What do you get out of this? Trolling everyone like you do?
Let us assume that SL is the best expansion ever. That doesn’t mean it’s good.
I’ve started in BfA 8.3. Mostly wanted to focus end-game on PvP. I was extremely disappointed in BfA. More so in SL, mostly because let down from hype. SL and BfA PvP both ridiculous unless you grind M+/raids to the max.
They’re fixing it, they’re doing WoD style gearing in 9.1 and in 9.0.5 there’s valor and they’ve been buffing loot on raid drops as well.
Classes/Covenants also slowing getting balanced, 9.0.5 has a lot of fixes for WW and Ret pally which people asked for.
So how exactly is SL a bad game? Give them time, they’ll make it right.
How is this the best xpac? More like the worst xpac.
- Torghast is boring, not rewarding and required for Soul Ash.
- Gear drops from raiding is terrible.
- Great Vault is unreliable.
- Bonus roll is gone.
- World quests mostly takes longer to complete. (No single strong mob or boss kill)
- Flightpaths are longer (taxi service).
- No flightmaster whistle.
- Crafting is slower.
- Legacy raid scaling is crap.
- Time gating.
- Anima power is extremely grindy.
Love the name OP.
When they gonna make it right? By 10.0? They already talking Season 2, so I just get hosed out of the first Season bc I didn’t go with the meta Day 1? Didn’t realize I needed to grind M+ and mythic raid to do PvP?
Then, Season 2 coming out with lots of other junk too… Do I have faith that Bliz ain’t going to somehow screw up these “fixes”? Why are devs so focused on moving onto new content when their current content still needs work?
- This is your personal opinion, many people love Torghast and go on to do TC for the mount as well.
- They buffed it by 33% recently.
- That’s the gamble of the system, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not, it’s basically a lootbox. This doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’ s just different.
- Who cares? They buffed loot and gave us a vault.
- Not mandatory content.
- Personal issue, not a game issue.
- Again who cares? Flying is coming soon.
- Personal issu, not a game issue.
- They might address this later on, for now it’s w/e.
- Time gating isn’t bad, it makes content last longer.
- What anima power? That whole anima system is not mandatory.
You don’t? Most covenant gear is 197 when maxed out, very easy to do and has vers for pvp. Then you just honor/CP pieces slowly to fill out, no pve at all except for campaign and anima wq.
It’s better than needlessly hating on a product that is being worked on lol.
It’s a business. A failing one with dwindling customerbase. (Not profit) I was trying to insinuate that the proper person get the blame. I told them from Blizzcon 2019 day one how cheap it looked. Infact all the Blizzard IPs have gotten massive cuts and it’s very apparent and the lack of interest after Blizzcon 2021 demonstrates this. (Less than a million views on a new product they are trying to sell people? After how long after Blizzcon?) I want the person responsible to get the actual blame, not the hard workers.
Ion is king.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Don’t make it too personal when we criticize the game. The game just sucks really.
There are 3 generations of WoW’s lifetime.
Classic Generation: Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath.
Post-Wrath Generation: Cata and Mop.
Ion Generation: WoD, Legion, BFA, and now Shadowlands. (includes end of Mop)
Each generation shares more in common with each other than the others. Ion’s work includes putting Mythic + into the game at the end of Mop. I don’t expect anyone to beat the Classic Generation but Ion’s Generation is not that bad at all.
The Devs are also working hard, people cried about Torghast and they nerfed it the same week. People hated Covenant disparity so the less used ones are getting buffed next patch along with nerfs to OP specs, again something everyone cried about.
I don’t get why it’s so hard for grown adults to be patient and wait.
Have you tried to do PvP with ~200 ilvl? You die instantly. You will lose every time. Covenant gear and the PvP vendor does not cut it against ilvl 220+.
I’m hating where needed.
Basically planning on quitting because the way the game is designed, I can’t have a life and enjoy the game. Even sacrificing every free moment I have, I’m still lagging behind in the now 3 months long grind to gear just so I can play the part of the game I want (PvP) without losing nearly every match (<-not fun) Games should be fun.
Explain all the streamers who hit 2.1k with sub 190 gear then?
Not sure if troll post cause of thread. But was there really that much hype? People were complaining before it even released
CR? Carried
Trill literally streamed him climbing ladder as 170 ilevel WW, there’s multiple other top named streamers who did the same thing. They didn’t all get carried, it can be done if you’re not bad at the game.
Thanks for the info. It’s pretty telling when most of the ardent forum supporters of SL are actually the same person, and that same person may not actually be defending SL not because they truly approve of it but because they enjoy trolling people.
What’d they do that Week 1? Before people had M+/raid gear?? Before you could even get much of the conquest gear???
I think just the news that we are moving from BFA to the next expansion was enough to drive those sales
It doesn’t matter when they did it, my point is that 197 is enough to hit 1.4 to get your first upgrade which then feeds into your 1.6 grind.
The system works fine, I don’t see the issue.
Yes…it does. Because now the competition is flooded with 220+ PvE gear folks. Been trying for a couple months to hit 1400, can’t get past 1200. Tried arenas and RBG… PvP is so broken right now.
Not with your head in the sand.