Satisfaction is related to completion. Completion is an end. The end is death. Total satisfaction will never be reached until death.
A happier more positive attitude while being here would be nice though.
Satisfaction is related to completion. Completion is an end. The end is death. Total satisfaction will never be reached until death.
A happier more positive attitude while being here would be nice though.
This is why Blood Elves were a mistake.
Yeah. I’m salty that there is such a thing as worst specs in the game. How dumb was I to think a game that gives you choices would actually want you to choose?
That and I should be grateful for the 100s of hours I wasted in-game so far and re-roll the meta to sink in some 100s more so I can finally enjoy some time in WoW. I just have to hope the meta doesn’t change in 9.0.5 or 9.1.
Now that I see things your way, WoW is such a perfect game. I’m having such a good time, I spend the few free hours I have to play at night praising the devs and all their glory.
Hail Ion!
You’re not the only one who has to go through this, everyone else does as well. Like I said, despite you playing the hardest class to climb with, there’s people who have done it to glad and beyond.
If you can’t outplay the meta though, then take it as a sign to reroll or maybe accept the fact that SL PvP might not be for you?
This thread doesn’t just have whoosh, it has an entire international airport.
WoTLK had 12 million subs. Even TBC had more subs than current retail. 3.5million day 1 is nice but it’s hardly impressive when long term sales are much lower…
This is an ok expansion. Everything works but nothing is amazing.
Yea SL is trash. Wow is trash right now. It won’t fail though because people are way too invested to actually quit when they don’t have fun. They just continue to pump money into an objectively not fun game.
im having fun, enjoying flipping covenants while lvling alts to see what i enjoy and what covers gaps.
there’s the usual time sinks that suck like they always do but thats part of any game currently.
most the problem isnt him its the crap LFR mentality people have now days
I am not even doing PvP right now but I find Shadowlands a good game just like Legion and BFA becoz I love Mythic+.
I reached M+15 on Legion and on BFA all on Dungeon Finder. And I would try to do the same in Shadowlands.
Shadowlands is basically no man’s sky before they did their job and fixed it just with a lot more bugs.
Oh yes Shadowlands is so great I am playing my 53 Destruction lock way more in older and better content then my 60 hunter who is in the boring stuff but keep having fun.
He’s telling you a very simple basic concept here that if you hype something up to high heavens, you need to live up to that or else it will just be disapointing, even sometimes if the product ended up to be good, see Cyberpunk 2077 and Bioshock Infinite.
I don’t see how that video in particular is anti-blizzard, considering he’s just reporting the facts (well i use the word facts loosely since this is superdata were talking about) about the situation.
Good for you.
If you’re asking people not to listen other people telling them about their thoughts, you do realize your also asking them to not listen to you? This goes both ways Tupac.
The best? That’s debatable. If you like it a lot that’s cool, but I personally think Wrath or Cata are the best. Class design was at it’s peak around that time and they still had the old talent trees. There was also no temp systems like today and the game was just more fun to me.
SL went above WoD as the worst xpac now. There is a lot things I hate on SL compare to WoD.
Still nothing beats MoP.
Covenants. Class Balance. Torghost. PvP. Loot scarcity. Anima shortage.
lmao not by a long shot, its easily one of the worst expansions to date. and btw subs has dropped over 40% so its not a win. if BFA didnt end so poorly and it was a overall good expansion SL would have been a even bigger dud.
…how? Literally how is this expansion ANY WORSE than Legion, WoD, or BFA?
Boy oh boy if you saw how much subs drop every expansion. WoD had a 70% drop by this point.
“If BFA wasn’t bad SL wouldn’t be better than it.”
Keep dreaming cause people are leaving this crap fest in bucket loads. Really worse Xpac ever ever in wow history. You only started playing wow in 2015 lmfao. Good one.