Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

See this is just a player issue, clearly hunters are the hardest to climb with due to the nerfs and meta and you’re not doing yourself any favor by trying to play one when it’s clear that you can’t.

So why not just roll a ret/arms/warr and climb like everyone else? Again, if you say your main goal is to climb, then rolling FoTM is a part of that given how Blizzard balances the game.

This expansion is worse than bfa. And I thought BFA was bad. I really thought it would be a good expansion too. But wow, from the classes in pvp like ret, mage and boomy that have had no class balancing, to m+ having lower ilvl at +15 making it pointless to run after you reach 225 ilvl…There is also no fun casual content either.

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This isn’t Mists of Pandaria.

Because I wanted to play a BM hunter. That is my point entirely… You act like the game is perfect when it is extremely flawed. Oh, so I’m not playing the right class, right spec, right talents, etc. So why even have choices? Make WoW into LoL. Better for E-Sports

See, here I am trying to point out issues and here comes someone blinded by the thought that Bliz can do no wrong. Yet, you’re going to sit here and tell me.

You’re literally defeating your own argument. SL needs serious fixes. NOW, not once new content comes out. My goal is not to simply “climb the ladder”, I want to be able to play PvP with any class/spec/race combination I choose and not lose most matches because of game design.

Thank you . You make me smile :blush::see_no_evil:

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It doesn’t. Not every spec will be S tier, it’s never been that way and it never will.

Ret pally/WW getting toned down in 9.0.5, the less used covenants are getting buffed and there’s even some hunter related changes too, all of which btw isn’t final and has been constantly updated.

This game isn’t going to cater to your every need, no you can’t run a BM hunter into a melee meta because obviously you’re going to get cleaved to death as evident by your rating.

If the meta is melee, then try going something to counter that instead of just whining because your class/spec isn’t suddenly S tier for an expansion.

Call of Duty Cold War sold pretty quick, and the game is trash. Just because trash sells doesn’t mean it’s not trash. McDonalds is the biggest food chain in the world, the food you’re paying for is trash. (and I know mcdonalds taste good but it doesn’t make the quality of the food any better).


Toned down just a tad bit isn’t good game design. This is a live service game and if I need to wait till the next expansion for my issue to be resolved I am just not going to play the game. I waited throughout legion and bfa patiently just to be ignored in shadowlands, no thanks. This expansion is garbage for me, I would rather play WoD

People cry all the time when things get nerfed too hard, then they cry when they take things slow.

You people are too hard to please, there’s no perfectly balanced game on the market anywhere.

Ion is that you? Because you sure shrill enough .


Why is there an S tier? That’s the kind of problem I’m talking about…

Why? No druid fixes? Let’s see…Feral druid, impossible to kill. They do lots of damage and can heal through whatever most can dish out. Balance druids, most OP next to sub rogue. Bear druid…can’t kill 5v1.

Why is there a meta?

I don’t want any class to be S tier. They should all have strengths and weaknesses. Instead, you have some with strengths and others with weaknesses, only.

Thanks for helping me point out some of the issues with SL. You’re definitely helping make some good points that need to be addressed.

Bliz need to fix because current game design is a frustrating disappointment. I’m currently committed to never buying another expansion. Probably going to stop playing altogether if Season 1 ends as a total flop and Season 2 isn’t any better.

Ion’s white knight

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explains why he has a white beard!

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What world do you exist in? Every competitive game including League of Legends has a meta.

Every season of WoW has also had a strong meta, and you had to learn to either counter that meta with what you had (There’s some top rated MM hunters, no BM though) or you rerolled and played something else.

If you’re that stubborn to change or adapt, then get good cause like I said plenty of hunters hit glad but if you’re hardstuck 1200 then that’s your problem, not the games.

So the solution is not acting at all? They’re the developers they aren’t our parents. I think more people quit the game from bad class design rather then a spell getting nerfed.

This is fantastic.


Well considering we had to endure 2+ years of BFA, it’s easy to understand why SL sold so much so quickly lol

I never wished I refunded a wow expansion before, shadowlands is the first time I’ve ever felt this feeling. I honestly should have just burned 50 dollars instead of buying shadowlands.

Yeah…that’s my thought exactly. WoW should drop the RPG bs and just do a cheap rip-off of a DOTA2 rip-off. That way they can do their E-Sports and no one will mistake WoW for fun.

Bro I think you’re just salty that you can’t break 1.2 as one of the worst specs in the game.

Once I get my RBG gear, i’ll carry you to 1.8k bb.