Can we show some love for Ion and the Dev team for listening to the players!

This dude really trying to get that green text.


Your statistic for that means nothing though.


I’ve come to a realization. This is the anti-rastlin. To one everything, no matter how good, was a slap in the face. To the other everything, no matter how bad, is the best thing to happen to WoW.


When did Ion start playing a priest?

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They truly do deserve the praise! Ion and the Dev team have been working long hours during this pandemic to make changes as quickly as they can, and i’m sure they feel great reading comments like yours!

You make it too easy . . .


Tupacshekar, in other forums, twisting or using only a part of someone’s conversation sentence is considered slander against said poster.

Be careful what you do. It will be used against you one day.


“Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt”


They truly did an amazing job with shadowlands, great job blizz!

Yes! I’m glad you’re enjoying the game, Shadowlands is regarded as one of the best expansions in WoW history and is currently in the best state it’s ever been in and will only get better as time moves on!

What about:

It was in the OP of a thread less than a week old.


I stand by what I said then, and I stand by what I said now. They have done a lot of changes that have impressed me both as a player and a proud supporter of Blizzard and I believe that Ion and the Dev team are making some incredible changes to make WoW amazing! I don’t see how it’s wrong to support the developer of a game that you enjoy, where’s the issue in that?

Brown-nosing much?


I have a lot of gratitude and respect for the Art teams, The Mesh asset creation teams, Texture artists, Audio production teams and Musical artists, theming is amazing without doubt.

I have no love at all however for Ion and the Development team pushing broken systems demanding of toxic, degenerate behaviors that have made people nothing less than hostile towards each other and fostering a pay to win atmosphere by encouraging carry sales, demanding token purchases for outrageous “crafted legendaries” while trying their absolute best to turn a blind eye to rampant cheating and botting that has become so rife within the last 4~ years that support are now having to save face because of bad choices made in Legion and BfA.

I have a lot of respect for the support staff, both in-game and out with the forums.

You, are doing the Development teams more harm than you realize by shedding more light on this.


It’s almost as if alpha and beta don’t exist in your mind :man_shrugging:


So you say, but you went from crucifying the game to worshipping it in a matter of days, and there wasn’t a server maintenance time or patch between them. It is like almost like Jekyll & Hyde.

Update: I stand corrected, the 180 degree flip was within 24 hours lol.


Weren’t you just in the main thread complain about how the new changes?

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Here was a response I gave to a similar statement:

I don’t know I think he’s a pretty effective troll. He winds you up and watches you all go. Trolls just want attention; you’re giving it to him. If you, say, ignore his entire profile
… he would magically disappear

Yep. I’d have put him on perm ignore days ago, but it’s really entertaining.