still :fishing_pole_and_fish:

You’ve completely lost all sense of reality if you believe wow is doing just as good as it was during wrath. I mean you’d have to be willfully ignorant to believe that.

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then tell all my friends that who never quit playing once since wod til shadowlands.

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It is also amazing what will sell when millions of people are stuck in their homes looking for entertainment.

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They didn’t remove sub counts until warlords of draenor, well after wotlk existed. Before then, sub counts were ALL publicly released by blizzard. These aren’t guesses, they all reference blizzard’s information given in stock holding interviews.

Or if you’re unsatisfied with those THREE references, here’s BLIZZARD showing you slightly before hand;

Again these sources are old and irrelevant to what the poster is saying, it’s clear that they are implying SL is losing subs when that’s normal for any expansion a couple months after launch.

Nothing about losing subscribers or revenue is new or special, I don’t get how people can get clickbaited this hard by 3rd party sites and YouTubers :man_facepalming:

Actually, it’s completely relevant to the post, since your initial post states “We even have more subscribers than WoTLK, and people still cry. Sad.”
We have nowhere close to that now.
It is also entirely safe to ASSUME (yes, assume) that wow has less than back then, because the entire genre has lost support across the board, and since wow’s creation, the people interested in the genre also have literally hundreds of options to spread out across. Wow showed zero sign of making any recovery before statistics were removed, and given that people are complaining people are constantly leaving and quitting every single expansion as well as people complaining that half their guilds are vanishing, it is literally mathematically impossible to come to a rational conclusion that there are more subs now than there were during wow’s expansion that is widely revered as the golden era of wow, by almost the ENTIRE playerbase.