Can we start mass reporting GDKP advertising

Way ahead of you buddy

Remember to report all GDKP advertising.

Don’t worry, FTFY

Where the hell were all these anti gdkp players in classic era/wrath? You haters don’t even understand why these runs are so popular to begin with. GDKP completely shatters all these corrupt ms/os runs players keep reporting. It also crushes corrupt LC guilds who give bis items to their buddies or wife. If you run a GDKP and get no loot you walk away making some gold, multiplied by all your alt runs. Players also noticed that GDKP attracts the highest skilled players, I promise you no GDKP is going 5/7.

You people will fizzle out at 60, and a good number of those that don’t will learn(as we did years ago) that gdkp is the best way to handle loot in game. Love it or hate it, GDKP isn’t going away. So keep crying all you want, tourists. Also, go back to retail.

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i have never once had to buy a spot in a gdkp.

you do understand theres ALOT of guilds that form to do only GDKP’s? or use GDKP as a means to recruit people right? Theres even guilds that do GDKP’s to get gold into the guild to buy consumes for their non-gdkp raids.

well duh, your broke and complaining about a small % of people that do RMT. Smart wow players dont RMT and just slurp inside of GDKPS until they get enough gold to buy their gear, or enough gold for consumes for the week.

Because im not blaming the people buying? name a SINGLE instance in this world where BLAMING/PUNISHING a buyer more harshly then the person selling it would give a positive outcome? at this point im 1000% sure you have no clue how a gdkp works.

Alright so in wow terms this is someone with ALOT of money or Gold and they’re big spenders. Not everyone over 1k gold is doing RMT.

Im at 4k gold across two accounts on Lone Wolf, and ive never Touched a GDKP, Nor RMT’d

So you cant read, thats fine. classic wotlk and retail tokens are completely different in price interms of money to gold ratio.

Retail you get 300k gold that will last you for 2-3months of just casual playing, if your M+ junky 1 month, Mythic raider+Myhic+ junky, 2 weeks, AND buying gold on retail is not smart, because its valued at classic prices.

Classic wotlk token is 3-4k to buy, that wont get you the worst Epic in a raid, while the gold only lasts you about a week.

Now how blizzard isnt making money on the token. You can farm 500k in 3weeks in Retail, and continuously buy wow gametime. — Blizzard even said it themselfs, THEY DO NOT MAKE PROFIT ON THE WOW TOKEN.

Classic wotlk, tokens are 4k. Going to 1gdkp gets you about 20-30k, thats 5 months of gametime earned in a 1-2 hours. I am gold capped on WOTLK from doing GDKP’s in tbc. I haven’t Bought game time with my own money Since wotlk tokens came out, So are some of my other friends, So are most of the bots in wotlk. — BLIZZARD DOES NOT MAKE PROFIT ON THE WOW TOKEN.

Buy 1 get 1 free on game time does not work.

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Can we report you for abusing the report system?

Stop being a judgement nose in the air snob cause you think every gdkp player buys gold or is toxic.

I used to hate on gdkps too then i tried them and realized they are a great way to make money, loot is already understood to go to the highest bidder, their is no loot qq, you you get gear or you get gold, and i never bought gold once but had like 30k in gold from farming and playing the AH myself .

Leave gdkps alone and stop trying to cancel and control every single then that you don’t like or are offended bye

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You have no idea who is and who isn’t a gold buyer. I’m reporting you just to be safe then.
Brb lemme make a Discord account with your name so I can pretend like I’m buying gold on a sketchy server.
Stay mad, stay bad.

After the debacle with Method buying a ton of gold from Gallywix during Ny’alotha in BfA, they actually did make it a reportable offense(at least in retail) to advertise boosting and carries for in-game gold, though there wasn’t any penalty for the actual carrying or boosting for gold. The idea was if you went and looked for someone yourself to carry you through raids, M+, PvP, etc. you wouldn’t be in any trouble, just people spamming ads for it.

That having been said, trade chat and LFG in retail were still endlessly full of ads for carries & such, and I remember a lot of people complaining about reporting the same people for months and them always being present in trade & LFG, so I wouldn’t be surprised if, even if spamming GDKP sales was against ToS, if no one was ever actually penalized for doing so.

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I know people who buy gold, they haven’t been to a gdkp in tbc wrath or sod.

First off stop buying gold. Secondly stop worrying about what others have and work on what you have. Pro life tip as well…


Time to fight back against the bots and GDKP.

Report EVERYTHING. Couple clicks takes no time.

I dont play WOTLK.

Actually, it’s more perverse. If somebody buys gold and you know it… even if you actively encouraged it. As long as it can’t be proven, you’re not part of the problem.

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Dude, clearly you are benefiting from RMT and the fact you are spewing long winded, incoherent gibberish just makes you sound more guilty.

Defending RMT doesn’t make it ok. Where do you think that 20-30k you get from a single GDKP comes from? You say less than 10% of GDKP gold is from RMT but you are just making stuff up. GDKP is how botters/gold sellers launder the gold.

Whether you like it or not, you are part of the problem, it just doesn’t bother you because you are benefiting from it or at worst ignorant of your participation.

Think about what you stated about being gold capped. From your perspective, gold is meaningless. Please tell me how that is a good thing for the in game economy?


all the gold buyers and botters in this thread

sad to see
we have a massive problem on our hands.


Alright, so you cannot launder gold through GDKP’s There is still evidence of you receiving That Bought Gold. the ONLY way to launder that gold, is buy going through a Gbank, Depositing it, and having the “Buyer” pull it out. Blizzard has no record of the amount of gold thats in a gbank and no record of people pulling gold out of a gbank.

You dont know how to read, thats why your buggin out.

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You must not of seen the twitch streamers gdkps. Most items starting bid is over 1k and reaches over 50k on some items. Week after week too so therefore illegal gold buying which they brag about. No way they are farming legitimately 100k gold per week.

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Fully agreed. Me and everyone in my guild already make sure to report anyone advertising a GDKP. Screw RMT.

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GDKPs aren’t against ToS, and spam reporting is likely to get you flagged for abuse of the report system.

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RMT is against the ToS. And GDKPs do not exist without RMT. The old lie that there is no RMT isn’t believed by anyone anymore.

If you buy gold or support gold buyers, you should be banned.