Can we revert back to MoP class design and go from there?

Right! I want my old Discipline back! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


God I miss mop and my 70+% crit chance as a bear druid. Or my holy nova only priest in wods prepatch

We are 3 expansion after MoP, how long do we have to wait for them to “build” them back up? Crappy and boring borrowed powers dont even cover for the lackluster specs, even when fully unlocked.

I think is just Dev ego that prevent them for going back to pre WoD model, it would be them admitting they failed.


As much as I loved MOP it was by far the worst time I had in PvP as a healer. Too may stuns and interrupts

Yep, people hated GhostCrawler on these forums, but I personally loved the dude. His ideas regarding dungeon and class design in Cata were spot on. People seem to just remember the last raid of Cata, which GhostCrawler himself even disliked and said he was sorry for.

Ill take that kind of person over doubling down on systems people are consistently outspokenly against and pretending like its good. Even with the massive slump initially from Cata being too hard and complex, it was nothing compared to what happened in even MoP and especially into WoD before they just stopped showing sub numbers. Hell, just bring back Wrath design and meet everyone in the middle. If anything seemed to please most people it was Wrath, hardcore and casual alike.


MoP…mmm yummy times hot pockets…PVP gear vendors…fights on serpent spine…watching Sensus videos.

Good times good.

:100: :fire: :raising_hand_woman:


You can also go the route they were going and do things like mix spells together or simply have a new spell that overwrites an old spell and plays in a different way. Despite getting new spells post Vanilla, which has a ton of abilities if you actually play PvP (not so much in raiding but thats more because of debuff limits) and playing into BC and then Wrath we got new things, but they added them in in a way that kept the old design and made new abilities higher prio, or simply made new abilities a long cooldown so it was something fun, but wasn’t a constant part of your rotation, and it was good.

Tanking and DPS are just the same architypes copy and pasted. Tanking on my Druid, Paladin and Warrior is essentially - Go in, Press AoE Button, Press Reactive Defensive button which generally has 2 charges, and revert back to AoE. Press 3 minute defensive if needed.

Thats it. I can play all those Classes with just that idea in mind. They dont feel or play out differently. Its the same Class with different colors and names. DPS on my Shadow Priest, Druid, Shaman, same thing. Build it up, get some points, blow it out. Same thing, same class, same architype. Sad state man.

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And that’s what I loved about MoP, the classes had flavor. Each spec played differently. Just look at Demonology. I used to watch my brother in 2s pop Metamorphosis and go from caster to in your face, melee freak that only skilled players knew how to handle. I’m terrible at arena, so there were many times I’d watch him while dead as he took out two players.

In Cata, when I made my first warrior, learning to stance dance was what got me into the class. It was like nothing I’d played before. And as a bear OT in BC, doing crowd control, I could tell just from what was going on during fights that other classes had completely different roles. Even when I switched over to boomie in Wotlk, my buffs and ability to hit tranquil, brez, and soothe was more important than my damage.


Yeah it was good times man. A lot of the top WoW players will still say Cata was the best time they had in PvP. For me it was the best time for PvE as well and Class Design. You said you didn’t play a lot of Cata, but you would of loved it. Cata was the basis for MoP. That era was kind of a game unto itself that we probably wont see again. Vanilla to Wrath was its own era, Cata to MoP its own and then WoD to BFA is its own and I would consider it by far the worst era for WoW.


I played all of Cata. Only thing that bothered me about that expansion was the ZG/ZA patch, but they made up for it with MF.

Skipped MoP? Accept my condolences.


I miss the demon hunter from pandaria version…

I think it was called monk…

I miss ascendance baseline on Enhancement shaman so much, and casting while moving too.

I always thought what it would be like if we had MoP class design with Legion artifact abilities and perks from the weapons. My god, it would be master piece. Too bad it’ll never happen because it’d be too much fun.

Ele shaman needs to go back to being able to cast lightning bolt while moving. Shamans have never been the same since.

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It was coined ‘casterclysm’ for a reason.

Sadly i missed mop, panda’s drove me away.

MoP was the gold standard of class design :heart:


It’s funny because when MoP was current is was blasted for its homogenization, mass instant CC, absurd burst, and zero uniqueness.

The “forums” seemed to hate it back then.

One of the common cries back then were how rogue and hunter specs were virtually identical, which is part of what drove the Legion redesign.


Common theme here… people complain and we seem to get a more crap game every single expansion LOL. Look at the people who hated wod and legion, they would give their organs to go back to those days over the dumpster fire that is BFA.

Sad fact is that WoW just has seriously gone downhill after MoP. I guess you could say WOTLK had the most obviously, but MoP seemed to be the last xpac before blizz tore into literally every system and started gutting stuff. Losing glyphs, stances, abilities, talents, gaining them back in gimped versions or in pvp talents…

Its amazing a company can lose 9m subs in 10 years and still be fine with it because their cash cow in game transactions are what keeps them afloat. Its pathetic.


No that would actually require effort. Balancing classes through convoluted systems for players to run like hamster wheels keeps players subbed. Also takes a lot less effort.