Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

Pretty funny coming from “Trashxpac”.

It is not entirely safe to assume because people say WoW will die over the smallest of things, any new MMO that comes out is the “WoW killer”, literally the #1 enemy to WoW is it’s own fanbase so why would you ever take what the players say into account?

I agree on an individual basis but calling out the Devs in general is fine. They aren’t doing a good job in the minds of many.

I don’t take what others say into account when coming to my final conclusion. I take the statistical last known downward trend that doesn’t even have HALF the players of the games peak, and then I take the fact that the last generation of gamers hasn’t adopted MMO’s anywhere near what the generation that started it all has. THEN I take the fact that all the people that started in wow at its peak, now have hundreds of other options for MMO’s, where they had less than 10 decent ones when wow was first released, so the massive pool of wow’ers since then has spread out considerably. There is literally no way. Use your brain.

Kindly elaborate to me what benefit there is in calling them out vs posting the same feedback but not calling them out?

Because making a game for millions of people isn’t for his enjoyment? Huh?

Unless it sold so fast because people were desperate for BfA to end.

Sometimes the feedback doesn’t reach them, because not every developer spends 12 hours reading walls of texts on an online forum.
Other times you have a valid objection that you can post online (usually via social media they are on and be done in a respectful manner) and they will actually respond and help you with your problem directly, because they got feedback that wasn’t sent thru the middle man.
Rarely tho, you are dealing with a game developer who has a bit of an ego, and that tends ignore feedback from their players and that warrants a calling out too (i don’t mean threats and harassment, that’s just wrong, i mean calling them out respectfully) to get them to fix the problem that the playerbase has.

All in all, game devs are people too, and they make mistakes. Sometimes they need a more direct approach due to the nature of their job. The feedback they receive thru the middle man, doesn’t always reflect the actual state of things and they don’t have the right grasp of the situation until its too late. (see Cyberpunk as an example).

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Your name is literally “trash xpac”

If they would have seen your thread, they would have seen your thread even if you didn’t add ‘the devs suck’ to it.

Remember, in this discussion, we’ve already ruled out the idea of calling them out by name as being wrong, so we’re just talking adding generic ‘the dev team is out of control’ or ‘the dev team sucks’ to it… which I guarantee you are not words that draw their attention.

So no, that argument doesn’t hold any weight.

And if you’re arguing that insulting them makes them MORE likely to respond to your concerns, I would say you’re wrong since insulting devs by name makes your thread more likely to be deleted than replied to :wink:

Especially since they want to DISCOURAGE people from calling them out by name, not encourage it… so responding to posts that refer by name is actually counterproductive in their eyes. They want everyone to feel their feedback matters, so they make a very definite attempt to not show any bias towards threads titled any specific way.

He just named something he did wrong and most people dislike, but you try to turn it into a good thing.

That’s how I can tell you aren’t worth arguing with nor taking seriously.

When i wrote my reply, i meant that calling out devs (and by calling out, i mean reaching to) on, lets say, twitter, has a higher chance of them responding to you (ofc if you are respectful) than they would on a game forum, simply because no developer actually engages with numbers and feedback, its not their job to do so. (unless they are an indie developer).

AAA developers on the other hand, have community managers and people who look at numbers and based on that feedback they introduce changes into the game ecosystem. No big game developer interacts with the community, because they are busy with their work. The feedback they get is on a sheet of paper with numbers and requests from the management as to what to change in the game.

As for the forum engagement from anyone but the community managers, yea, we ain’t ever gonna go back to days where a dev would casually slip into a forum post, its too risky to have their words be twisted and cause backlash due to a misinterpretation by the playerbase.

I still stand that, if you have legit gripes with how something is done ingame, you can ask a dev on social media (respectfully) and hope that they will respond. In the end, Game developers are just worker bees for the management that works for publishers that have suits that make decisions that make profit. Devs are so low on the totem poll, that its laughable that some people go at them with ferocity for something that they don’t have any control over.

The forums will always complain about current content. Most people I know who left between Cata and MOP have been playing frequently, and have stayed with the game. I’d usually quit an xpac very early on and come back for later patches. I’ve never stayed subbed for as long as I have for the very first content patch.

The devs rarely listen to the forums for good reason. The major complaints right now all seem to be centered around gear accessibility, which people have always whined about, even back when world quests would fill your bags with useless purples.

Oh, if you mean ‘asking questions on twitter towards a developer’s personal twitter account politely’, ya, that’s a different story.

I’m more referring to people adding insults towards devs on forum feedback. lol

Yea, insults are never going to work. I must have read the whole thread wrong, apologies.

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wonder how banning multiboxers negatively affected the total hours played they report to their investors.

It didn’t affect it at all tbh.

Personally, I think it’s foolish to place all of an expansion’s successes and shortcomings at the feet of one person.

That’s because in general people voice their opinion when they want something changed and not when they’re content. There’s a negativity bias to most feedback that needs to be accounted for.

Sure if you say so Ion. We all know lawyers never LIE. lmfao.

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