Can we revert back to MoP class design and go from there?

I generally haven’t had a class that I seriously enjoy playing since my demo lock in MoP. I enjoyed my combat rogue and frost mage in mop as well, but every class I leveled just felt and played differently and each felt unique.

Now, I have tried a bunch of different classes and specs but they all feel the same with 3 buttons to press and some just happen to do more damage than others. I am not sure what happened, but all this spec identity and class identity stuff blizzard did makes everything feel terrible. I really hope they have some big changes or some intent on possibly reverting back to design similar to the MoP days.


I’ve been wondering why dev’s don’t want to take this way of checking what classes made them better before.

The feedback is there always wasted.


You mean the last time classes actually felt fun to play? That would never happen. Too many buttons for the average WoW player.


MoP classes… mmm

I mainly skipped MoP.

What do I recall. Prot warriors with 2? aoe silences, an aoe fear, a cleave stun, an aoe bleed and threat builder, 1 ranged silence and 2 melee range silences, 2 gap closers a melee cleave, and 3? 4 defensive cooldowns.

Edit: I forgot the ranged single target stun.

Nope, nothing wrong with MoP.


it went downhill quick lol. I know ghostcrawler left and then it just was like a snowball that got bigger and bigger… every spec/class now is more of a “what is FOTM, and what color and animations do I want my 3 or 4 abilities that I will be pressing”


Well you skipped mop so you wouldn’t understand, but that didn’t matter. Every single class was viable and were OP in different areas. MoP had the approach of “if everything is OP, nothing is OP” classes were all flavorful and could do a little bit of everything. albeit, some did things better than others, but they all excelled in different spots. Demo was my most fun because meta was INSANELY fun to play. Along with being able to glyph in demon hunting and be a tank with these cool abilities that no other “actual tank” had at the time.


I said mainly, and the class skill bloat was discussed at length in these forums.

You were here, then, yes?

Sure they pruned, sure they cut too hard. But the bloat was real, and too complicated for any real form of comparison.

Prot warriors are poster children for this bloat in MoP

I would always prefer a complicated rotation to play than a 3 button rotation and banking on the devs to balance my abilities so I can be good at what I do.

They removed snapshotting which was by far one of the highest skill/reward payoffs in the game when you could snapshot your dots for a while and keep them rolling during procs and CDs, being able to play your rotation better than someone else was fun, but thats just in PvE. In PvP, there was so much room to counter anything, there was no “you lose to this class automatically” stuff. I dont think there was much bloat because right now in SL, I have a ton of buttons, but its all the same stuff, there is no difference. it isnt about the buttons, its about the core design as a whole and how its much more rock paper scissors than it used to be.

Getting rid of glyphs, removing stances, removing a bunch of baseline abilities and bringing them back in the form of talents and pvp talents and leaving you feeling gimped isnt right.


Surely you can see the long term value of removing things to slowly build them back up.

MoP was bloated. That was in consensus.

While carrying on as it was would of worked for awhile, and the excessive complication was at odds to the desire to monetise pvp. That complication was also fought against by the community, as some classes/specs dumped all over others in their sheer overwhelming skillset.

Meaning they would all have to have the same skillset, or loose stuff. Just to be comparative.

Again, this was all discussed. In General. During MoP.

It needed a reset.

nah, they destroyed classes, and they arent “building them back up” at all. everything is a shell of its former self, not only because “everything could do everything” in mop, but because the design as a whole is just boring and bland.

its one thing to remove abilities so things are bloated and everyone cant do everything, but its another to completely change the way a class plays and turn them all into simple builder/spender specs with different animations.


They would have to rehire the warlock dev Xal and admit being wrong, good luck on that one OP.


I agree. Dps is the most boring role to play.

But saying MoP was pinnacle is arguably wrong. Due to the aforementioned bloat.

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it still was the pinnacle. idc about the bloat. it was 10000% better than any other form of this game, especially the crap they give us the last 5 years as “new and cool”. maybe cata was even or a little ahead, but i didnt play much of cata.


Then play with me, project the outcomes if they continued on the path they were on.

Project the skillsets and conditional choices for a simple fight with an extra 3 abilities every xpac since MoP.

or another 9 more skills per class, and maybe 2 extra per spec.

Do you see the problem yet? How do you improve, what MoP was? Except by going backwards into vanilla style of some classes being so overpowered.
How would a 15 step rotation with 3 maintaince buffs be considered by the general population?
I sincerely doubt they would like it.

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They’re ‘unpruning’ some abilities and most of them aren’t even worthwhile to cast

See warlock with corruption as any spec other than aff. Having a cast time on it is horrible and not worth the gcd


I jist wrote a post about this on… blizzard have no idea what they are doing.


I would love if WW/MW was reverted back to MoP.
Most MW monks miss the MOP fistweaving. That was true fistweaving! We don’t have fistweaving anymore.
IDK how much WW would benefit from MOP revert tbh. WW plays really well atm but just doesn’t scale at all. I know a lot of WW would like tigerbrew back as well!

Monk class is a shell of its former self.


For starters, create a passive skill tree as the next progression. Leave the abilities and talent tree alone.

I’m sure if I can come up with one solution in a matter of seconds, developers could do the same. Let’s not pretend overhanded pruning was the only option to deal with bloat.


:slight_smile: What is done, and all that.

Would’nt a passive increase simply result in an equitable increase to mob damage/hp while dumping anyone playing catch up behind?

So Legion?

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