The whole idea of GDKP is repugnant pay to win bs. It detracts from social interactions, incentivizes Botting and RMT and exploits. The one thing GDKP does do is give Bliz more revenue through token purchases so they will never ban them.
It’s lazy, ptw, mobile game mentality crap that we can’t put back in Pandora’s box.
I would actually pay Bliz a premium sub to be on a server that has active GMs and all bots and GDKP are banned on sight.
If you want the whales or big spenders to come back to your raid, you HAVE TO socialize with them, you HAVE TO make it fun for them to come back weither it be interactions with your group Via discord or ingame.
GDKP’s are but a TINY TINY FRACTION of RMT, About 1/10 of the RMT is From GDKP’s.
Buying consumes/mats/Boosts/Gear takes up the majority of RMT money.
NO ONE is going to buy a blizzard token When you dont get that much money for it in classic wotlk. You get like what 3k? average GDKP payout is around 15-20k in wotlk? why spend $20 on a wow token for 3k when you can just either A. Buy it from Billy for $20 and get 30k back, OR B. Buy a retail token, and get 20k back.
Also blizzard DO NOT make money from the wow token, They ACTUALLY Loose money.
I’m in a few of them on my alt discord account to fish these people out and report them ingame when they are online in chat or going to a run.
There is an addon I think that just auto reports everyone you run near or in chat for botting or RMT depending on the setting and you can create a little minigame of blizz mail collection from actioned accounts.
Yup, it’s one synergistic system. Report all GDKP and boosting advertising on the spot. Honestly, the same should go for summoning. People paying for three accounts or more just to soak gold buyer money from people paying $$ just to avoid 5 minutes of flight time.
There’s so much gold buying going on it’s ridiculous.
I see the point went over your head.
Yes, if people were paying 10g for peacebloom because they had endless gold, you should be reporting them. That’s the point about summons. No one is blowing 2 gold to save 2 minutes of flight time unless they have infinite gold.
You report gdkps cuz it might have illegal gold, i report anyone posting on the AH because someone who buys their items might be using illegal gold and if youre selling stuff im just going to assume you got it from a bot program.
Anyway, GDKP and gold sellers are a synergistic system. People like the poster above me are just people who buy or sell gold/boosts. They don’t want to be cut off. Just make sure to report them when they pop up in the LFG channel. There’s a report category for “Advertisements”.
Anybody who earns gold legitimately? The inflation that gold-selling creates greatly devalues legitimate gold.
Everything is 10x the price, but I can only still farm gold at the same 1x rate as always. The only way to compete, is to contribute to the problem by either buying gold, or partaking in GDKP’s to “earn” illegitimate-gold.
You’ve literally added nothing of value in that comment. Even thrown in a bit of disinformation about the “bots keeping everything cheap”.
I am fine with GDKP, -if and only if- gold-buying didn’t exist. GDKP is a perfectly fine system. The problem with it is that you can buy gold with real money to give you a leg-up on purchasing in-game gear.
If I went on a gameshow, and I could use real money to get more letter guesses on wheel of fortune, you would say that is against the spirit of the game right?
Umm…what? Buying a spot in a GDKP where I don’t need to interact with anyone and just throw gold around isn’t socializing. Forming a guild, getting to know people on a personal level, raiding together is social interaction.
There are many GDKPs run by gold sellers and RMT groups. You are supporting the botters when you GDKP.
I don’t want “whales” to come to my raids. The irony in your statement is proving my point. You are using a term commonly associated with casinos and gambling. Clearly you are either benefiting from RMT or outright buying gold.
Based on polls that are easily googled. More than 25% of players in retail have purchased a token, many have bought multiple tokens. Tell me more about how no one buys tokens?