Can we start mass reporting GDKP advertising

The bots are just supplying the demand for gold. Most of the demand for gold buying is from GDKPs. Outside of those, there is barely anything to spend gold on at level 25. SoD has proved once and for all GDKP is the main driver for RMT in Classic. Ban GDKPs, and most RMT and bots will disappear.

I’m not disputing that there are players that buy gold to spend on GDKPs. Or to spend on the auction house with 800+ gold blues from SFK, traveler backpacks, mounts and epic flying mount speeds, or even character boosting in Mauradon or Slave Pens.

What I am disputing is your claim that GDKP is gambling, which it is not. Your claim that it is the gold itself that is making it gambling is wrong. GDKPs can just change the currency from gold to traveler back packs. If I bid three traveler backpacks for an epic 2 handed sword and win, is that gambling? Is it wrong for three people from that raid to take it to the auction house and sell them for 100g each?

How do you know I bought the traveler backpacks from a bot? I could have gotten them from fishing. Or farmed herbs and bought them off the AH. You said the AH is just fine to use and wasn’t gambling. So what if GDKP’s just take out the gold and replace it with a difference currency. Is it still gambling?

I can walk away with a nice cut of botted gold :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face: im not part of the problem :nerd_face::nerd_face: someone else bought the gold! :nerd_face::nerd_face: i just acquired it


No one is going to do that because bartering is too much of a hassle. That’s why money exists in the first place.

That’s just speculation to try and grasp at anything to defend your inaccurate claim that GDKP is considered gambling.

I’ll give you this. You were entertaining to educate.

We have all of human history to prove that people only barter when absolutely necessary. Money was invented because it’s convenient. We also know that GDKPs are popular because they are convenient. Take away the convenience of being able to use in game currency and most won’t bother doing GDKPs.

This is your first video game online isn’t? You are going to sit there and claim that video game players will not take any advantage they can? That they won’t do any work around possible to gain an edge or achieve their goal? Or use some loop hole?

You seriously think people wouldn’t barter in a gdkp? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You think bidding is gambling.

I admit defeat. You are far too uneducated to understand. Make sure you mass report all the GDKP advertising. Make that difference.

Says the dude playing wotlk with the worst economy

Nice broad gaslighting.

“Hur dur, all gold in a GDKP must be dirty gold, no way it can ever be legit because I suck at managing my money and anyone with more than I approve of is the problem, hur dur!”

Can’t wait to see all the Credit card raiders post “Lol just say you’re broke” in this thread

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“Gaslighting” nobody said all gdkp is botted gold, all it takes is one player bringing it, and if you think every single person doing gdkp have legitamate gold then im not discussing anything else further with you cause youre clueless lol

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The Pokimane Defense

Funny, this post got flagged and taken down. Then RESTORED by the forum mods. Must be okay to report people then :pray: enjoy your 7 day vacation credit card bro

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The flaw in your logic is that the gold is not wagered. You don’t forfeit the gold without getting an item.

I have never once seen an entrance fee to a GDKP, you’re making that up.

It’s an auction with raid drops. It’s the same as if Mantle Of Thieves were put up for bid only no buyout on the AH

So reporting people falsely because you do not like what a small percentage do. I really do not care what the percentage doing it are,mass reporting people for doing something that is well within he TOS is a classless childish act. While I think Gdkp are idiotic and classic is wore out, they are legal. If you cannot handle being one of the 0.0000001 percent of people who are actually effected by this, that is on you. There is no doom and gloom scenario as you cats like to portray,its the same exxagerated story as any other sadface forum post. Let people play,maybe find a guild if your paranoia convinces you gdkp are corrupt. Falsely reporting people actually is against tos, so we should all report you.


Why act like a child over a video game? I am defending the ones you are reporting,I dont buy gold,I dont even play classic. Nice work trying to put everyone in one category tho,shows your maturity. What really happened to you to get you this upset? After you answer that, maybe report the person responsible,not the entire community. The fact that you are doing this fit over a 20 year old version of the game,sad. Stop taking everything so seriously

Learn to read special boy.
I’m still not breaking any rules, but you are (and encouraging others to do so as well), and unsurprisingly forum mods as well, like they do on EU. Clueless people. Just like the clueless people in this thread.

Nobody needs geared characters to run this content. This isn’t bleeding edge content.

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So let’s not abuse the report system because you don’t like the fact other people have more gold then you.

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That’s not how words work.