Can we remove layering?

OP must be on an empty server? Because our Stormwind is a cluttered mess of hundreds crawling over every inch, and then when you find a rogue to unlock a box, you join his group and get layered into ANOTHER Stormwind cluttered with hundreds of OTHER people. Its hilarious how many people are in the city at once across all Layers. Far more than any private server has ever seen thats for SURE.

And Im on Pagle, a PvE server man.

Don’t know. On a full pvp realm and I’ll never see more than 2 dozen people in SW at any point of the day. IF isn’t any better. It’s more dead. And it’s not exactly horde dominated.

Immediately noticed this on entering silverpine to begin advancing past level 13. I think that the design of layer could improve such that it is far more limited to only the zones where EVERYONE was originally crowded starting out. Areas to be sure lots of helpers and people to trade with or give help to are around.

The fact that server hardware can support more players has nothing to do with layering. The post you linked doesn’t say the word “layering” at all.

You are conflating two unrelated things because you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re literally so wrong that you can’t even tell what being wrong looks like.

It’s very simple logic: If layering increased server capacity, but layering got turned off, server capacity would be decreased. There are no plans to reduce server capacity, so layering doesn’t affect server capacity. Try using your brain for once.

Developers explaining the reason for layering.

Every single explanation you find will specifically state the reason for layering is to preserve the game play experience due to everyone starting the same area. Every single source says Layering will be turned off before Phase 2. When they said they increased server capacity three days ago, they didn’t say “We’re adding more layers” because that’s not what layers do.

I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you.

I see peoole everywhere at level 15. You must be higher lvl than most people


No thanks. I played on Nost’s launch and that was an awful experience. I haven’t noticed the world feeling less alive on any of the layering shards I’ve been on so far. Maybe I’ve just been lucky tho.

I’ve played on Herod, Westfall, and Rattlegore and there has always been tons of people everywhere. I’m really confused as to how people are saying they aren’t seeing anyone because of layering.

No dude… That will cause a tremendous caos the servers have 12 500 to 15 000 players active on classic and back on the day on vanilla the servers had 2500 - 3000 players

  • The zones will suffer a massive congestions instead of take 90 hours a lv 60 that will take us 180 hours for the competition “Sorry but i sell my time very high” i dont like lose that .

  • Blizzard can just add cooldowns changing layering, all cooldowns to mining, chests etc. To avoid people abuse of that

Who said layering will be gone by phase 2 ? and why?

Well…yeah…because if all 15k to 30k players were all within the same layer the game would become unstable and crash. It would not render the game in a playable state.

Uh, no? Layering was what allowed so many on the server to begin with…

You got it backwards my dude.

I haven’t really noticed a problem with it yet, still tons of people everywhere.

Each layer holds a certain amount of players. They put a cap on the number of layers allowed on each realm to cap the number of players.

If they increase the number of layers allowed on each realm, they increase the number of players who can login and play.

If necessary, they can add more servers to each realm to support even more layers.

I hope that clears things up for you.

That’s not how it works. At all.

A server is a physical object with a finite amount of space on it. A layer is a software solution for dividing the space available. Software cannot add more capacity. Only hardware can do that.

You’re basically claiming you can download more hard drive space. You can’t. Layering is like partitioning a hard drive. It might show up as a second drive, but the total storage volume is the same.

I’ll give you an example with made-up numbers.

Let’s say a server holds 10,000 people. 10,000 people all logging into Northshire and competing for wolves would be unplayable.

Layers split that server up. If they make 10 layers, then they put 1,000 people in each one. 1,000 people is far less terrible. The server is the same size, but you will only interact with 1/10th of the population during your play session.

Later on, the layers will be disabled as people spread out. If they go down to 5 layers, then each one has 2,000 people, but the server still has 10,000 players.

If Blizzard decided 1,000 people was unplayable, they could double the number of layers. That would mean you only interact with 500 people, but the total server population is still 10,000.

Layers make a larger server reasonable and playable, not possible.

I hope that clears things up for you.

Software (i.e. layer cap) is limiting how many players can login. If they increase the layer cap (i.e. software limit), more people can play on each realm.

If the layer cap exceeds what the hardware can handle, they can add more servers to each realm.

I’m convinced you’re just a troll. I’ve explained it to a degree beyond what is necessary for any sapient life form.

If you still don’t understand, then I feel bad for anyone who chooses to interact with you.

You’re the one resorting to insults.


More layers = More players can login and play on each realm. If necessary, add more servers to each realm to handle the additional layers.

Here’s the thing, that would indeed cure the problem now, but what happens when Blizzard removes the extra layers - as they’ve repeatedly promised to do - in a couple of months?

We will have tens of thousands of players in a server meant for about 3,000.

Well you say that, but i played on nost during 24k peaks and other than the issue with chinese players and ping, it was perfectly playable.

This notion that they cant handle it physically is incorrect. They dont want to handle it, because they worry the extreme competition will turn players off.

For me, all i want to know is how extreme it would be, because at this point i think its a safe bet to try.

You’re crazy…I don’t like layering either but it’s MANDATORY right now with all the people…questing would SUCK without it at the moment dude…smh

Your personal experience does not render my statement false. During those peak times many issues would result including server crashes. That would be worse.