Can we revert back to MoP class design and go from there?

No, everything scales at the moment, both by item level and character level. It’d work just like Legion artifacts.

You do realise that mob hp has increased in proportion to player damage while mob damage has decreased.

When you compare now to Legion.

What’s your point, dude? You act like they haven’t done stat squishes before.

My point is that no matter how you dress up damage and hp, you will always have a situation where you want to decide how long the fight should go for.

Skills, secondaries, passives, actives.

All moot before the god of fight timers.

So everything is adjusted for that outcome.

Do you need an abstract?

What does anything you just said have to do with the topic?


MoP class design was absolutely stellar

Everyone’s class felt overpowered and had lots of buttons

Absolute blast


I’d be happy for MoP Mistweaver to come back. Chi Torpedo goodness.


You need an abstract :slight_smile:

If you increase a static damage value by 20% then you can say something will die 20% faster.

So somthing that took 1 minute to die, now takes 48 seconds.

from a design perspective, how fast, is too fast?

The skills are window dressing, you were talking about simple fixes. When all fixes will result in an intentional design related to a couple of linear polar scales.

If you are still scratching your head, look out a window, and then colour it red. Is it any different, or just harder to see out the window. Of course, its still a window.

Yeah, you’re talking about an issue that comes up regardless of MoP’s system or SL’s system and trying to act like it’d only be something to consider with my suggestions. But carry on. You seem pretty impressed with yourself.


rolleyes I answered you, and did not give you poo.


Only if you smoked crack during the entirety of the expansion :joy:


But then what about Blizzard’s time-wasting, content-stretching “systems”?? The entire class design philosophy is built around them.

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iirc MoP the CC in PVP was insane.

I mained priest in MOP and loved it. Shadow and Disc were fun. I raided with disc priest and really wish they’d bring back that exact design.


I’ll sign, but only if I get Cata Elemental Shaman back.


I honestly don’t remember the rotation for MoP.

It’s obvious you don’t remember MoP if you think Demo was anything but a meme spec for leveling with Glyph of Demon Hunting.

You were Destruction, and if you had the right gear, you could pull off Affliction. Though Destruction was so smooth brain to play, there was no reason. Close your eyes, launch massive 11M trinketed Chaos Bolts. In AoE, F&B and immolate/incinerate to your heart’s content as it became self-sustaining and couldn’t deplete your embers faster than you could generate them.

MoP classes had a lot of issues. Warrior tanks were laughable. They were the only tank that required a healer to babysit them as they had no way to regenerate any lost health. Meanwhile, Paladins would require 0 outside healing and could easily solo tank Mythic boss mechanics that required splitting damage to the entire raid while pulling more HPS and DPS than the rest of the raid.

Every spec of every class had raid wide cooldowns. Every fight was designed around CD blanketing. You chained Devotion Auras into Commanding Shouts into Anti-Magic Zones into Barriers, into Tranquilities (Moonkin Tanqs even!) unitl the boss was dead. Thok P2 ? What’s that ? 99 stacks till dead.

And let’s not get into Vengeance. I don’t think anyone but Tanks liked Vengeance (it was so great, and the player base just had to whine. So what if the Tank did 80% of the damage himself and the rest of the raid was a bunch of cheerleaders).

There’s always a lot of rose-tinted glasses that is present in “MoP classes” threads. It was far from perfect.


ironically thats exactly how i felt during mop at least for pvp

every class having demon hunter mobility, every class having multiple instant CC categories, warriors just being a joke, hybrids somehow doing more healing than actual healers, healers seemingly losing the ability to cast (lol at looking @ recount at the end of every game and seeing 95% healing done by hots and instant casts).

ill pass… rather use wotlk or something as a base.

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WoD classes were about right. Vengeance was removed from Tanks in favor of something that affected only survivability, some pruning occured so Moonkins couldn’t Tranq and Ret Paladins couldn’t Devo Aura, making use of raid wides more strategic, but classes still had fast gameplay and good mobility all around, making none feel like total wheelchairs.

Legion had the right idea with Artifact weapons, but the initial launch felt slow and naked. Once you had your Artifact fully unlocked, classes felt complete. BfA’s problem is it took all Artifact stuff away and gave you 3 Azerite powers to compensate, rather than simply baking in the Artifact passives and letting you keep them moving forward and using Azerite only to replace Tier set bonuses.

Wrath would be my ideal, but I’d take anything before the garbage that was WoD’s class design :nauseated_face: