Can we revert back to MoP class design and go from there?

Dont forget the buying of tokens to get those mythic carries to get your items that deal 40% of your damage so you can be viable :slight_smile:

It’s crazy how many people have store bought mounts, i’d be a hypocrite if I said I didn’t have one, but yeah.

Oh yes how could I forget. Gah this game has gone so down hill lmao hard to keep up with all the mistakes blizavision makes nowa days.

I dont have one… ive instead boosted every class since wod at some point… and have bought like 4 tokens. Lol i played into the game, even pre purchased shadowlands even though i know ill be disappointed after the first 2 months like the last 3 expansions.

Yeah, were the people giving Blizzard the chance to use most of their bad ideas with the money we give them. I just have so much sentimental value to this game, it’s hard to leave it.

I just hope one day, I’ll enjoy this game as much I did when I first played it or when MoP came out.

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In MoP they announced they had over 100 million accounts over their lifetime.

But only 12 million ever concurrent at its peak.

They’ve always bled subs, but for a while the new subs outpaced the quitting subs.

The forums have said the current expansion is the reason this game died and lost subs since Wrath. It coined “Wrath baby” after all.

Just a video game after all, play if it’s fun, don’t play if it’s not.

I mained a hunter in MoP. I liked and played every spec throughout the expansion. It was so enjoyable along with the utility glyphs brought. You could solo warbringers, tank world bosses with a turtle and a healer, and then your normal raid load out. Unsubbed in WoD since no content/no flying.

Currently hate my hunter. Hardly ever touch it. In fact its not even max level currently.


just cuz you had those abilities didnt mean you had to make it part of your rotation, they were flavor and special niche abilities that gave your class some fun utility.

Homogenized classes is a terrible direction to keep going in


the weird thing was that everyone at the time swore he was destroying the game and that things would get better if he’d just leave. most people here have no clue.


Yeah. Ghostcrawler was hated as much as Ion is now. Think people would have learned after that they only have so much say.

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It was not a guaranteed that variation from the bloat would create homogenisation.

Drop the binary perception. The classes could of been wildly varied. Though I’d love to see an abstract delineating it.

Its easy to glibly state x value is doable. Its another to actually do it.

It was the pvp side of things, back when Arena was extremely popular, thats what i remember. It was fair criticism but if we only knew what would replace him /sigh


Funny thing is I didn’t really have a problem with my classes that I played. Everything was fun until Legion came out and completely dumbed down classes to the point of everything having three buttons and having no depth.


Because MoP ended up run and gun. Everything ended up constantly moving.

But class homogenization was at an all time high in MoP. I thought people hated that.

except druids. Druids were definitely OP. And priests I guess.

Prot warriors were not a problem in arena.

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Didn’t rogues have some serious issues, especially early in the game? I’m sure I remember my roguey friends complaining about it.

I do remember my BM hunter stampede doing amazing dps, especially in pvp. Stampede now is pretty useless. And my destro warlock…man, those million dps critting Chaos Bolts. sigh

Whats arena got to do with it?

Arena is a minority of the overall population, the generalisations for player ability cover lfd to heroic raids.

Arena is a sad, sorry cousin hiding in the corner.

You’re not wrong but I’m trying to tell you prot warriors were fine lmao.